General Discussion > Forum Suggestions

Chat rooms

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--- Quote from: Footy on March 02, 2007, 08:15:52 PM ---i love a good discution

--- End quote ---

Spelling nazi!   :roll:

wot is rong with his spellin?

u tryin 2 make a point?

How about #SA-Firefighter on freenode?

By the looks of the resukts on the poll and the comments, I have thought of something that could be looked at.

I am no computer nerd and so do not know how one would go about adding a chatroom to the site, any suggestions.

What type of restrictions do people think there should be on using a chat room on SAFF, ie. members only?

Ha ha, its those annoying acronyms again - I just thought to myself "what has the South Australian Farmers Federation have to do with this??"

We could start a Yahoo/ICQ/MSN Messenger chat, on a certain night or time? That's the simplest way I guess. Some of us already have a chat link on our profiles. I've found with other chats for groups that I'm part of that Yahoo is a bit temperamental, but MSN has not had the same problems.


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