Age of RCR FF's/SES Personal? Interesting. I am not a member of SES or CFS, and in my employment have been to plenty of MVA's but so far no fatal ones (like to keep it that way, as been close).
There are some good points from both views (under 18 or over 18), but I would have to say 18yo as a minimum.
For one, a lot of MVA's that we (emergency services) attend involve young people, especially in hills and country regions, and the last thing anyone want's do be doing (besides a major mva or trauma in first place) is attending an mva where they know the patient(s), and for a 16yo to be attending to a friend or classmate of same age would be horrific, as dealing with their death (without being at the incident) will be hard enough.
I also have to agree with Gilly on the legal view point, although I am not sure how something like that would stand up in court, but it is worth noting.
But I suppose, given the role as a FFer etc, what's not to say a 16yo is not going to attend a house fire or car fire or bush/scrub fire where there is not serious injuries or even deaths? Maybe 18yo should be the minimum, maybe not.
I know I have kinda contraindicated myself, but a good debate point maybe.
However, I think it is fantastic that cadets and 16yo's are involved in community organisations such as CFS/SES and not to forget SLSC's as pulling someone from the water and dealing with incidents on the beach can be full on as well. It is a pity more youngsters (gee I feel old using that word now) are not involved in community organisations. It allows great character building and you gain valuable life skills, and keeps you out of trouble.
Anyway, only my views, I guess I can not make a clear decision on which side of fence I sit.
Catch Ya