I think we need to keep complaining, some of the mistakes they are making are just them being dumb and useless.
How many times I have heard people ask for an upgrade and it either never happened or they asked 10 mins later if they still need to page an upgrade.
Some of the shifts in there just seem to have no idea and unlikely they ever will, you can pick it, some shifts are great and you have no problem getting what you want, then others its like pulling teeth, some days you hear what shift is on and you may as well do it yourself. MFS agreed to take this role on, its been nearly 6 months, even a monkey could work it out, if the monkey cared and could be bothered learning.
Yes this might seem harsh, but c'mon MFS, pull your socks up, if you don't understand something, ask, and for god sake IF A BRIGADE ASKS FOR AN UPGRADE, DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!! We don't ask just coz we can, 10 mins or so later is not good enough, and THERE IS NO EXCUSE, I don't want to hear "oh we are to busy" just do it ! God, we never had these excuses from the old SOCC staff, they had 2 people and were flat out but they managed to do it, its called managing your prioritys.
But I also want to add that the vols need to do the right thing to, we were issued SOP 10.14, follow it !! Even if we might not agree to it, if we are all reading off the same page then we might have a leg to stand on with our complaints towards MFS. You hear so many people doing it 10 different ways, no wonder they get confused.
This might seem a change of tune to some on my behalf, but I was prepared to give the guys and gals in there some time, but it seems to actually be getting worse not better, in private industry, they give employees time to get used to a role, but after 6 months the manager would be giving them a "don't come monday" , there is no difference here.
End rant (that feels better)