From what we where told on the Saturday after the storm, they think that the roller door on the left of the above picture gave in to the 150-200kmh winds. When that happened the wind got in and pushed the walls and roof off from the inside. The roller door that blew in was the parking spot for Karoonda Car 1. Karoonda Car 1, 24 and 24 where all undamaged from the event. The shed was built within the last few years to withstand a cat 5 storm.
That is the information that we where given or found out during the initial responce and the many trips to Karoonda since, and with one more trip up due Friday we might yet find out more.
Also, when I was up there today, the shed had not been fixed yet just made safe. I am unsure where the trucks are being held at the momment.
Some more pics from the Salvos and Sturt SES.