Author Topic: Future Technology in the Fire Service  (Read 6699 times)

Offline Cameron Yelland

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Future Technology in the Fire Service
« on: March 06, 2008, 06:42:39 PM »

What technology would you like to see introduced into the service in the future?  Whether or not it exists doesnt matter - be inventful.  Just give a good reason as why this would be a benefit to the service and justifiable to spend money on.

One thought i had was pagers being able to transmit an acknowledgement to your station & comms so the brigade knew who was responding.  It would also speed up defaults.  If comms could see after 1 min or 30 seconds that only 2 people had acknowledged the pager response then they could page the default brigade.

It would mean quicker responses also as you wouldnt have to wait around once you knew you had everyone that was coming. Im not sure if this technology is available at all or if it is even possible or what the cost would be to the service but i believe it would be a great benefit to the service.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 07:16:49 PM »
Decent Trucks

Decent BA sets, perhaps Drager/MSA sets with increased functionality and 6.8L carbon fibre cylinders.

Better radios, to do away with the VHF/GRN. Just the one handset that can use both GRN and Simplex

Canvas hose, perhaps with the fluro lighting strips.

The European engineered backpack + water gun that fires bursts of water droplets - akin to gas cooling.

I like the pager idea. Perhaps also a teleprinter system at the station so any further information can be sent to the station in hard copy, rather than over the phone.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

Offline Zippy

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2008, 07:17:57 PM »
id like some old tech thanks,  Just a Mobile communications terminal thanks...using the Bigpond NextG wireless network *cough* it'll crash anyhow :P.

Be able to tap Acknowledge on the screen, while Adelaide Fire prints a big 24pt Impact Font'ed  "Roger Out" on the screen ;).

Book mobile, On Scene, Stop called returning to station, etcc....

It'd lessen the work required for communications, and be able to put more mind and effort into the real work.

Offline 6739264

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2008, 07:19:48 PM »
MDT's are coming big boy, don't worry about that.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

Offline Zippy

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2008, 07:24:18 PM »
ha ha ha, dont kid with me mate.  :wink:

dont tell me,  its part of SACAD :P   All bow down to SACAD.  :evil:

Offline 6739264

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2008, 07:35:54 PM »
Hey, SACAD will apparently fix that rash I have... down there...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

Offline Katrina

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2008, 08:04:08 PM »
I think they are just playing with you!
If you think they can fix that rash I have a salt mine I'd like to sell you! :-D
Wattle Range

Offline Crownie24

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2008, 09:39:49 PM »
Well this sounds interesting i might just input my 2cents:
1/ A helmet that has a HUD (Heads up display) that can seek out hot spots and overlay them over what we see visually onto the helmet visor....(some might refer to that as making work for ourselves) but if it helps to stop re-ignition i'd like could be referred to as a more practical thermo camera...I may try and do this for a uni project one day :)

2/ A GPS in the truck that points us in the right direction knowing local dirt roads town names, property names and local nicknames (in some cases for non-locals)..(This is partially fancifull because who is going to log that Bob. J. Tmart also goes by the name Robbo....) and possibly a designated satellite like the sentinel satellite that tells us the size of the fire, the rate of spread of the fire, the direction of spread of the fire, the fdi at the location, predicted fire area and location of the front at the time of arrival (using real time information not shoddy weather predictions from the BOM).

3/ A giant air bag on the truck that in the event the truck tips to an unsafe angle inflates and cushions everyone...(And is soft like a pillow...) ;)

4/ Strong light fireproof boots that are as comfortable as slippers...and easy to put on in a hurry...because ive no skin on my fingers when i finally get them on...and they loosen up after a while....

5/ Finally seeings as were on unlikely and fanciful things I'd like to suggest a new station for Hamley Bridge because they NEED a new one! Brigades that do 2 incidents a year have better stations than they do...but thats political and reserved for another thread...

Its funny being the 21st century and all you'd think we would have a far out way of stopping fires with insanely high tech stuff on it...mind you they thought we'd be driving flying cars by now..though when it comes to a big fire no amount of technology will stop it, except a man in funny clothes doing a rain dance...

Offline bittenyakka

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2008, 08:00:16 AM »
that's it numbers
lets push for better BA gear

Talking of better BA sets what would a new good MSA set cost?

Offline mack

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2008, 09:07:51 AM »
MDT's are coming big boy, don't worry about that.


Offline Alan J

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2008, 04:08:18 AM »

What technology would you like to see introduced into the service in the future?  Whether or not it exists doesnt matter - be inventful.  Just give a good reason as why this would be a benefit to the service and justifiable to spend money on.

Something like the In-Vehicle Information System (IVIS) that various militaries have. It's an interactive mapping system. Each vehicle has GPS & data uplink & down-links. Info is displayed in map form on a colour LCD screen with various data layers able to be turned on/off.  Each vehicle commander can input data such as where the fire edge is & its status, plus their ID & position. Probably a stylus & touch-screen would be the way to go.  This info is processed & re-broadcast to all vehicles as well as to IC/IMT, Region &/ SHQ.
Field logistical requests such as tank refills, fuel, chainsaw specialists, etc can be made as data transactions - reduces radio voice traffic & reduces chances of things being forgotten. eg 6 appliances call for more water from the tanker in the space of 10 minutes. Tanker OIC can see where each requester is, can plan their order of refilling according to location & urgency, & notify requester of ETA. Appliance commander can see where tanker is & ETA, & not clutter radio with repeated "where are you & how long will it be?"

Reduced voice comms network load & relaying delays.
Better logging of what, where & when.
Each level of command can see their little part in the big picture & act accordingly.

Each appliance OIC can warn & be warned of hazards to crews & public before impact.
Each appliance commander can share their on-the-spot knowledge instantly with all levels of the command structure.

The IC/IMT has a live map of where the fire is & what it is doing, AND knows exactly where all vehicles are & what they are doing. 
IC/IMT can direct units to where they are needed & warn them of developing hazards. 
IC/IMT can get a handle on a fire & make realistic decisions on resources & etc far earlier in a fire than at present.

Region & State DO's can know in near real time what is happening instead of wasting everybody's time with pesky telephone calls.
SHQ/Region can make better decisions on notifications & involvement in near real-time, rather than the built-in delays of cascaded info passing.

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2008, 05:31:22 PM »
Well this sounds interesting i might just input my 2cents:
1/ A helmet that has a HUD (Heads up display) that can seek out hot spots and overlay them over what we see visually onto the helmet visor....(some might refer to that as making work for ourselves) but if it helps to stop re-ignition i'd like could be referred to as a more practical thermo camera...I may try and do this for a uni project one day :)

Geeze, I'd just settle with just getting TIC's to select brigades. Far more versatile, but no, regions need them for RURAL work.... morons...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

Offline Crownie24

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2008, 06:03:22 PM »
Yes no I agree a TIC for each brigade would be nice, its also wishful thinking perhaps we should rename this thread wishful thinking? Then all sorts of amazing things might happen lol....

Offline JC

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2008, 01:10:20 PM »
I think we should start with the basics, BAs cylinders need to be upgraded, i think the sets are ok for the time being but in saying that i think we need masks with inbuilt mics / earphone, TICs maybe not for every brigade but strategical placed within groups.

Now lets go overboard
Better trucks for EMA brigades that will be called upon to do COQ in MFS area with those trucks having Rapid Intervention Gear , BA seats, TICs, Basic Hazmat Gear, MDTs, every EMA brigade member trained in RCR/HAZMAT/BA/CFB.

Way out there in to the future and quite stupid really but here goes,
Robots that we can control from outside a structure to do Primary S&R & structure integrity checks. I like the heads up display idea let do it, Trucks built out of the same material that the space shuttle is made out of, with remote monitors, 5000ltr tanks so we can tackle fire fronts head on and not get burned. Laser cutters for RCR, Closed circuit BAs that we can wear for hours but the air doesn't get that filtered hot that you feel like you have been in a burnover (yes im talking to you drager BG4) and now im going to wake up and come back to reality.

How does that song go DREAMER, NOTHING BUT A DREAMER......
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2008, 01:38:14 PM »
I think we should start with the basics, BAs cylinders need to be upgraded, i think the sets are ok for the time being but in saying that i think we need masks with inbuilt mics / earphone, TICs maybe not for every brigade but strategical placed within groups.

Now lets go overboard
Better trucks for EMA brigades that will be called upon to do COQ in MFS area with those trucks having Rapid Intervention Gear , BA seats, TICs, Basic Hazmat Gear, MDTs, every EMA brigade member trained in RCR/HAZMAT/BA/CFB.

Way out there in to the future and quite stupid really but here goes,
Robots that we can control from outside a structure to do Primary S&R & structure integrity checks. I like the heads up display idea let do it, Trucks built out of the same material that the space shuttle is made out of, with remote monitors, 5000ltr tanks so we can tackle fire fronts head on and not get burned. Laser cutters for RCR, Closed circuit BAs that we can wear for hours but the air doesn't get that filtered hot that you feel like you have been in a burnover (yes im talking to you drager BG4) and now im going to wake up and come back to reality.

How does that song go DREAMER, NOTHING BUT A DREAMER......

Images are copyright

Offline Crownie24

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #15 on: March 10, 2008, 01:47:56 PM »
I like it :)

Offline Robert-Robert34

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2008, 11:50:51 AM »
Decent Trucks

Decent BA sets, perhaps Drager/MSA sets with increased functionality and 6.8L carbon fibre cylinders.

Better radios, to do away with the VHF/GRN. Just the one handset that can use both GRN and Simplex

Canvas hose, perhaps with the fluro lighting strips.

The European engineered backpack + water gun that fires bursts of water droplets - akin to gas cooling.

I like the pager idea. Perhaps also a teleprinter system at the station so any further information can be sent to the station in hard copy, rather than over the phone.

Sounds like you have been watching too much of Fireman Sam on tv  :roll: :-P
Kalangadoo Brigade

Offline bajdas

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Re: Future Technology in the Fire Service
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2008, 05:02:31 PM »

What technology would you like to see introduced into the service in the future?  Whether or not it exists doesnt matter - be inventful.  Just give a good reason as why this would be a benefit to the service and justifiable to spend money on.

Something like the In-Vehicle Information System (IVIS) that various militaries have. It's an interactive mapping system. Each vehicle has GPS & data uplink & down-links. Info is displayed in map form on a colour LCD screen with various data layers able to be turned on/off.  Each vehicle commander can input data such as where the fire edge is & its status, plus their ID & position. Probably a stylus & touch-screen would be the way to go.  This info is processed & re-broadcast to all vehicles as well as to IC/IMT, Region &/ SHQ.
Field logistical requests such as tank refills, fuel, chainsaw specialists, etc can be made as data transactions - reduces radio voice traffic & reduces chances of things being forgotten. eg 6 appliances call for more water from the tanker in the space of 10 minutes. Tanker OIC can see where each requester is, can plan their order of refilling according to location & urgency, & notify requester of ETA. Appliance commander can see where tanker is & ETA, & not clutter radio with repeated "where are you & how long will it be?"

Reduced voice comms network load & relaying delays.
Better logging of what, where & when.
Each level of command can see their little part in the big picture & act accordingly.

Each appliance OIC can warn & be warned of hazards to crews & public before impact.
Each appliance commander can share their on-the-spot knowledge instantly with all levels of the command structure.

The IC/IMT has a live map of where the fire is & what it is doing, AND knows exactly where all vehicles are & what they are doing. 
IC/IMT can direct units to where they are needed & warn them of developing hazards. 
IC/IMT can get a handle on a fire & make realistic decisions on resources & etc far earlier in a fire than at present.

Region & State DO's can know in near real time what is happening instead of wasting everybody's time with pesky telephone calls.
SHQ/Region can make better decisions on notifications & involvement in near real-time, rather than the built-in delays of cascaded info passing.


The software does exist and has been demonstrated here. Unknown if any interest in Defence or Government circles.

Can be implemented in partial form (input from Call Receipt & Dispatch and CRIIMSON) or fully integrated (eg seen a copy where live feed from a camera on top of the Field Command gave commanders a view of the incident) which can include links to public transport timetables.

Have a look at and It is an advanced graphical front-end for all of the information that exists on computer systems, so you have one area to look at for everything going on.

As an aside, interesting website for the City of Anaheim which states that residents need to be self-sufficent for 72 hours of a disaster.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.

