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Favorite movie line of all time!

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So whats your favorite line from a movie?

On any Saturday night in a pub somewhere one of the classic lines from the Blues Brothers gets played out as someone who's round of drinks it is to buy, looks from mate to mate and says "orange whip, orange whip, orange whip ,3 orange whips" :-D

SA Firey:
I'll show you a firetruck :lol:

I like the line in "I robot" "sorry, i'm allergic to bulls***"

And many out of the original star wars trilogy.

A famous Mae West quip, “Is that a pistol in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”...She made this remark in February 1936, at the railway station in Los Angeles upon her return from Chicago, when a Los Angeles police officer was assigned to escort her home.[5] She first delivered the line on film in She Done Him Wrong, and again to George Hamilton in her last movie, Sextette. It is one of the most quoted lines in movie history.[citation needed]

Another line allegedly seducing a prospective boyfriend: "My left leg is Christmas; my right leg is Easter; why don't you come up and visit me between the holidays?"

Likewise, “When I'm good, I'm very good. When I'm bad, I'm better”, from I'm No Angel, is generally quoted with its original, faintly disreputable meaning.....


Hey bajdas, they got these movies reaaaal special like nowadays im hearing, their calling em coloured movies, see if you can catch one :-D
The oldies are always the best ,........apart from the newies


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