General Discussion > Women of the Fire Industry

"Female Firefighters" vs Firefighters in the Media

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Alan (Big Al):
Yeah it's pretty tough on him because he just got married and had a daughter but good support and he pulled through well in a tough time for our brigade.

As far as i'm concerned female FF's are the same as males yuo get your good ones and the ones that don't do so well, just like every other service, but without them this service would be up the proverbial creek.

To continue taking this off the rails, a 19 year old captain. Good grief. Nice to know their Yellow/red hat gives us white hats orders on the fire ground.

bit of a worry, when you consider he would have had a maximum of three years operational experience... not too sure how id feel about that, but on the other hand, i dont know the bloke...

Alan (Big Al):
It was 19 or 20, but as people said if you know what your doing and have the respect of your brigade and group and you have good support from your officers, why not?? I've heard of an 18 yr old brigade captain...

I'm the oldest of the officers in our brigade at 26, the older people in our brigade with experience didn't want to be very involved with the brigade operationally so the younger people had to step up.

I know a guy who used to be a captain of a fairly busy brigade in his early 20's


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