Technical Discussion > Hypotheticals

car vs truck

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--- Quote from: jaff on November 18, 2008, 10:53:29 PM ---Is the initial rescue resource, a heavy rescue?
Do we need a specialist chainsaw operator to clear rescue area?
Who invented Liquid Soap & why?

--- End quote ---

Oh but Mr. Jaff No such thing as heavy rescue!

Negative on the tree felling

Its just like who invented solid jelly and WHY?

What is ETA for SAAS ?

Whats the ETA on SAPOL for investigation, resource co-ordination and traffic control?

even tho ya in the country, a truck rollover looks to be a extended clean up, get SAPOL moving to eventually take over scene control, cause you dont want to be standing around doing nothing for ages ;)


lets say it is 0015 and july, truck driver is trapped and car driver is to and a passenger in the back seat of the car is as well.

lets say you can find a sign that has UNNO 1037 (and i can't give you the rest because i can't find it  :-() and some liquid is leaking from the truck but you don't know what.

the call came through SAPOL and was from a bystander who has now left
SAAS are <5 min out Sapol are much the same as far as we know.

UN 1037 > Chloroethane;  Flammable Gas or Refridgerated Liquid.

Respond 2 Hazmat Brigades and due to confirmed leak, respond the state hazmat support vehicle, Burnside.

To get spill containment moving along, request local council support to deliever a load of Dirt/Sand. Awaiting Hazmat crew's to begin containment, testing and normalisation.

Hazchem code will mostly lead to using Splash suits, unless theres a combination of liquids causing off-gasing.


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