all night?'re worrying me son
I worry a lot of people, my brain lacks that little 'shut off' function.
sorry, was under the influence of tiredness yesterday at work.... Well refering the Rolled/Bowled > Dutch rolling of 38's and 64's for urban use (or flaked when possible..not possible for me yet ) and saying Fixed length inregards to the length of the hoselay...generally its two lengths? and thats enough?
It all depends, there is not hard and fast, or 'fixed' rule. If you pull up to a standard house in the suburbs, and the front door is meters away from the road, then yes, 2 lengths of 38mm will get you into and around all of that house, but how often is that the case outside of the suburbs? In the hills you have driveways that the trucks can't fit down, long driveways etc etc...
We all need to be able to adapt and get out of thinking that there is a set way to do anything, there are so many variables!
Numbers, in regards to Scrub fire about Lightining fire attack? and saying u have to go 4 lengths into a scrubie area (commonly known as cleland).
Lightning fire attack? As in needing to get into a small fire started by lighning? or a form of Blitzkrieg? I'll go with the former. I don't know what your usual rural drill was, but we're getting our hosereel to work and then adding lengths off the end of that, if need be. Yeah dropping a roll of hose in scrub can be a pain some times, but thats what the downhilll slope is for, drop and run!
I can understand some of what you are saying though and yes the manner in which the hose can be dropped on the ground and run out is good, but you often don't have areas in scrub to take 30m of hose and run with it straight out.
All in all, I just get worried when I see people doing a course and going "wow this is awesome, lets use it for ALL these purposes" its a case of having a small amount of information and training and then taking it and using for things that it's not meant to be used for. A small amount of information is a very dangerous thing sometimes. I think that plantation strategies are great... for plantation fires, but I don't want to see people getting to work with 38mm lines and breaching pieces in scrub, it's a totally different ball game.