Technical Discussion > Compartment Fire Behaviour

Fire Tactics

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Good times:
Well its interesting what you did before doing CFB training and what you do now, its scary!!

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has come across and information or studies comparing CAFS and Compartment Fire Behaviour Techniques? I've looked through the Fire Tactics page and found nothing really descript about CAFS. If any of you have had experiences with both please let me know!


Good times:
That would be interesting, you would think that the foam might stuff up the water but then again it might help, not sure, might be an interesting excersize to get Blackwood CAFS to be the pump for a compatment course and see what it does.

After reading through a few articles I have found that a NZ university has done quite an extensive trial comparing CAFS, Class A foam and Water in controlled structural burns for a study and the findings were reasonable non conclusive. In saying that it was noted that CAFS offered better cooling in most situations, which I found interesting as I thought CAFS would extinguish, but not offer that water run off which I think would cool better.

I would like to see some trials done with this technology as there are a few CAFS unit popping up now, most are for rural appliance (Beliar 14, Bradbury 14 and Morph Vale 14), but the Blackwood set might prove its worth with a trial. The concern I have is that CAFS is more efficient with a Smooth Bore Nozzle offering a jet/stream of CAFS, but powercone and fan pattern offer somewhat better firefighter protection.

Good times:
Interesting, straight bore nozzles are a worry, I have heard that some American departments have gone back to pure straight bore, as they don't understand, or want to understand, compartment fire.


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