Technical Discussion > ALL Rescue

Dash Roll with B pillar removed.

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wow've done a fantastic job in resurecting 100 year old posts that had long since died a death,....have u been keeping Walt company for a year or so?

The main issue with chains is the inspection after use and annual testing.In a detailed letter from a manufacture they stated the testing process for chains is not conclusive and relates to the loads the chains have been exposed too. Chains for steering have been fazed out for some time as stated earlier due to adjustable steering columns, because a catastrophic chain failure would result in fragments flying everywhere. Whereas a dash roll/ lift using spreaders pushing the dash away and is backed up by the addition of wedges into the relief cut. Then if the tool fails the dash only returns and rests on the last wedge. 


--- Quote from: Big Yellow Gongbeater on November 03, 2010, 08:48:37 AM ---Jeez "numbers" its been 65 years since WWII. In case you haven't noticed chains and your beloved air chisel have been relegated to the history of URAR. Get with the times, or get out.

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You're obviously not too well read with regard to the "History of URAR". Go grab a book one day - you might learn something!

I can do more with chains and a 'chisel than you can with your SACFS issued hydraulics!

--- Quote from: drmz on November 03, 2010, 07:26:44 PM ---The main issue with chains is the inspection after use and annual testing.In a detailed letter from a manufacture they stated the testing process for chains is not conclusive and relates to the loads the chains have been exposed too. Chains for steering have been fazed out for some time as stated earlier due to adjustable steering columns, because a catastrophic chain failure would result in fragments flying everywhere. Whereas a dash roll/ lift using spreaders pushing the dash away and is backed up by the addition of wedges into the relief cut. Then if the tool fails the dash only returns and rests on the last wedge. 

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The testing and inspection is a very fair point, and as much as testing link size and shape is good to a point, its hardly foolproof.

So, if you're not happy winching the steering column, how about winching the whole dash?

Also, how do you pack wedges into a Dash Lift?

Its interesting to see people condemning ideas to the point of becoming far too narrow minded with rescue operations. Any Rescue incident is merely an exercise in lateral thinking, not the application of a handful of poor FGP's.


--- Quote ---...Any Rescue incident is merely an exercise in lateral thinking, not the application of a handful of poor FGP's.
--- End quote ---


hooray - there are firies out there who use the practical application of theories in a relative yet appropriate contextual thought pattern of problem-solving!

can someone please turn it into a virus??....there's about 20 000 more of you who may or may not need it (yes...mets included!!)

last time I made a suggestion, the guy with the cutters looked at me blankly for about half a minute....and then called over the senior who had to explain it to him in small sentences....


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