Technical Discussion > ALL Rescue


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Interesting comments, I guess some people can only comment about the patch they live in and see. I am not sure how you could make a decision about all three services without seeing most of them in action (which would be impossible)
I have seen a few country SES units which do a great job. The CFS has a few brigades which train almost weekly. The MFS has a few good shifts which do fantastic job.
On the other side you can find some very average units, brigades and 1 shift which has no idea about the “T” word (training)

Next we will be taking about which service can but rubbish fires out the best

No offense Pixie, but your comparing 1 MFS rescue, to a couple CFS brigades. I have been to crashes were that same MFS station has used the spreaders to break the glass, no stabilisation, and hadn't heard of cross ramming. So its horses for courses.
I have also worked with some CFS brigades that have done more cutouts than most people could ever dream of, the 1 year I spent with Mt Barker gave me the most ideas and skills in the whole time I have had RCR. They do a lot of work up there (we won't mention CFS treat them like crap).

Oh well, won't be long and you will have another MFS rescue very close by to work with  :-D


--- Quote from: Darren on November 27, 2009, 09:17:34 AM ---
Oh well, won't be long and you will have another MFS rescue very close by to work with  :-D

--- End quote ---

Rumour ?....Fact ?....Fiction ?....Fishin ?

You know I only deal in facts, pretty sure they can see the new station from their station  :-)


--- Quote ---Rumour ?....Fact ?....Fiction ?....Fishin ?
--- End quote ---

Nothing new about MFS putting a rescue pump at Seaford, it has been on the cards for at least the last year or so - even though it only became 'official' a couple of months ago. The new rescue boundaries will be interesting, might fill a few gaps out to the east where there is a bit of hole in coverage at the moment.

We stopped in at the station yesterday on the way back from a job, looks good. I would say 4 to 6 weeks an it will be occupied.


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