Hi all - just completed the "Drive Vehicles under Operational Conditions" & it was response driving (not 4x4 driving)in mainly city areas. And we were told Respond (Priority 1) lights & sirens that's it! - Proceed (Pri 2) lights no sirens obey all road rules as exemption does not apply. After much heated debate, individuals said they would use their discretion. Interestingly all of the video footage was taken from the cabs of ambulances & appliances going "full noise" in city environments (Sydney). I could attach the policy & training documents for your info, but sadly it would breach the confidentiality conditions attached to those docs
Overall it was a fantastic course & I wish I had done it years ago! Realised that some of the things I did in the past weren't quite right! It is a pity that other states don't adopt the trg package & those who do it already take the 4x4 component out (& put it in a separate course) and do more of the response bit! There was bit of lectures, lots of discussion & lots of practical driving through simulated traffic problems - a real eye openner(refer to comments re: past behaviours
Anyway I know this was a CFS/SAAS thing, but thought I would throw my 2 cents worth in.
cheers - see you in another 3 months