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Closed or Open Circuit Breathing Apparatus(CCBA/SCBA)

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Closed circuit BA's have there uses and they are good at them! But they are not ideal for quick entry limited duration jobs.

Look at the initial $$$ to buy them, then maintain them, testing and recommissioning after use!

Use them a few times and you will be turned off them quick smart  :lol:

Just a few comments on the easier breathing... even with the sets that have inbuilt ice canister after a few hours of work the air is really hot to breath!

Faster deployment hmmm i would disagree, 3 checks with OCBA, to be confident with a CCBA over 10 checks would be good!

How does Open circuit BA increase CO2 buildup. Exhaled air is spent to atmosphere, so you keep breathing a normal atmosphere of air with each inhaled breath of air.

If you would like me to provide more detail re OC /CC BA let me know!


thrill seeker:
The company labzone has acquire the rights to distribute the closed cicuit rebreather in africa. For more information on the unit go to

We supply good quality products to the african market. My engaging is to understand the challenges that you face and try help people that put their lives at risk on a daily bases.

I see this as a start to an interesting journey. I am a scuba instructor and use a rebreather. I see the advantages for diving.....I am not comparing diving to fire fighting but merely looking at the benefits rebreather have to offer.

The cost would be in the region of +/- R100 000. I am still working on the final costings.

Please feel free to add any further information of cc/oc breathing apparatus an or stuff that would make firefighters lives easier.

Thank you for all the responses.


--- Quote from: thrill seeker on March 15, 2010, 11:49:36 PM ---.....the rights to distribute the closed cicuit rebreather in africa. ......
The cost would be in the region of +/- R100 000......

--- End quote ---

If you have the rights in Africa, then I assume you do not in Australia ?

I know the internet is world-wide, but I believe the majority of people on this forum are in Australia.

The forum title is for South Australia not South Africa. What is the relevance of advertising African currency prices ?

Alan (Big Al):
Probably because he didnt check whether SA stood for South Africa or South Oz first :lol:

thrill seeker:
The objective of the post was to assist me understand the challenges you face. The advertising was a response to a question asked by one of the forum members. Just to let u know there is an Australian office which may assist with the biopak.

I am still looking for further information about oc/cc. Any inputs would be valuable.

If it offends the members that I am south African, I can leave this forum. I thought that a forum was about information/experiencing sharing,irrespective of location.

Kind Regards


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