General Discussion > SASES

Queensland floods

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--- Quote from: 6739264 on January 15, 2011, 10:56:32 AM ---
--- Quote from: misterteddy on January 14, 2011, 02:41:43 PM ---wow....hope they are USAR, Compartment, Hazmat, RCR and Swiftwater qualified, wouldnt want them getting in the way

--- End quote ---

God forbid you try to ensure you send trained crew up as part of an Angency's response.

There is nothing stopping anyone signing up at and going up of their own accord.

--- End quote ---

6739264 that is true however you can't just go all willy nilly and head right over there you've got to wait for a phone call from one of the agencies coordinating the recovery/clean up effort amd they decide where you are placed 

Congratulations to the Queensland and other members of the public volunteering to assist cleanup. Great to see local people helping each other and not wanting glory for doing it.


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