Hmmmm... lots of negativity about group comms getting involved early & taking the response & arrival messages & passing them on to Adelaide Fire.
Personally, I think it a Good Thing, but requires Groups to be rather organised.
Picture this for Regions 1 & 2 especially...
1 x AdFire dispatcher for each regional TG.
1st alarm grassy on an FDI>50 day response is 4 appliances (4 stations)
All 4 (or more) appliances need to send acknowledge, responding & arrival messages.
They will be trying to do this at about the same time as each other.
Escalate it to 4rd alarm because the responding appliances can see Big Smoke.
Now there are 16+ appliances (plus tankers & Group cars) all simultaneously trying to acknowledge, respond and arrive on the single Regional TG to a single AdFire dispatcher...
Now, light a second fire.
Another 4+ appliances trying to do same. On the same TG.
Hellooooo... congestion.
Now, what happens when, due to congested TG, some of those appliances miss their ack or resp targets & are deemed to have defaulted ?
Answer: respond some MORE appliances. ON THE SAME TG...
Then, when a fire has become huge, and the Regional TG is choked solid handling major incident stuff, another job comes in - respond rubbish bin fire... now some poor bunny is trying to cut into high level incident management traffic 3 times to report ack, resp & arr.
IF they can get air-time, I predict they'll be about as welcome as pork at a Bar Mitzvah.
Methinks The Plan sucketh. Mightily.
No disputing that AdFire need to track resources.
I don't think individual appliances on the Regional TG is the best way to do it. It doesn't scale up from small incidents very well at all.
Better for Group comms to handle appliance traffic & pass messages by phone or aggregation to AdFire ( Oodnawoopwoop34, Blackhole24 and Louisville34 responding INC123. Out.) The short delay is undesirable, but better than causing AdFire comms melt-down before an incident has time to get properly disorganised.
Ideal would be some form of data transfer - pager message / email / instant message / facebook - at least until we get in-cab terminals anyway. (I think they're budgeted for sometime in the 29th century.)
As for the new response zones & lists - so far, I likes them.
We are off at one corner of our group, bordering 2 other groups.
Already we are responding with them across boundaries where previously,
response would have been kept in-group. Both ways. This is a Good Thing.