Technical Discussion > HAZMAT

Mercury '05

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Affirm to the 24P's question I believe.

Wagon 1:
The reason no COQ for the city until later was the fact SAMFS had 2 spare pumpers running from Stn 20, but they used the 2 CFS trucks later as they had multiple Hazmat calls on, so they had nothing left Hazmat wise, in fact they had not much left full stop!!

Also the reason they keep using those brigades is the fact they are the brigades that will respond to those incidents, also I understand Oakbank is a CBR brigade.

Are they going to release a statement or 'result' as such, on the Mercury training ??

Would be nice to know about what improvements could be made, what went well, what didn't, etc etc.


--- Quote from: CFS_fire32 on October 23, 2005, 03:55:39 PM ---What about Stirling and Eden Hills?

I was a little disappointed that other HAZMAT brigades (particularly those in Region 1) weren't given the opportunity to take part - at least for one of the days.

Let's face it, if something does go down, there will be HAZMAT brigades flooding in left, right and centre from all around the state.

--- End quote ---

got to leave some HAZMAT resources available for the real thing

besides i think the only brigades involved were from region 1... burnside, athelstone and oakbank/balhannah.... actually i cant remember if oakbank/balhannah are region 1 or 2... lol

It would have been nice to see all of the major hospitals in adelaide do a Mass Decon excercise at some point over the three days. So far our brigade has never been to our assigned hospital, trips that were planned got cancelled. Would have been a great oppourunity to get to practice the setups at the correct place.


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