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In for life

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I meant that as a bit of a joke  :-D

personally i wish we could do more burns as it is an effective means of reducing fire danger

Sure would be nice if we could do some more or do any kind of burn but the green people wont allow us too.....

SA Firey:

--- Quote from: 6739264 on October 19, 2007, 03:46:44 PM ---
--- Quote from: rescue5271 on October 19, 2007, 07:59:37 AM ---It was a burnt that went wrong,could happen to any one just shows you you should never under estimate the scrub and the weather....

--- End quote ---

Not really. Its a pretty common theme for NPWS. I've had colleagues on the top of a hill when NPWS have decided to light up the bottom of the hill for no apparent reason.

They are not nicknamed "National Sparks and Wildfires" for no reason.

--- End quote ---

Try NPWS lighting a backburn when your appliance is in the middle of the scrub chasing a flank, and all your plastic on the appliance melts as a result with the crews screaming CHECK CHECK CHECK on the radio as the fire goes over the top.I have a picture somewhere of the end result :-o

Been thread hunting today ?.. Brought a few threads back from the dead.. - Had bout 15 threads to look at in the "Recent Unread Posts" section today.. :P


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