General Discussion > SAAS


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Interesting choice of where to deploy them.

eg. Pt Lincoln don't have one but Pinnaroo do.

Anyway they seem like they'll be a good tool for SAAS to use and faster response times will certainly benefit patients

so what MDT are they?  similar to the MFS MCT?  do they use a radio network (which one? GRN or 800MHz data?) or mobile data (Telstra I presume?)  Got any pictures what they look like?

Alan (Big Al):
they are inbuilt into the dashboard on a roughly 9inch or so square screen, they are also hooked into streetfinder GPS for the driver.  Unsure what they run on.

They run on the Telstra Next G network.

Hardware is Motorola MW810 ruggedized PC running 8.4" Touchscreen (resistive).. 80GB SSD, 2GB RAM, Windows 7 and running Intergraph software (same vendor as SACAD)

Navigation is running seperately using Garmin 2595LMT's connected to the MDT via a cable.. Address gets transferred automatically from MDT to Garmin.

Connectivity is via a 3G Router mounted in the vehicle that also provides the AVL capability (Automatic Vehicle Location).. Using Telstra's 3G network..

Keyboard also provisioned in most vehicles.. Keyboard has an integrated mouse pad. Housed beside the passenger seat.. Most Team Leader vehicles etc dont have a Keyboard but instead use the onscreen keyboard..



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