Ok I'm so sick of the back stabbing
DEWNR are a CFS brigade! The burn took place Wednesday. Thursday the fire ground was quiet. Friday is when it jumped 2 DAYS AFTER THE BURN. There was people there both days and they saw the spot. Stipituras was a FARMERS BURN OFF WHICH GOT INTO THE PARK. I use to work for DEWNR there is at least 3 years work that go into 1 burn. What would all you haters be saying if they did not do the burns and it was a wild fire? Ohhh DEWNR are not doing enough burns! We are all vollys and if you don't want to attend the call out dont! Those poor seasonal fire crew who cop all the crap only have jobs for 9 months and get $21 bucks a hour and are not aloud to have a life because they don't have the luxury of looking at the pager and saying nah not going to that need more respect from us! As said previous DAMMED IF THE DO DAMMED IF THEY DON'T! I honestly would like to see half the CFS guys I volly with undertake half the burns DEWNR do then what would be said when we (CFS) loose them.
Pt 1. Anyone who takes 3 years to plan one burn needs to find another career.
Pt 2. Regardless of who they belong to or what they are paid..... we are all responsible for what we do (or over-do)
Pt 3. Having looked at the destruction caused in the Belair National Park recently, maybe some re-training in cool-burning techniques is in order.
Pt 4. $21/hr (not including the overtime paid) is $21/hr more than those who respond to the callouts when things go bad. Don't harp on about how hard done by you are (or were)....it is still their choice to be there
Pt 5. DEWNR were only made a "notional"CFS entity to satisfy the legislation relating to authority and powers, not because it was a good idea. They dont correspond to any Brigade format and arent answerable (to my knowledge) to any Region - unlike the rest of us
Pt 6. If it's your burnoff (thats any of us - not just CFS or DEWNR), then it's your responsibility to ensure you have enough resources to manage it, and that its out or safely contained/not going to spread - the same way we insist that land owners do. Remember landowners that don't do this are also fined - maybe we should start on the same path with some Incident Controllers.