Equipment > Resellers & Suppliers

level one (BFF1) gloves

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How many people have those green gloves in their brigade/group? I have found these gloves to be not good and the pair I had lasted not long as the where too small. I made a call to Dave at mercuary fire he came down put on a BBQ and those that where there bought some gear and also had a look at a porta CAF unit very nice.

I was very happy to get the ball rolling on this night and those that where there really enjoyed what dave had to offer and what deals he can do. I would say to those people that only deal with the one firm,look around and see what others have to offer to you.

 Thanks for the BBQ,would be nice if other firms did that

id agree that the green gloves are crap...
its all our brigade has at the moment... and ive found that they become slippery as hell as soon as theyre wet, they wear holes into them easily and shrink too...

theyre also (like most leather gloves) a pain to get on/off when theyve been wet then dried in a retarded shape..

ive found normal riggers gloves to be a better option, although they are just leather as well, they dont seem to get slippery

I have found that the gloves that we have from mercury fire(dave at blackwood cfs) are great work well in the wet,have washed them now 3 times and they come up clean. Not slippery at all and they have not worn out yet.

To rescue5271
what glove do you use from Dave at mercury?
Do you have the price ?? :?:

Me thinks Fire03Rescue works for an fire equip. distributor by the looks of there last post.......

However, i could be wrong.


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