Thats fine, but I think the point is now, people are seeing a trend where SAAS will wait until they arrive, then notify FIRE + RESCUE.
Now, if a car say rolls over, single vehicle accident.. (Circumstances could be anything..) Anyway, SAAS comms take the call.. Say 3 minutes after the accident happens.... Details fairly sketchy, no mention of anyone trapped, but no one said there wasn't anyone trapped. SAAS unit dispatched one minute later.. Mobile 1 minute after that.. (We are now 5 mins after the accident happend, and the SAAS unit are pulling out the doors).. Say their mobile time is 9 minutes.. (They arrive 14 minutes after the vehicle rolled over.).... They discover a person trapped, notify comms, comms notifies MFS / CFS... Details given, nearest CFS brigade responded(That takes all of 2 minutes).. 5 minute turnout..... We are now 21 Minutes since the vehicle rolled over, trapping the driver.. The Fire appliance is now pulling out the doors of the station..... 1 minute or 20 minute ETA , I can't see how it would matter... With an extrication required, time at the scene for chocking, setting up the equipment and beggining the process would mean the driver would most likey be trapped in the vehicle, for a good hour...
NOW ! If FIRE + Rescue were responded at the same time as SAAS got the call, they would be a good 25 minutes infront of the 8 ball...
Goes to show how crucial time can be, and how stopping appliances is so much easier than responding them too late !