Heres something that came up on the pager site as a result of the big storm that just ripped through the South East
1900001 21:07:43 17-10-06 Network 4 & 5, MURRAY BROAD, , 0883593262, RE PAGING BASE FAILURE AT MT BURR TO ACK PHN LINK (08) 8273-4411 & QUOTE EVT NO:368562001
1900001 21:08:52 17-10-06 RESPONSE ACKNOWLEDGED BY : STUART
I can tell you this even though im very hard to scare the lightning & thunder which just tore through Kalangadoo scared the living day lights out of me
as i was worried that it was gonna be accompanied by real big hail or a Tornado like storms that happen during summer & winter
Those 2 messages are a result of the GRN paging network being knocked offline by the thunder & lightning