General Discussion > Women of the Fire Industry

women in the service's

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I was the first female Capt on Eyre Peninsula (and still the only 1) but I have found that nearly all guys are good to work helps that I've now been a Capt for 8 years and have earned some respect.

The only guys that are a problem, would probably have issues with women in any environment ie mcp's very sad but true.

It is also VERY important that the girls go in with the right attitude and consider themselves to be on the same level. I loathe to have it highligted that I'm a female firefighter...I say that I'm a firefighter, like the other 15,500 in SA!  We are all 1 team..and we have different areas of abilities.. women may not be as physically capable BUT they might be better at IMT etc..

There are a couple of issues that I have to talk about.
1: I was a part of a CFS Station.
2: The reason that I left.

I was part of a CFS station for more than a year. I really enjoyed what I did and helping people. It was a way for me to feel a part of the community. The reason I left was because some of the males at the Station were sexist towards me. Why? Don't they think that I can do the job just as well as them?

Thats disgraceful that people would be sexist towards you and make you leave.  Taking away fun that you have being part of CFS because they feel inferior working with a female is disgraceful.

fire fighter kiki:
My Mother went to join the fire service in the late 80s but they just turned around and said that being a fire fighter is a mans domain my mum had to wait another 10years before she could join in the late 90s. when she joined she was not allowed to become a fire fighter because the Capitan at the time refused her to be on the appliance so she had to wait another 6 to 18 months before she done her basic level 1 course. Now she is LT3 and happier than ever since these other members have retired. now our fire station has more females than ever and couldn't be any more happier.  :-D and now my mother is looking at becoming brigade Capitan in 2 to 4 years time. :-D


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