General Discussion > Country Fire Service

How do you see the service in the future

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Good times:
What do you think we will be like in 20 years?

I see a reduction in our urban type work eg the EMA brigades going etc, perhaps going along the lines of the Rural Fire Service in NSW, I could even see more of a combination of the services. I can see the current top 10 brigades falling by the wayside or having a reduction to a more rural role, I can see the SAMFS retained perhaps shifting from the country areas to the busier urban area's perhaps having your Salisbury, Dalkieth, and other border stations perhaps being retained in combined SAMFS stations to handle the rural work (imagine that, no more fixed alarms!!), perhaps even under the SAFECOM banner.

This is all purely what is floating around in my head and more than likely would never happen, but thats what I think when I sit down and look at the way things are today.

What do you think it will be like in the future?

I joined the CFS in the late 80's and was told that in about 10 years that we might be retained or taken over.

Still waiting  :?:  Well I hope nothing changes

Good times:
Yeah, like I said, just what I think, doesn't mean it will happen, but seems more plausable as time goes on, it aint getting any easier to get crews for day work etc.

I sort of agree with you Good Times, can see some change in fringe metro and busy areas of CFS taking a step back from the high urban demands and focusing more on just rural fire fighting, although I'd have to say that in a lot of areas a going urban incident would get responses from the rural brigade as well.

Don't know what the pollies have planned but I'd like to see CFS, SES and MFS all under one banner, e.g. SAFECOM, and have quoted this throughout the forum (been shot down for it too!) Transition of volunteer brigades to retained... Why pay someone to do the job, when you can under equip and send a volunteer out to do the same job! SAAS probably has a similar situation with areas like Goolwa (who are often busier that a number of full time career station!)

I guess only time will tell!

Good times:
Yes its interesting, imagine for example James if your brigade was an MFS retained station, wonder what equipment you would have, seems to be a decent gap there!!


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