i can tell you what kapunda unit has in the way of vicheals
we have
231- primary response for RCR
only has has RCR gear with some storm damage gear built on an isusu 550 base
233- Primary response for Storm damage
fitted with al the tools a man could want or need plus plastic, sandbags, built on an isusu 500 base
235- Command car
carrys all incident control equipment, computer, printer, maps,
toyota landcruiser
flaot 1 horse floats carry three horses per float
float 2
lighting plant- built on a tralier for land search at night for lighting at forward command
Quad 1
Quad 2 quadbikes for land search
multi tralier used for all sorts carring flood gear or generator
bike traler large tandam traler built for the mounted team to transport the quads
sorry for the spelling mistakes