This should clear up a few from MFS officers handbook.
1.All areas oer individual building four floors and above
2.Oil and gas refineries installations
4.Special target risks invoving very high hazard industrial,commercial or life risks
1st Alarm 3 pumps and aerial
2nd Alarm 3 Pumps,aerial,BA Tender,Fire Command Vehicle
3rd Alarm 3 Pumps
4th Alarm 3 Pumps
1.Industrial building and complexes not in A.4.
2.Large shopping and commercial centres
3.Hospitals,rest homes other than in A.1.
4.Public Buildings,grandstands,hotels, cinemas
1st Alarm 3 Pumps
2nd Alarm 3 Pumps and Aerial,BA Tender,Fire Command Vehicle
3rd Alarm 3 Pumps
4th Alarm 3 Pumps
1.Residential areas
2.Small shopping and commercial areas
3.Small industrial buildings
1st Alarm 2 Pumps
2nd Alarm 2 Pumps
3rd Alarm 2 Pumps BA Tender,Fire Command Vehicle
Command and Control
Phase 1 Initial Control 1st Alarm
Phase 2 Incident control Centre-2nd Alarm plus
Phase 3 Fire Command-Follow on from Phase 2
In addition to these a Safety Officer also responds to the incident