Technical Discussion > Compartment Fire Behaviour

Using 25mm Sidereels at Structure Fires

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SA Firey:
Yep a good example of surround and drown by MFS the other weekwith a HP line....we were second arrival,and they had already emptied their whole tank into the roofspace causing the whole ceiling to come down,when we went in with BA.Fire was in front bedroom...doh

I thought by doing compartment fire behaviour you should use less water :wink: 

I once saw a house fire with ankle deep black water running out of every available opening. Slight overkill I thought :-)


--- Quote from: SA Firey on January 03, 2007, 02:52:40 PM ---Yep a good example of surround and drown by MFS the other weekwith a HP line....we were second arrival,and they had already emptied their whole tank into the roofspace causing the whole ceiling to come down,when we went in with BA.Fire was in front bedroom...doh

I thought by doing compartment fire behaviour you should use less water :wink: 

--- End quote ---

You are correct, but as of may/june there were more CFS f/fighters trained in CFB than MFS. Only the last two MFS drill squads have had CFB included in there 14 week course. They had to put every single MFS firefighter through it before this. The only exceptions are the MFS Training guys who did instructors courses.

Well i havent done CFB but certainly know better than to flood a place for a small fire. Basic firefighting skills...

maybe your just smarter then the average bear?  :-D


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