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Topics - Edster

Pages: [1]
Country Fire Service / EMA Brigades
« on: October 23, 2009, 06:59:22 PM »
Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on minimum requirements for EMA, COQ etc etc should be?

« on: September 22, 2009, 07:16:03 PM »
Hello all...I am relatively new to the forum people have guessed i am from Norton Summit CFS brigade. I am not here to start any (politcal) issues but wish to ask a few questions rearding getting light rescue into a briagde.
Is it worth having RIV in a briagde i.e. Seaford, Bridgewater etc
How d briagdes like Burnside and stirling manage to have both heavy and light rescue?

How did they get it? was it brigade purchase or funded by the state?

(people may look down upon me for thinking this) but in the other post on "Burnside responding into East torrens it was said that Burnside do cover a fair amount of East Torrens turf but Athelstone and Burnside both are about 15 minutes away from certain parts of Norton Summit and our responding areas i.e. Teringie, Woodforde, Skye (look on SACFS promo site for more info), I had an idea of having light rescue in my briagde. Posotive views much appriciated  :mrgreen:

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