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Messages - Defer

Pages: [1]
SAAS / Re: Wallaroo call sign
« on: June 23, 2011, 09:56:40 PM »
Im brand new, little under a week on the job so I'm still learning. I did remember being told that. Just love shift work, messes with your sleep pattern...

SAAS / Re: Wallaroo call sign
« on: June 23, 2011, 09:37:08 PM »
I'm in SE not Wallaroo, Yes you're right a 40 car can also be used for what you said. But a 40 crew can be used as a full crew for a cert 4 and another ambo officer. The 40 crew is usually paired for cert 2 students to do some work. They aren't an operational crew, what I mean is that they don't go seeking for jobs they respond if necessary.

SAAS / Re: Wallaroo call sign
« on: June 23, 2011, 07:58:09 PM »

I can only talk from experiences down here at the South East, but a  40 call sign is usually used for a Cert II or IV which can be classed as a crew. Also the RTL might have been doing some driver training with a Cert II vollie. Most likely that the RTL was in Wallaroo providing some training and worked a shift for them today, hence the reason you have WL1. Again, only talking from experiences down here.


SAAS / Re: Move out the way! New SPRINT and BRU campaign
« on: June 20, 2011, 08:07:08 PM »
Hi there

Here in the South East we have two main managers that control the patch where I work; they being OS3 (Mt Gambier) and OS11 (Millicent). The only reason SPRINT are operational is because Adelaide is a city of 1 million, therefore bigger population to care for and also so that they can access patients from one suburb to another. Firstly the thing about a country town is that nothing is too far away, meaning an emergency ambulance is sufficient for the area to be covered. Secondly SPRINT are not based at a station meaning you could have a paramedic based at maccas for the day, (leading to my third reason) that country towns don't get enough calls to support a SPRINT team.

Regards Will :) 

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