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Messages - kat

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All Equipment discussion / Re: new level 3 gear (LION)
« on: September 29, 2005, 01:49:03 PM »
We were rated Urban/Rural (don't worry I know the difference) and this was based on the three risk ratings in special, rural and structural threat. These were developed a long time ago using complex formulae and I don't know how much work has been done on them since. Just because there are a lot of urban risks in an area doesn't mean the Brigade will be rated urban/rural - there are other factors involved like proximity of other resources. And when the prescriptions were released with the SFEC document I'm pretty sure there were only 27 - and you would be quite suprised to know who they were, I'm sure.

We have BA Brigades in the Region that do not posess a set of Nomex turnout gear. Group budgets may be accommodating $10 000 photocopiers but basic PPE is still an issue. The thing is who should be monitoring this???

Women of the Fire Industry / Re: La Trobe University Survey
« on: September 28, 2005, 09:36:12 PM »
Yes, I was referring to a bit of a different scenario.

A shame that they do not respect your experience. Have seen people in this situation try too hard to demonstrate that they have this experience despite youth with the result that they intimidate or irritate the older, new member who feels that their own skills and experiences are undervalued. Can become vicious circle. Maybe you can be the bigger man - your experience will show out in the end.

Trust me as a young female in the service I encountered many older members with less knowledge and experience completely discount anything I may have to offer. Couldn't give a damn what their perceptions are as long as the job gets done.

Country Fire Service / Re: RCR Resource Directory
« on: September 28, 2005, 09:26:03 PM »
In the past we had a few examples like an operator refusing to turn us out to a MVA when requested twice by police (actually told them it was a council issue). On third call argued with a Brigade member on scene who insisted we be called.

I believe these issues have been fully resolved and appreciate the excellent work being done by our current SOC staff.

Country Fire Service / Re: RCR Resource Directory
« on: September 28, 2005, 09:20:38 PM »
I think the SOC issue has been resolved. Any new instances of this?

Anyway, as an example, an MVA 25km from Tailem Bend on the Princes Highway (an area that could only be covered by the "Tailem Bend" entry in the green book) that required a second rescue would see an automatic response from the green book of Murray Bridge SES. The Meninige SES would be 30km closer, not have to come a LONG way through a built up area and would be the moral, ethical and sensible second rescue response. I would immediately request that this resource be called and not the other. We have this opportunity if we have accessed the ALERTS call, otherwise I guess we end up with the unfortunate situation of standing down a page response on arrival at station.

Any CAD system would have to address these issues and include much more specific location information to determine appropriate resources.

Country Fire Service / Re: cost of fuel
« on: September 28, 2005, 09:11:45 PM »
There are a lot of strange ideas that will never be adpoted by CFS raised in these forums :-) Like proper urban appliances :-)

Gotta keep trying :-)

SA Firefighter General / Re: GROUP'S JOINING
« on: September 28, 2005, 08:47:20 PM »
Believe Doug Spry (old Coonalpyn Group GO) is new supergroup GO and Sue Mickan (old Coonalpyn Group DGO) is DGO. Not sure what happened to former Coorong Group GO, former Coorong Group DGO was in Tailem Bend Brigade so now a happy white helmet in the relocated Brigade (and can't get him off front of hose).

All Equipment discussion / Re: fire extinguisher service
« on: September 28, 2005, 08:27:20 PM »
Crikey I'm suprised that the extinguisher service people haven't tapped your market!!!

We had a tribe of them here competing for business and cutting each others lunches to the point they were overserviced.

Now done 12 montlhy.

All Equipment discussion / Re: new level 3 gear (LION)
« on: September 28, 2005, 08:25:13 PM »
Its not just the urban fringe brigades getting it, its just that we see things like that as important, anyone can buy it at anytime. It just depends what your brigade/group/region see's as important. I am afraid its a simple fact of life that we have more occasions to wear it

David, I am afraid that the only way my Brigade (in Region 3) knows anything about PBI is because of this forum. We have had no opportunity to decide whether it's "important" or not.

When the last SFEC's were released my Brigade was one of 27 in the state that received an urban rural rating. I'm sure you didn't mean to imply that the urban fringe Brigades are the only ones with risks and who may see firefighter and community safety as important.

ALL Rescue / Re: trench rescue course
« on: September 28, 2005, 08:09:48 PM »
Beware, the old dead wood may actually have some impact on the integrity of the structure :-)

Women of the Fire Industry / Re: La Trobe University Survey
« on: September 28, 2005, 08:00:12 PM »
On the age vs experience or youth thing.

Hopefully if you can demonstrate respect to others they will in turn respect what you have to offer.

It's very hard to explain to new, enthusiastic members sometimes why something just 'aint right with their plan or idea. Without discounting their valued input and the possibility that they have much to offer and could have hit the jackpot, sometimes years and years of experiences, trials and tribulations have taught us things that would take years to explain :-)

Women of the Fire Industry / Re: La Trobe University Survey
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:55:59 PM »
Lot of barriers to women in particular joining the fire service.

Mainly broad cultural and social issues not easily adressed, I think!

Be interesting to see what the survey discovers but I believe by far and away the majority of female members had male relatives or partners in the service and that is how they were introduced.

Industrial & Private Fire Services / Re: private fire appliances
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:50:58 PM »
The same old faces on some of these committees and groups are oft heard to comment what a shame it is noone new is willing to contribute.....

Other Government Agencies / Re: What the SES does
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:49:04 PM »
Ah, no such thing as "some RCR".

We do RCR :-)

Good to read your informative, "chatty" post. Thanks. And that's one small SES member in your avatar ;-)

Country Fire Service / Re: Image Problem
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:38:20 PM »
We are a volunteer fire service and when we have unlimited human resources to draw on we can take the best of the best that can do every job under the sun. Some of our members can't operate a BA set (you'd think that a critical fire service skill?) - ie: the vast majority of our service membership, but we still manage to find a role for them in the service.

I have had a big, tough, burly BA operator refuse to go up a ladder at a working job and just had to find someone else.

I have had crew members capable of things sometimes and not others (maybe due to external factors - their day at work, fatigue, emotional issues).

We are a team, have different skills and experiences and different things to offer. A good Brigade will try to encourage all members to develop their skills and confidence and be the best firies they can be. Sadly many are quick to knock others so they look better in comparison. The member who can't go up a ladder today maybe will be able to with support, training and encouragement.

I need a firie to go up a ladder maybe once every 50 jobs. I can make do with the 95% of members that are happy to do it. The other 5% are still of great value to the service, I think?

Country Fire Service / Re: Experience markings
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:24:33 PM »
In the old days of iron on skills badges people often ended up with others overalls (BA used to have a year on it as well) complete with non removable skills badges.

A participant on a level one I was instructing on went into a fit of laughter because I had a BA badge on my overalls (which to be fair were a bit oversize - in those days overalls were hard to come by and I had to make do with what was there) saying "yeah, right, as if.."

Good way to get an instructor off side :-) (it was my badge earned fair and sqaure)

Country Fire Service / Re: Coromandel Valley Station
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:15:07 PM »
Well, off topic, but they told us A Class Foam could make you sterile but despite me and my husband splashing around in it for years still managed twins :-)

Country Fire Service / Re: cost of fuel
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:11:57 PM »
personally i cant erven believe the topic ws raised here...

Is this because you disagree with it :-)

I disagree with a large amount of posts on this and other forums but I'm glad they're raised and respect the views of the posters!

Although I'm sure all of us are in the service as a serious commitment to community safety, some also get a lot of enjoyment and recreation out of it and view it as a hobby and mightn't mind being out of pocket for the experience. I don't disrespect anyone who feels that they shouldn't have to be out of pocket as well as out of time, peace of mind, family harmony etc :-)

Country Fire Service / Re: cost of fuel
« on: September 28, 2005, 07:03:59 PM »
Hey strikeathird, understand that you feel very strongly about the thought of forum contributors being censured for their opinions but please respect the language rules of the forum :-)


Country Fire Service / Re: RCR Resource Directory
« on: September 28, 2005, 06:55:15 PM »
But surely it's designed to be a general type thing?

For example if it says Tailem Bend 2nd Rescue XYZ Brigade that's an automatic type alarm but locally we know if it's 5km East then it would be XYZ Brigade, but 5 kms West and it's ABC Unit, 5kms South and it's DEF Unit, 20kms up the Mallee and it's GHI Brigade, out the other way JKL Brigade. All these locations are only covered by the "Tailem Bend" entry in the directory but realistcially there are three CFS Brigades and two SES units that may be the appropraite second rescue in the area known as "Tailem Bend" depending on which side!!! These are documented in our risk and response plans.

Country Fire Service / Re: Uniforms - Blue Workshirts!!!
« on: September 28, 2005, 06:44:35 PM »
Please, please tell me we can still get a supplier to do us shirts with the star on it???

SA Firefighter General / Re: GROUP'S JOINING
« on: September 28, 2005, 06:41:36 PM »
Providing these smaller rural Brigades with different resources is a good solution in my opinion.

I can't see the point in closing a Brigade with keen, active members.

Sure, a rural Brigade with 10 or so calls a year may not seem important but any rural fires in their current area will surely have the potential to be larger when waiting for resources from over 30km away. I also think it will place greater strain on the remaining Brigades to deliver services when they are likely already stretched.

As discussed in another post if you can only get 2 or 3 members out of these smaller Brigades it can really help to augment the "bigger" Brigade numbers particularly during "day" (work) hours.

I'd hate to see any Brigade around us go and would like to think that even if they felt that they were struggling that they'd receive support and assistance to stay rather than have the bureaucrats rub their hands together in glee :-( But I've always been a bit naiive.

Country Fire Service / Re: RCR Resource Directory
« on: September 27, 2005, 01:21:08 PM »
There must be some recourse to change the Green book.

We've had some changes made to accommodate local knowledge in the far past.

For example second rescue to a certain area came from a Brigade that appeared closer on the map (by a mere few kms) but the road was narrow, unsealed and terrible. This was changed to the Brigade a km or two further away but on a main sealed highway.

I wouldn't have any hesitation calling what I considered to be the appropriate resource as an OIC regardless of what the green book said and would stand in any court to defend a choice based on sound reasoned judgement and knowledge.

Country Fire Service / Re: Tracing calls
« on: September 27, 2005, 01:02:01 PM »
One night we had a strange call on the Alerts which was amazingly well handled by the SOC operator. At the completion of the call the SOC operator said "OK, the call came from a public phone outside the Riverside Hotel".

Awesome! Within 5 minutes we'd had stern words to some very shocked kids (and so did the local constabulary)     :-)

SA Firefighter General / Re: Keep pushing the boundaries
« on: September 27, 2005, 12:37:00 PM »
I have been a Claims Administrator and had a reasonable amount of training and experience with the WorkCover system.

CFS is a "self insurer" but this doesn't mean much as far as WorkCover benefits go except that they handle and pay for their own claims as opposed to using an inurance company.

As CFS volunteers are considered "employees" for WorkCover purposes they will be covered regardless of wrong or inadequate PPE. As my former company's insurer told me once when an employee injured themselves after displaying gross negligence "we cover all types of incidents, from b****d employers to idiot employees". Should CFS as the insurer choose not to approve a claim for whatever reason there are avenues for appeal and WorkCover is independant of the employer.

I once attended a training session run by a WorkCover lawyer with some 25 years experience in the field. We went through several cases that had been through the tribunal and they seemed to have completely unguessable and inconsistent outcomes. The one thing that was emphasised is that there are huge variations in how the law can be interpreted.

And, from my experience, if you were strangled by your flash hood whilst on CFS duties, you probably would be covered :-)

SA Firefighter General / Re: GROUP'S JOINING
« on: September 27, 2005, 12:15:13 PM »
Think Group size should also take into account geographical area. I know there are a lot larger Groups but I can tell you that as the former Coorong Group Training Officer, the old Group was large enough :-)
It took me six years to deliver training in each of the stations (6 at the time). Tailem Bend to Salt Creek is about 130kms.

It is no secret that I was very strongly opposed to the amalgamation of Coorong and Coonalpyn Groups and so were very many others within Coorong Group. I certainly would have been unwilling to continue in any Group capacity in a Group that large. The Region continually put this issue on the agenda for several years and it was opposed over and over again. In the end our Group only passed it as a concession to keep my Brigade within that Group. Unfortunately a meeting of a Brigade rep from each of the 15 Brigades in Coonaplyn and Coorong Groups voted for the Regions proposal of the amalgamtion minus Tailem Bend who were relocated to Swanport Group. This was against our Brigades and Groups wishes but was passed there by those who knew nothing of our Brigade or its requirements.

On the 15 Brigade thing though - scary thing is advice was that within 5 years several of those Brigades would no longer exist (apparently would be Brigade's voluntary wishes but I have yet to find one).

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