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Messages - Footy

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 11 [12]
SA Firefighter General / Re: Future Strike teams
« on: March 01, 2007, 07:19:18 PM »
Well Blue, as an EDUCATED professional, and volunteer, I can understand where you are coming from.
It's interesting noting how certain members of the forum need to refer to such tactics as finger pointing and mis-quoting to try and dig themselves out of an argument...

The idea of vollies being paid is a tough one, should they be reimbursed for their time? Who knows...
Did we all join for the same reason? Of course not... (just refer to the why did we join thread...)
We are all here for a common purpose (or at least should be) and that is to protect the community.

If you are able to be a member of CFS and MFS, then why not? saying that you can't do both is like reinstating the wall between them and building a divide. It's like saying that someone can't play indoor cricket on a Friday night and Grade cricket on a Saturday. Games are generally on at a different time, your involved with two different groups of people who often know each other anyway, and one you might even get paid for.
Good on you I reckon.

If i don't get paid, doesn't matter. I'm happy to go and hang with my mates that I have made through the service.
Some people may want to get paid. Thats there prerogative.

Some kids at school want to learn, others need special rewardsto keep them their, some need incentives to get them there. Sound Familiar????  :roll:

OFF Topic / Re: the offical i have noting to post topic!
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:10:21 PM »
We should make this the official firefighter joke page.
The in-jokes that people have about their occupations are great.
I have a chef for a brother who loves telling anyone who will listen that
"he is allergic to bacon, apparently he comes out in rashers..."

Anyone know any good/lame firey jokes????  :?

OFF Topic / Re: Mt Gambier xmas pagent
« on: March 01, 2007, 05:00:57 PM »
Still waiting on that photo to come through from SAPOL blue...
I hear there was a new recruit that waved at the camera on the way through??
Surprised it hasn't turned up on the interent as "WHAT IS OUR EMERGENCY SERVICES REALLY DOING... :evil:"


Country Fire Service / Re: National Accredited Training
« on: February 20, 2007, 08:00:55 PM »
DECS (Department for Education and Childrens Services eg: Schools) dont believe that the CFS training is thorough enough so require Fire Wardens to be able to wade through red tape, and then put out a paper fire in a small rubbish bin with a water fire extinguisher before they can become fire warden.....

Country Fire Service / Hydrants
« on: February 20, 2007, 04:46:12 PM »
Whose responsibility is it for maintenance of Hydrants/Fire Plugs on roadways. On Sunday during some brigade training, we spent about ten minutes, clearing bitumen off of a hydrant cover on a road that had been resealed. Once into the Hydrant, it took another few minutes to sink the standpipe, after clearing all the build up of stuff in the hole...

This time be could be the difference between a house and a parking lot. I know that i would prefer that these be maintained, especially in my street...

Any suggestions?  :?

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