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Messages - Pipster

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Country Fire Service / Re: TOP CFS BRIGADES BYE BYE
« on: September 29, 2011, 08:50:43 AM »
And if CFS handed over response areas to MFS, shouldn't MFS hand over some of their area to CFS for the same reasons you give , helpme?

A boundary between MFS & CFS has to be somewhere - if you move it, could the same problem occur, no matter where the boundary is...?


Country Fire Service / Re: Beared BA wearers
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:24:36 PM »
Unless something has changed very recently, BA can be worn with Nomex under certain circumstances.....


Country Fire Service / Re: Haves and have nots
« on: September 15, 2011, 09:09:21 PM »

Country Fire Service / Re: Firefighter Response System
« on: September 14, 2011, 11:26:18 AM »

 What I find strange is that it appears to me that if one brigade cannot afford it or don't think they need it because of a low call rate then why have it!

I come from a small brigade, with a low call rate (only about 40 calls a year, and not many of them during week day)s

As the Captain, I generally know who is around during week days - a few members work locally, one is retired, and there are a few shift workers and students - so I really only need to keep a track of around 7 people (which is also made easier because two of them live in my household!).

My members tell me when they are going away on holidays, or when they are on AL and around during the day.

So on any given weekday, I have a pretty good idea of who is around, and their skill levels.

At $60 per month, plus the internet connection that we don't currently have, the system is a very expensive way of telling me what I pretty much know already.

For busy brigades, with higher membership levels, higher calls rates and additional skill responsibilities (eg RCR, Hazmat etc) it is much harder to keep track of who is available, and what skill levels those responding have.  A system that can quickly provide that information to the OIC can be useful.

This type of system, like may things in CFS, is not, and should not be, a one size fits all.


Country Fire Service / Re: Haves and have nots
« on: September 12, 2011, 11:13:21 PM »
Fundraising can be very difficult for small communities - low population, but many worthy causes (eg the local CFS, school, footy club, cricket club, tennis club, playgroup, Local Hall etc) - money doesn't go very far.

And how about the time factor - why should the people doing the job of protecting their community, also have to raise the funds to enable them to do that job?

For those brigades with the members keen to do the fundraising, and have a community with the capacity to provide the funds, good on you for raising money, to spend on additions to your brigade.   But don't make it something across the service that means you MUST fundraise just to keep the basic equipment in your brigade to a minimum standard.


Country Fire Service / Re: Royal Show 2011
« on: September 09, 2011, 01:09:48 PM »
I know they used a lot of CFS Promo units on the banner, and I believe other photos (but I haven't seen the stand).

The photos they requested included Hazmat, RCR, structure fires etc

And I believe the theme this year was recruiting, not bushfire prevention


Country Fire Service / Re: Firefighter Response System
« on: September 08, 2011, 03:10:09 PM »
I can see it not being a particularly useful for brigades like my own - small number of firefighters, and fairly low call rate.  I know generally who is around and who isn't.

But for a larger & busier brigade, I can see advantages in knowing who is responding to any given call.


Country Fire Service / Re: Firefighter Response System
« on: September 07, 2011, 12:56:21 PM »
Nice idea.... although I can see a problem with needing 24 hour internet access...


Country Fire Service / Re: Adelaide Hills newspaper article
« on: August 22, 2011, 04:32:16 PM »
Some perhaps yes, certainly in other areas unlikely to be phytophthora.

For some of the trees, it is more likely stress related to drought......


Country Fire Service / Re: Adelaide Hills newspaper article
« on: August 21, 2011, 11:17:25 PM »
I think the number of dead trees appears to be a lot more than previous years...but for some of them, they have been slowly dying for a number of years, and are only now quite obviously dead.....

And I agree Bittenyakka, no more than the last few years....just perhaps more obvious!


Country Fire Service / Re: Adelaide Hills newspaper article
« on: August 21, 2011, 10:47:28 AM »
My area has several dead gums - they have been dying off over the past few years...mostly in amongst existing scrub.... I am not sure if they are the trees that the council are referring to......?



At least the appliances didn't have far to go....the premises is pretty much across the road from MFS HQ!

The news report mentioned that the paving guys was a sub contractor to the builder, and had an outstanding bill of $60,000.

Assuming that info is correct (it was on TV, so it must be right!) the issue may have been at the SAFECOM end, or the builder, who has reportedly been paid, hasn't paid the sub contractor...or some other dispute that hasn't been publicised!


The Manager of some part of the hospital, (can't remember which bit) stated there was an audit done of the contents of fridges in Pharmacy, and the Nitroglycerin was discovered... likely to have been there for many years, as it was used extensively in pharmacy 30 or so years ago.

I am guessing the nitroglycerin was put into the SAPol explosion containment vessel, and driven to Echunga, where it could easily be destroyed, without destroying anything else.....


Country Fire Service / Re: Who is looking after our media section
« on: July 27, 2011, 11:10:46 PM »
Believe it may have been moved back from SAFECOM......


Country Fire Service / Re: Spot the Chief
« on: July 24, 2011, 08:54:31 PM »
He also went to Eden Hills...... your neck of the woods Mr Teddy?


Have a look at the CFS Promotions Unit website:

So far have put up photos from Friday & Saturday, hope to have Sunday's up there soon too


All teams have arrived, except Northern Territory - they had some problems with flights - so only one NT rep was able to make it to Government House for a reception this evening....

All teams will undertake eight exercises over the weekend - all teams do all exercises - 4 on each day

Some of the exercises look very interesting!!

Photos to come!


Perhaps they had to go back & pick up something that another crew left behind...?

Country Fire Service / Re: WFAM page interpretation
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:51:16 PM »

Pip, your reply posted while i was typing this. That alarm number is purely for the premises connection. It does not refer to the particular detector or zone.

No trouble....was trying to remember the stuff you typed, but had managed to forget it after the CIFSS course (whoops)


Country Fire Service / Re: WFAM page interpretation
« on: June 29, 2011, 05:55:02 PM »
Looks like the addressable device - eg the particular device that has activated in a particular zone


Country Fire Service / Re: Recruitment poster
« on: June 28, 2011, 05:02:05 PM »
I put a poster together, with photos of members doing their thing - including a fire, hazmat, BA, Comms, catering and a minor crash (don't want to scare people!).

The photos depicted both males & females, and a range of ages.

There was a space in the middle of the poser with the caption "Does your face fit here?"

There was then info at the bottom of the poster about joining, contact info, and a website address for extra info

Happyghost, see your inbox for a PM


Other Government Agencies / Re: Fire money in the millions
« on: June 21, 2011, 08:42:12 PM »
Believe August is when applications open....


Country Fire Service / Re: GRN Pagers are a failure
« on: June 20, 2011, 05:04:55 PM »
There are still geographical locations, where coverage is the issue, not the pagers.... much banging of heads over a long period of time has failed to fix it. 

Long live brigade sirens!!!


SAAS / Re: Move out the way! New SPRINT and BRU campaign
« on: June 17, 2011, 11:01:39 PM »
As I understand it, SPRINT cars aren't actually sitting at a station, waiting for a job - the Sprint member picks up the car from a specific base, and goes out & about for the day.  Generally, when they don't have jobs, they sit around at strategic locations, and await a job...

They also work the metro area, and only run between around 0700 & 2300 Hrs.


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