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Messages - fire_freak

Pages: [1]
All Equipment discussion / Answers please
« on: September 04, 2006, 10:28:37 AM »
I was just wondering about some of the equipment. standard (the stuff you have to wear while completing your training) firefighter equipment how much does it weight? the strength of the hose can anyone compare that to something for me? and what is a firefighters standard equipment? and anything else a new-bie should know would be appreciated thanks.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Help Wanted
« on: September 04, 2006, 10:07:33 AM »
Thanks for all the advice. The CFS contacted me and I can't join as a firefighter because of where i live (novar gardens) but I'm going to join the SES still. In my life I've already seen alot of grizzly things and been through alot so having a job where i have to put my life on the line for someone elses safety(of property,health and mental well being) sounds good to me. I've been trying to find "normal" work but no places will hire me, I got no experience and I'm a freak lol. but i no as soon as some place gives me a chance I'll be set because I'm honest, trustworthy, hard working and intelligent. I cant join other fire services because adelaide is my home. My phsyical fitness training is for myself i useto be 90 kgs and only 5'4 at 16. I've looked at all the fire fighter sites around australia and SAMFS is pretty dodgy on the training requirements but the MFS is great i printed in off and do all the exercises from it(and more). wow ive written alot so I'll tie my fingers........... for now lol.

SA Firefighter General / Help Wanted
« on: August 29, 2006, 12:41:27 PM »
I am 18 years old and want to be a full time firefighter by 22. i have started body resistance training and yoga everyday, weight training every second and cardiovascular(stairs, jogging and shuttle practise) every second day not on the weights day and I leave a rest day. I am also joining the SES and CFS. is there any hints anyone could give me to help me succeed in my dream?

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