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Messages - bajdas

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SAAS / Re: SAAS Motorcycle
« on: April 07, 2011, 10:49:56 PM »
The segment can be found here Andrew Select Sprint team to the rescue :wink:

Love the has been withdrawn from that website...oh well, I am sure I will see some around the place.

Country Fire Service / Re: Charlie Rosewarne - RIP
« on: April 07, 2011, 07:36:05 PM »
Do they have a plaque at Brukunga, or elsewhere, detailing this achievement and work done by Charlie and others ?

It looks a significant series of events that would make great history for Adelaide Hills, CFS and South Australia.

SAAS / Re: SAAS Motorcycle
« on: April 07, 2011, 07:31:30 PM »
Sometimes I think everything old can be new again...
My father-in-law used to ride motorbikes for St Johns Unley many, many years ago.
I would be interested in pictures if anyone has them. Thanks.

SA Firefighter General / Certified Trainer Asessor / Safety & Rescue
« on: April 07, 2011, 07:29:17 PM »
Interesting job advert at

Certified Trainer Asessor / Safety & Rescue position that details:
Height Safety
Confined Space
speciality high risk training
demonstrated vertical rescue

Even lists SES & CFS in the condidate desirable

Something different for Adelaide....

SA Firefighter General / Re: Rural Road Maps
« on: April 06, 2011, 08:33:35 PM »
Thanks. That helps me understand which end of the road is the beginning for Rural addressing..

SASES / Re: make sense much??
« on: April 02, 2011, 12:06:18 AM »
.....Given that the overwhelming majority of ES/FS volunteers I know are not highly
paid, it does make it financially possible for them to put their hands up for
long deployments.

It also partly redresses the current unjust system of transferring the cost of
emergency services from the community which receives them to the individuals &
businesses which provide them. This injustice annoys me more than anything else.

Alan, it might sound silly but I do not get the point.

I would have thought the community that has the emergency should be paying for the cost (in this case Queensland pays for flights/accomodation, equipment, etc).

I believe this is the current system where QLD will reimburse SA for the cost of sending staff/volunteers on deployment.

I do not think the business and volunteer in SA that is going on deployment to QLD should be paying the cost.

Why would you want to transfer the cost " the individuals & businesses which provide them...." ?

Thanks, Andrew Mac

Ooops... additional address details & stop call to a different Unit....close in name though


23-03-11 20:27:11 MFS: LOCATION IS CYGNET RD FOR INC 102 - SES Kingston Response

23-03-11 20:32:26 MFS: FROM MFSSTOP MESSAGE FOR INCIDENT 102 - SES Kingston Response

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: March 23, 2011, 04:10:02 PM »

Is this a test page from the new system and thus an example of the new format ? Or from interstate ?

SA Firefighter General / Re: QLD Cyclone
« on: March 23, 2011, 04:05:55 PM »
The Media Release dated 7th March is on

The recent E-News states "...Their mission was to provide support to and respite for Queensland SES crews by responding to tasks including emergency taskings 24 hours a day if necessary, resecuring and or improving initial emergency repairs to premises damaged during the cyclone and providing general recovery support to the community...:

SA Firefighter General / Re: QLD Cyclone
« on: March 22, 2011, 01:59:50 PM »
Fourth deployment of SA SES volunteers left yesterday for Far North Queensland.

Emergency Vehicles / Re: New Rescue van for CFS
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:40:00 AM »
A few of the new SES Transit Vans have been in service for a period of time now in various configurations.

I THINK, Murray Bridge & Mount Gambier have the RCR configurations.

Does anyone have info / feedback on these Vans ?

God forbid if we actually shared the same equipment setup between services in SA....what am I thinking    :roll: :-o :-P :-D

SASES / Re: make sense much??
« on: March 17, 2011, 10:34:48 AM »
Fully agreed with Chook's comments.... I know it was discussed previously, but would payment to the business supporting any emergency service volunteer assist (eg training time & leave to do training) during a working week ?

I believe this is currently offered for USAR Cat II course.

SA Fire Fighter Events / Re: EmComs Cert II course
« on: March 08, 2011, 10:12:07 AM »
Would be good if the WICEN would hold a EmComs Cert 2 course down in the South East

Sorry, do not have the finances & not many members in the South East.

WICEN SA are fully self funded & insured. No government funding.

At the moment we are trying to find a niche for our volunteers to be used. Hopefully the course will be another step towards that goal.

Try WICEN VIC who (I think) achieved a grant.

SA Fire Fighter Events / Re: EmComs Cert II course
« on: March 07, 2011, 07:45:17 PM »
Not in South Australia. More the merrier...

Latest news item from WIA indicates that 100 plus are in training or have completed the course, from various locations around Asutralia.

Book via

The cost if you are not a member of WIA is $65, which gives you a 6 month membership. $30 if you are a member of WIA.

Further details can be found from Paul (VK5PH). His contact details can be found at

Country Fire Service / end of 2011 Fire Danger season dates
« on: March 07, 2011, 04:05:50 PM »
Just curious on other peoples opinion, because I am only seeing a small part of the state.

Would the CFS shorten the 2011 Fire Danger Season by nominating a early end date ?

I can see green under the grass through the Fleurieu Peninsula & thus I think it would not burn fiercely if on fire.

But CFS at 1205 today went to Severe LOP for the state. I assume this was for lightening risk ?

What are your observations & opinions ?

« on: March 06, 2011, 12:50:00 PM »
From today's staff news letter

"recent review of the Ambulance Cover Terms and Conditions has resulted in some changes to the conditions; the main one being with regard to non-emergency ambulance transport.  The subscriber will not have to pay for the cost of non-emergency ambulance transport if:
• the service is provided by SA Ambulance Service (SAAS), or
• the ambulance transport originates in another State or Territory and is provided by a recognised interstate ambulance service, or
for a transport service originating in South Australia, if:
SAAS directs or requests another person to provide non-emergency ambulance transport,"

Last line sounds interesting. Sceptic in me would say its sounds like SAAS/Health is paving the way for outsourcing some of its PTS work just like Ambulance Victoria and now NSW Ambulance does?

I am confused (nothing unusual).
Does this mean if my Dad is transported from a hospital to a home by a non-SAAS PTS that the home has organised, his Ambulance Insurance will not cover the cost ?
Even if we have no say in who provides the service ?

Incident Operations / Re: Earthquake in Christchurch NZ 22nd Feb 2011
« on: March 03, 2011, 04:34:13 PM »
Nine SA USAR people leaving for Christchurch on 4th March.

"...The South Australian USAR deployment team consists of:
• One team leader (MFS)
• Three rescue specialists (2 X MFS, 1 X SES)
• Two Hazardous Materials USAR specialists (2 X MFS)
• Two USAR trained Paramedics (2 X SAAS)
• One South Australian USAR trained Engineer...."

SA Fire Fighter Events / EmComs Cert II course
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:12:16 AM »
If anyone is interested, the 'Wireless Institute of Australia' has organised a Certificate II (PUA 20500) in Emergency Communications course.

This is being run via state based WICEN groups.

The SA course is being run in a few weeks and details can be found at

You do not need to be a Amateur Radio licensed holder to do the course.

« on: March 03, 2011, 07:25:38 AM »
Being an orderly springs to mind :P 2 days training and off you go!

I must admit, all this talk makes me nervous. I am trying to do as much as is humanly possible to get as much experience in the field before I graduate (at the detriment to other things in my life):

A) So I can hopefully improve my chances of getting an Internship
and B) (more importantly) So that when I finish and I do get an internship I feel more confident in my other skills (communication, driving, SAAS procedures etc) so that I can focus on making sure I can get my Paramedic practice upto scratch.

However I still kind of think I am gonna be looked at as a filtered Graduate who has no idea about anything. There is nothing more I can do to make sure I am better prepared, so how can that be a poor reflection on me? Its kind of like hating someone as soon as you meet them because they barrack for a different footy team than you do. 

I am not in the ambulance industry, but have taken TAFE/Uni students into their first jobs in IT.

I will always treat a new employee with caution, no matter if their resume details a lot of practical experience or none. The potential to close the business for a day because they typed the wrong command on a keyboard or flicked the wrong switch is huge. Too big a risk.

That is why computer rooms are locked.

I assume the same potential to kill, make injuries worse or cause stress to relatives/passerbys/public in a Ambulance environment.

In IT, many times you will be employed on a contract basis first before given full-time employment.

I watch and give basic tasks for the first few weeks to the newbie (grunt is a nickname I use).

When I see the grunt do the basics well, they get more opportunities & trust.

The most dangerous grunt is the one who walks in & goes straight to the server keyboard to see what is happening. Because they know everything because Uni taught them. They normally do not get full-time employment offer and sometimes the contract is shortened.

This bypasses procedures (look at the network/server monitoring system first, read the procedures/memory jogger manual & talk to the HelpDesk staff for background on business impact).

You will be treated with caution when you first start. But if you can do the job & ask questions, caution will disappear quickly has trust develops & you become a team with your co-workers.

« on: March 02, 2011, 04:26:13 PM »
Similar in the IT industry as well.

A fresh graduate will not be allowed to take full control of a companies network. They would be started on the help desk phone or maintenance with supervision.

Everyone needs experience which the tertiary institutions do not seem to provide.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Catering trailer
« on: March 02, 2011, 09:05:53 AM »
With a 'remote from kitchen' catering setup, how do you go meeting the current OH&S and food hygiene laws ?

During the Vic Floods, the commercial caterers were indicating that their responsibilities ended when the food was delivered in eskies to the ICC. Especially when the eskies were loaded into SES 4wds for transport to the field location.

Is this paranoia or common sense ??

SA Firefighter General / Re: Catering trailer
« on: March 01, 2011, 08:31:24 AM »
more heavy and overweight, badly load distributed, poor handling and OHS nightmare to work from trailers .... coming to a 21st Century Fire Service near you

Leave food for the Salvos and Traffic Cones (it's a term of really) to organise. If you can get food after 5 hours, call a replacement crew and go eat properly.

Agreed. Majority of major incidents now have a commercial or home kitchen to prepare meals within a few hours drive of the incident. Then they are transported to site in eskies to keep hot or cold.

But years ago the catering trailers/EMU were used for fundraising because we did not have much Council or State Government support. Times have now changed..

SA Firefighter General / Re: Catering trailer
« on: February 28, 2011, 11:34:49 AM »
I would suggest talk to the Salvos about their trailers.

Many, many years ago I worked with a team that modified a old Civil Defence metal canopy trainer. Very heavy but modern equivalents of metal covered tradesman trailers exist now.

Was built so that the trailer roof replaced a tent pole in the marquee. Thus one side of the trailer was serving/preparation inside of the tent (with a tresel table) and the other side was cooking area outside of the tent.

The cooking area had a small shelter area that could be erected and was near a tent doorway for entrance. The drawbar with gas cylinders was outside of the tent for safety.

I cannot remember where the small generator & lighting bank were stored. Needed good lighting in the tent and the trailer had work lights inbuilt on the lift up wind doors of the trailer.

Tresel tables were transported on top of the trailer.

Now you could add a deep cycle rechargable battery, 240v charger & LED lighting

They never could work out the weight issue & so were limited in water carry capacity for washing/drinking. Also, in those days eskies were used with ice in the towing vehicle. Now you would have a 3-way fridge/freezer in the towing vehicle.

Then the infamous EMU Bus was built by Mitcham SES.

I would suggest the design will depend on what vehicles will be towing the trailer so that you get the weight correct and go for a tandem trailer if you can. More stable to work from when back jacks are lowered.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Interesting Fire and Emergency Related Paging
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:59:13 AM »

Now would you stand down wind or what OH&SW issues would result ?

Country Fire Service / Re: Life membership and other awards
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:56:03 AM »
I believe that SAFECOM staff were going to advise CFS & SES when volunteers became eligible for the awards. I think this was part of the Volunteer Support & Recognition strategy.

When the CFS or SES were notified, then they had an option to formally complete the application.

Because of the staff cuts in SAFECOM, I think this is one of the extras that would save volunteers time, that has now disappeared.

I wonder what other 'extras' that was saving volunteers time is now lost !!

** Personal thoughts & opinions only **

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