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SA Firefighter General / big white truck crash
« on: September 25, 2008, 10:11:41 PM »
Hey all,

I'm still a novice with all the fire trucks and associated stuff, but

I saw a brand new scania fire truck (like SAMFS, but white!!) that had been completely totalled... look like a truck vs. kangarooo or something big...

had "Total.... " couldn't read the rest on the back. (could it those filtered from total fire... btw they aren't in SA only NSW!, did some research on them 8-))
The truck was on back of low loader trailer heading towards north out of city to Pt Wakefield way

whos is it? cause it looked near new. had red, blue and amber lights... and a mining flag (orange) on 10ft pole.

pity was smashed to bits, i quite liked it :-)... Mr Ferguson... GIMME NOW!!!

Country Fire Service / Re: Trainers
« on: August 28, 2008, 05:05:32 PM »
Hmm just thought I'd see what was everyone elses opinion..

Did a course with another company where the trainers weren't fireys, coppers or ambos and was twice as good as the ones where u get the fireys just relying on there cfs or mfs titles...

and the company where they weren't fireys were internally trained and worked privately... personally liked alot more cause they weren't bound by any service ideas and called spade a spade...

really annoys me when we get some old firey who has never done something in their life... only done the course again and again but never done... ie rescue stuff from height above 20m...

I'm in an area where we would have to do a rescue well above that... and the trainers we got just said "well you wouldn't really do a rescue from that height... i mean you would have to call the ses or mfs rope teams in" but we don't have the ses or mfs always around do we!!!! :|

and even worse we had some company say they could bring some american guy over cause he's an expert...!!! then showed some dvd where he flips upside down to do a rescue, then use a mini pulley system... then the trainer stood there and said how it so fantastic (we all wanted to laugh, then realised this was OUR lives we're playing with)

also saw how some berated another filtered on here bout difference between american and australia fireys... and so true!!! if we have trainers bringing americans over to train then WTF! know people who went to their courses privately and they were scared to use the techniques cause it was all throw at them to learn...

Id like to see the trainers see some of the types of rescues we actually do... then write a program to match our needs... and the AQTF (australian quality training framework)

(its sad how we all have confidence in the equipment... but sometimes not the training)

Scared SA Firey

Country Fire Service / Trainers
« on: August 25, 2008, 02:36:28 PM »
Hey all.

I did a course outside of the cfs courses, which i funded myself.

The trainer was the most qualified person for the course... but he was crap. I have done a similar course with someone who did not have a qualifications list as long as his arm but had done real life rescue and the course was twice as good and I got much better training...

I have friends who have done courses with a south australian company interstate  whos also a sacfs supplier and they told me they can remember the instructors telling the group how qualified they were... however they had never conducted a real rescue... only training...

wat are your thoughts boys and girls... is experienced trainer better than a course bunny (someone who does lots of courses... but thats all)

SAAS / special operations
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:55:09 PM »
Hey do we have a dedicated special operations group for saas rescue work? and if so what is the selection process and is it very hard to get into?


Country Fire Service / Re: BA TRAINING
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:10:13 PM »
Ummm if you can't trust him then how can you be suppose to rely on him... with your LIFE! :?

SA Firefighter General / Re: Flow Testing
« on: August 06, 2008, 09:05:03 PM »

can we do flow tests for private companies:S like are we allowed or are we only there to use them in a real fire?

SA Firefighter General / Flow Testing
« on: August 04, 2008, 05:05:25 PM »
Hey all i'm new to this forum :-)

Umm i was bouncing around and heard something about how we are short of money... and i thought what if we did testing of fire equipment like they do interestrate with the moneys going to the units? i means wes got the know how and the trucks for the large flowing tests!

why or why could/couldn't we do it

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