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Topics - Katrina

Pages: [1]
Country Fire Service / Paid jobs
« on: October 22, 2008, 08:18:06 AM »
Just kinda curious as to what procedures are followed when it comes to appointing paid staff within CFS. How are the positions supposed to be advertised or can they just appoint anyone they feel like without advertising the positions. I am talking about both office staff as well as positional ones

Emergency Vehicles / Penola 34
« on: September 10, 2008, 09:48:33 AM »

All Equipment discussion / new trucks
« on: August 27, 2008, 09:07:20 PM »
I hear that Penola and some other stations in Wattle Range might be getting some new trucks (or are they getting new second hand ones???) who else is getting new trucks around the place or is it like shuffling a deck of cards and only 1 station getting a new truck and then we just move the rest around?

Is this a first???
I went out on my first job in the fire truck (I am usually doing communications or going out in a command vehicle to a fire ground) to a RCR and came back without my gloves or my coat.
You can imagine the comments I got out there (at least it wasn't my pants as well?!)
Still haven't owned up to the Fat Controller yet (he was away running a course that day) but not sure I am looking forward to it tomorrow night
What have you lost, left behind or had to bin after a job? (including major/minor pieces of equipment)

SA Firefighter General / Project FUSE
« on: February 27, 2008, 01:38:30 PM »
(1of2) SOUTHERN LOFTY CREWS ONLY Expressions of interest are sought for 4 crew & 2 IMT support staff for a 6 day shift control burn at Ngarkat. Project FuSE. Co DEH Southern Lofty Group

Not sure I like to see they are doing a controlled burn in Ngarkat - here we go again???? Or is it just because nothing has happenned there for the summer yet? :-D

SAAS / SAAS response
« on: February 07, 2008, 10:17:25 AM »
Just wondering about all of this :? :?

10:45:57 07-02-08   PN81 Cat2 23 Arthur St, Penola C207 E7 SAAS Penola
10:51:24 07-02-08   NG81 Cat2 23 Arthur St, Penola C207 E7 SAAS Nangwarry
10:51:39 07-02-08   PN81 STILL NO RESPONSE FROM CREWS SAAS Penola
11:05:35 07-02-08   PN81 CAN WE GET ATLEAST 1 PERSON PLEASE SAAS Penola

Was there a reason why Nangwarry was not paged at the same time?
I know Penola does not have many crew anymore so would it not make more sense to page Nangwarry at the same time or does that only happen if Cat 1?

It was about 11:10 when an ambulance got to the scene Just wondering about the big gaps between things happening

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