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Messages - chook

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Fire Fighter Training / Re: Vertical Rescue training
« on: June 20, 2009, 04:54:54 PM »
amen to that! :-) about time!

Country Fire Service / Re: Not Happy?
« on: June 20, 2009, 11:47:19 AM »
are you talking about accountability? If so thats what Numbers is always on about (even though he says stuff that pisses people off - he is quite right - well most of the time :wink: ).
There are numerous examples of similar events you descibe in both services. For example using tax payer funded equipment for private purposes, "borrowing" stuff just because its there etc.
I would like to know why have the costs blown out?
Where has the money gone?
Why are brigades/units allowed to not remain current in training?
Why is the current equipment levels suddenly below standard?
It is fine for individuals to go public with complaints, but the questions above are excellent ammunition to use against the volunteers (& staff).
Finally I find it strange that after years of complaining about the current communication system is poor & risks lives, that suddenly a fix is descibed as "trinkets" by your associaton president! Strange times indeed! I wonder if a political party might be doing some pot stirring behind the scenes. Darren I find it sad that after 15 years, you wonder if it is worth it - I got the same way prior to leaving the SA service  :-(

Country Fire Service / Re: Not Happy?
« on: June 18, 2009, 03:10:04 PM »
Just a question as pay has been raised several times. How much are payed staff on in rough figures? Because I'm on salary, work 60 plus hours a week minimum, no leave loading, no perks & get payed about $66k (including super). So are people under payed or are their expectations a bit high? And before anyone asked I work in OHS for a major company & depending on qualifications & area of responsiblity range between 60 & 85K (thats us OHS types). And we are "performanced managed" out of the business if we don't meet our targets, over spend, don't help increase profit or don't reduce costs! Or if someone higher up has to :wink:
So is it relly that bad being paid staff, & if it is why stay?

SASES / Re: Prosecution
« on: June 18, 2009, 01:33:15 PM »
Yep no worries mate.
cheers & have a good one

Country Fire Service / Re: Not Happy?
« on: June 18, 2009, 01:32:31 PM »
Nice one Jaff - a very considered statement! About the alias thing - I thought we agreed to not hide behind such devices some time ago.
And your closing statement is quite correct!
One thought though, what if it is payed staff - who are totally frustrated with the "system" actually winding up certain individuals to "vent their spleen" whether on here, in the media or to the government in a vain hope of forcing change? Now this is a hypothetical if you like, just seems like some of the CFS postings on here have a very "indepth" knowledge of things thats all.
I guess what I'm saying is if members (both vollies & payed staff) of the organisation think they are being ignored & their association isn't effective & the service is getting worse. Where do they go then? or do the just leave?
However I agree totally with the last line - care is needed in the future.
Anyway thanks again for an excellent thread :)

SASES / Re: Prosecution
« on: June 16, 2009, 07:48:19 PM »
Just to clear up a minor point of law - this is a prosecution for a breach of the act, the burden of proof being that SES being guilty of failing to ensure a person is not exposed to risk and failing to provide a safe working environment. This is like criminal law, Workcover has to prove that SES was guilty of the above beyond reasonable doubt. At this stage they are infact innocent - only in NSW OHS law are you guilty & then have to prove otherwise.
Anyone can be sued - as this is a civil matter & the burden of proof is different. The poor mans family could start this action at anytime, it is normal however to wait until after the criminal proceedings - as all of the evidence has been presented to the magistrate & any ambulance chaser can see if the civil case will win for their client.
I've noticed several times that people on this site have used the word sued, rather than prosecuted. Remember under SAOHS/Workers comp laws the right to sue does not exists as it does in Victoria & Vollies are protected under the Fire & Emergency services act against being sued.
Finally though as you said the poor people involved will now have to front the magistrate & the prosecution  will have no understanding of Emergency services work. Hope they have a good legal team.

SASES / Prosecution
« on: June 16, 2009, 11:51:30 AM »
Victoria's State Emergency Service (SES) is being prosecuted over the death of a volunteer at Mildura, in the state's north-west, two years ago.

Ronald Hopkins, 54, was involved in a flood boat training exercise with the SES when he went missing in the Murray River near Mildura in May 2007.

His body was found 17 hours later.
SES faces prosecution over volunteer death
An inquest into Mr Hopkins' death by the New South Wales coroner was terminated earlier this year after advice criminal proceedings would be initiated in Victoria.

The Victorian WorkCover Authority is now prosecuting the SES with failing to ensure a person is not exposed to risk and failing to provide a safe working environment.

The matter will come before the Mildura Magistrates Court again next month.

Source ABC News
This is unfortunate but that is why proper training, supervision & accountability is so important! By the way the proposed National OHS laws will protect volunteer officers from prosecution - but not the service itself.
Anyway it makes you think doesn't it?

« on: June 14, 2009, 11:57:16 AM »
Jaff- not sure about the CFS association (so won't comment), but with the SES one we tried! At that time they couldn't see the problem (the stuff that is in the body of the article), so as trainers & managers we battled on. I know that behind the scenes, the service senior management & members of the association tried to resolve the issues. However a real opportunity was missed & sometimes you have to publicise the issues! In other words "Put your cock on the block!".
And when a problem is highlighted the excuses are trotted out, "it's OHS, competency based training" etc. I say crap! For example OHS could have been tackled with HQ developed Safe Work method statements & a compulsory trg course. Then at each job you do a dynamic risk assessment (the good old Stop & take Five!). Finance & Admin can be treated in a similar way. Training the same, why try & re-invent the wheel everytime? I completed the NSW Landsearch cse recently(my SA qual not recognised eventhough I was an instructor!) In simple terms it was brilliant! And yet exactly the same topics covered - but no powerpoints & most of the work done out in the bush (including theory). Didn't spend heaps of time on the "nice to know" but heaps on the pratical skills required. So as I said its not hard. cheers

« on: June 14, 2009, 11:25:15 AM »
Seperate services are not the issue:- we have 26 members, the majority are also with the rescue squad or RFS or NSWFB. And we are one of the small units!
The core issue is that volunteers don't want to be stuffed about with crap.
Retained is not the total answer either, retained works if the management of that particular group is seen as fair, competent etc, I have seen both here & in SA where retained members walk if there is a perception that management is stupid, biased against certain individuals (or favors some), egotistical etc.
Vollies want to be recognised for what they do - not patronised, here there are regular ads for the volunteer services (not recruiting ones, just information) on the local tv e.g. one network "sponsors" RFS so they run their ads, another SES. As I said they are not overtly recruiting, instead highlighting what that organisation does. And then there are recruiting ones prior to the start of the fire season/storm season. Finally as I said what the majority of volunteers want is not as simple as "more dollars" etc, they instead want simplification. It can't be that hard to tell a volly their career path, timeline when things happen, get their certificates to them in 4 weeks, even organise inoculations to occur on time! It can't be that hard! cheers

« on: June 13, 2009, 02:17:21 PM »
Yep - been happening for the last few years. And yet when I was a unit manager & wrote to the then minister, highlighting these issues did I get any support from the CEO, the other unit managers (64 of them) or the association?
Nup - shot down in flames :-( - nice couple of letters from the minister though!
And as far as Warren Hicks complaining, as an ex unit manager he should have known what was coming. As a protest against the lack of support & understanding from the association, when they held a meeting at Berri, we refused to attend (not that it was noticed). Then on top of that, the constant sniping (due to a complete lack of understanding)from some members of the CFS, are they really surprised people leave? The training system in SA is too complex (if you want to see how it is simplified you only have to look over the border), the admin system is well understaffed & the whole service is way under funded. In comparison to this state (which had to learn very hard lessons themselves) SASES is a big grind. The people I feel sorry for are the Men & Women of the service (both volly & paid) who are being significantly let down by the service, other Emergency organisations, the government & the community at large.
I fear that such a great service will largly disappear in the near future due to such problems. And for those from the fire servicces who think who cares? We can just take over well I think you will be surprised & won't cope for long either. cheers

SA Firefighter General / Re: Worlds worse fireman
« on: June 13, 2009, 01:56:59 PM »
Hmmm - you could be right! :-D

SA Firefighter General / Worlds worse fireman
« on: June 12, 2009, 03:53:38 PM »
Was sent this at work - thought you may be interested:
Bungling German firemen have been branded the worst in the world after their own fire station burned to the ground.
All six fire engines perished in the £3 million blaze in Syke and it took 250 firemen from nearby towns to finally bring the inferno under control.
Investigators believe the fire fighters could have triggered the blaze themselves in a training exercise accident or that faulty wiring was to blame.
The weekend blaze was the second time the brigade has lost all its engines in a fire. The station was rebuilt in 1994 after being gutted by a fire.

– Ananova
Makes you think doesn't it?

« on: June 09, 2009, 07:08:58 PM »
Not trolling crash - just relating what I was told. And this is not the first time I have heard this in the last 12 months just more detail. If I had the persons or company name then I would have sent them to David Place(not bothering to mention it here)! And continual references to "this unit is loosing this or that unit is closing etc" makes me get angry. Yep Darren I'm well aware of the response problems with some units in the Riverland - there are reasons. So as a forum recruit you don't like the "woe is us" when it doesn't adversly affect the fire services, fair enough. Then why do some fire services members consistently make adverse comments about us? - by the way I was one of us a short time ago. However your comments are valid, so I won't comment further. But here is a thought - you don't add a second level to your house, if the foundations are defective!  :wink:

Country Fire Service / Re: Recruitment being prevented by BFF1 length
« on: June 08, 2009, 07:43:35 PM »
Why only half Zippy? And the material was almost ready to run in 2007. But egos got in the way - they should have picked up the NSW package instead! Which by the way in about to be reviewed & updated again. Thats the trouble with SA - takes far too long to do anything! And they want to localise everything!
Anyway who cares? No one listens to the vollies anyway :wink:
By the way the old stuff still works & is used right aroung the country & around the world still!

SASES / New? Rumour
« on: June 08, 2009, 07:37:33 PM »
While in SA on the weekend I ran into an ex relative of mine (CFS member) who told me that a person who is involved in selling stuff to fire & rescue organisations is spreading a rumour that CFS brigades will be taking over rescue from SES units - due to falling volunteer numbers!
He also said that where there isn't a CFS brigade then SAMFS will be doing the job. Now this all sounded believable until he mentioned that a SAMFS station in the Riverland will be closed & turned into a CFS brigade!
Another retained station will be expanded.
Now all of this sounds like fantasy, but after what Jaff hinted at in another thread & with the CFS carrying on about budgets in the media - what a way to deflect some attention!
Now I did explain to this person that there was no way Barmera SES members would join Barmera CFS nor did such plans work in other states (the unions gained new member though).

So SES members - get off your arses & start asking your Commanders the hard questions. And find out who this sales person is & boycott the business! you don't need them!
Or otherwise fade into the past as a casualty of the CFS government stoush!Anywaytake it easy

« on: June 08, 2009, 07:17:40 PM »
Sadly more wishful thinking! However sounds like some within SAFECOM & CFS HQ are plotting & planning & SES RCR units may not get a choice :-(
But until that happens, why not leave sleeping dogs lay?

Country Fire Service / Re: Recruitment being prevented by BFF1 length
« on: June 08, 2009, 07:11:08 PM »
Quite correct Andrew - I was on a "pilot" 16 months ago!
And its a good package - it is a pity our fire fighting friends make comments without checking their facts first. After what I heard from someone from the CFS on the weekend - seems that the old rumour mill is in full speed & some of the statements he made were quite slanderous (especially considering I was actually on two of the jobs he was talking about!) And one of the comments he made about what a fire sales person had said about the future of the CFS would see  the need to increase the length of BFF1 not shorten it!
So I hope you boys & girls are ready, because sometimes you may regret what you wish for :wink:
bye :-)   

Country Fire Service / Re: Sunday Mail
« on: June 05, 2009, 06:53:30 AM »
The same government who is not going to spend the cash - there are many remote communities that are around that size & have stuff all! Sadly its the way of the world - is Cockburn still closed?
So I think you all should read Matt's piece, there has been a fair bit of comment on the government not living up to it's end of the bargain, but on this & other threads - some members (& some staff) are not living up to theirs!
As I said on the other thread good luck with it all, but me thinks you have some very powerful opponents & after all an nice couple in North Adelaide don't give two stuffs about a community out in the sticks! And this will continue while 98% of this countries population live on the eastern seaboard. And rural communities slowly die :cry:

Country Fire Service / Re: Training frequency
« on: June 05, 2009, 06:43:21 AM »
fair point when you look at Matts piece in the other thread - time to cull some dead wood?

SA Firefighter General / Re: 2009 / 2010 State Budget
« on: June 05, 2009, 06:42:01 AM »
Matt a very interesting read. I think the comments about interesting times ahead are accurate. Mind you if you were in the private sector, no one (including CFS) would be getting a bonus - where is the the 5% on to of 10% save? Joking of course :wink:
So based on this do you think the protest will work? And you can see which service is really being screwed (thanks David). Good luck with your protest, keep up the fight (honestly - don't think you will win not against unions & bean counters)

Country Fire Service / Re: Protest at Parliament House
« on: June 03, 2009, 06:52:54 AM »
Boardy is right - the question should be asked Where has all the money gone?
And just to remind everyone what volunteer means - you weren't forced into it & you don't have to stay (by the way $70k for a building inspector is not bad).
So refer to the other thread - have a protest & good luck!

Country Fire Service / Re: Sunday Mail
« on: June 03, 2009, 06:49:10 AM »
Exactly - this has been discussed many times before. The only hope you have is to publicly shame the government (similar to what the ACT vollies did). And will it work? don't know, but wish you well.

SA Firefighter General / Re: worrying?
« on: May 27, 2009, 07:34:45 AM »
So as professionally trained & equipped persons - shouldn't you be held accountable for any gross neglect of duties (bearing in mind what MT said about SA).
Think back to some of the comments made in this forum-
"well at the end of the day its the publics repsonsiblity to take care of themselves" in reference to the stay go policy
"we need more money & equipment" - recent& ongoing thread
"we dont train all of the time - got better things to do" - debate on training
"we need more training courses" - refer to money comment
"we are only volunteers" - every time things look bad for the service members
I could go on, but I think you see my point!
As a professional in my paid employment, I like ALL others in ALL states can be dismissed, prosecuted, fined, jailed & sued, if I am found grossly neglegent - it has been that way for many years. Think what they are talking about without the emotion - someone decided to let a fire burn because it was in remote country, then failed to put in any contigency plan to prevent it spreading to populated areas. By making that choice Canberra payed the price, now if you weren't a volly fire fighter & it was your house wouldn't you be a bit filtered?
Bearing in mind whats coming out of the Victorian Royal Commission & out of the previous SA inquiries, the public (us) expects better from their emergency services - so when officers on the ground make a decision (payed or volly) it has to be based on sound judgement & hard facts & be able to stand by those decisions at a latter date! Thats what being professional is all! Finally this is really one territory fighting against one state (the ACT was filtered at NSW for letting it run).
But as MT said you croweaters have nothing to worry about :wink:

Country Fire Service / Re: Sunday Mail
« on: May 26, 2009, 10:27:48 AM »
I stand corrected MT - (on the O-Bahn thing anyway) & yes you are right communities have expectations - but my question is the same "what are communities prepared to give up?". Your organisation just does not support the vollies claim - why not?
The exodus thing was from employment agencies who have had numerous enquiries from croweaters looking for work & people I know who are looking for work & the fact that I have been looking for positions in SA (0)- I agree on the NSW comment though - thats how I know about what communities have to give up :wink:
The water thing - well thats a whole different story (we are loosing jobs hand over fist due to the drought & government policies).
It just seems to me there is a fair amount of disagreement on whether the article was a) factual, b) a true picture of the current situation & c) what is adequate? for as long as I can remember the some members of the CFS have complained about budgets & about once a year someone is in the media complaining. I would have thought if the situation was so bad that 1) there would be a Royal commission & 2) you wouldn't have any members?
Anyway I wish you all the best in your latest push for more money, but somehow I don't think it will work until you can come up with one voice that actually makes sense :wink:

Country Fire Service / Re: Sunday Mail
« on: May 26, 2009, 06:59:57 AM »
I think you will find the O-Bahn extention is federally funded, not state. Also in early parts of the thread some of you mentioned rail projects - again federal not state (its all part of the stimulus package). And with a mass exodus of people out of SA - due to the lack of rain & work, the ESL collection as well as other fund raising ideas (taxes) will reduce - so where do you thing the government is going to get the money from?
The problem is people are not prepared to sacrifice something for the grater good, every town must have a hospital/school/other public funded amenities. The ESL was always a political point scoring exercise by a previous government,(to get a certain group on side) it was never going to fully fund the emergency services. So unless there is an increase in the levy - where will they get the cash? Or what are the services going to give up? Maybe less "sheds", lower specced equipment? The aircraft? As I said previously, your not that hard done by & yes the situation could be improved but remember a third of your state wasn't turned black or under several metres of water so the governments focus is else where :wink: And if the CFS is refusing to acknowledge a lack of funding - what is that saying? maybe the funding is right but just miss spent?

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