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Messages - Blue

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Country Fire Service / Re: Should CFS be Paid For COQ?
« on: March 04, 2007, 01:08:21 PM »
*sigh*  :roll:

All Equipment discussion / Halligan tool
« on: March 04, 2007, 12:27:22 PM »
Does anyone know the tool in the subject line as it is named here?

Believe it or not, I can't find a reference to this tool anywhere in the MFS recruit development folder, it refers only to the Hooligan tool. I feel a bit sad for Mr Halligan that as the creator of this nifty little device his name has been forgotten as the bastardised (yet completely apt  :-D) name Hooligan it seems has taken over.

Country Fire Service / Re: 2007 Hino 34's
« on: March 04, 2007, 12:00:30 PM »
 :roll: I can see us ending up with photos similar to the centre spread of the previous RFS Bushfire Bulletin (No 2)  :wink:

Disclaimer for the proposed sequel 'Jack@ss - 911' : No appliances were injured in the typing of this segment 

Country Fire Service / Re: Should CFS be Paid For COQ?
« on: March 04, 2007, 11:49:44 AM »
Why not RescueHazmat? It's good fun!
Don't say they've stopped that now for some OH&S reason!!  :-(

Forum Suggestions / Re: Chat rooms
« on: March 04, 2007, 11:46:34 AM »
Ha ha, its those annoying acronyms again - I just thought to myself "what has the South Australian Farmers Federation have to do with this??"

We could start a Yahoo/ICQ/MSN Messenger chat, on a certain night or time? That's the simplest way I guess. Some of us already have a chat link on our profiles. I've found with other chats for groups that I'm part of that Yahoo is a bit temperamental, but MSN has not had the same problems.

Women of the Fire Industry / Re: Female Firefighters in the Media
« on: March 04, 2007, 11:37:25 AM »
True Pip, you don't have to have previous fire experience to apply for a position with MFS. I guess what I was saying is that if you want to get ahead of the other 999 applicants, you would find out about it all before hand, including getting experience wherever you could. For example, it would be much easier to pass your physical aptitude testing if you'd actually raised a ladder and held a hose under pressure before.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Language used in Emergancy services
« on: March 04, 2007, 11:25:28 AM »
ROFL Camo  :-D

OFF Topic / Re: Clipsal500 V8 race
« on: March 04, 2007, 11:23:34 AM »
As an avid Holden V8 fan (counting down to race start today), general revhead and rally event attendee, I rang CAMS to organise a license so I could be trackside support - and surprise surprise I got told to join the Women's Auxilliary  :roll: I tried on two different occasions and this was always the answer even though I was with CFS. So I gave up.

But it's been good down here cos I've been a ForestrySA Warden for the SEAC events, and you get to drive all over the place dishing out fines to people that are beyond the observation points, finding the best photo locations and checking out the pit areas  :-D

SA Firefighter General / Re: Language used in Emergancy services
« on: March 03, 2007, 10:50:31 AM »
For sure - part of what makes it such a 'club', but certainly must be frustrating or excluding for people outside the service. It's the same with any specialist area, and its certainly a skill to be able to communicate without using jargon when it becomes so much a part of your everyday vernacular.

Personally my pet hate is acronyms  :x

SACFS uses CABA in accordance with COSO's under an AIIMS structure to establish an IMT that oversees incidents where members may work with SAPOL, SAAS, SASES and others giving SMEACS, and SITREPS on GRN to the OIC who receives information from BOM to determine the FDI, all while listening out for DSU's and following with an AAR....  :-P

Forum Suggestions / Re: Chat rooms
« on: March 03, 2007, 10:24:33 AM »
i love a good discution

Spelling nazi!   :roll:

Country Fire Service / Re: Should CFS be Paid For COQ?
« on: March 03, 2007, 10:13:47 AM »
Just where is this money meant to come from?

Yeah, good point. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!   :lol:

Women of the Fire Industry / Re: Female Firefighters in the Media
« on: March 02, 2007, 05:22:02 PM »
This program involved individuals taking part in physical fitness and being shown firefighting techniques prior to applications being open. Does this not therefore disadvantage the average person (whatever their gender or ethnicity) off the streets whos applying to join whos had no experience in firefighting?

Just like applying for any position, if you are really intersted you will go the extra yards. You find out about the organisation, find out about the job, the roles you would undertake, etc etc. So if anyone was keen to be in the MFS, they would know every criteria for selection, they would know they need to be fit, and perhaps would try and do some fire training in any way they can, be that CFS, a warden for their workplace - whatever.

So from what you've said it doesn't sound like an overly huge amount of support - as I said before, simply redressing the imbalance.

OFF Topic / Re: Volunteer Magazine
« on: March 02, 2007, 07:49:11 AM »
Yes indeed, and save the planet by not printing on paper  :mrgreen:
Then again, lots of resources used in creating and powering your computer....  :roll:
RFS mag is a good read too at

OFF Topic / Re: Mt Gambier xmas pagent
« on: March 01, 2007, 07:28:24 PM »
Mt Gambier's Most Wanted  :lol:

OFF Topic / Re: the offical i have noting to post topic!
« on: March 01, 2007, 07:27:03 PM »
Just posted a reply then my computer died, so hopefully it doesn't come through twice....

I was saying that there is the standard joke about fireman having longer hoses (I think you can get that as a bumper sticker). And the Seinfeldian statement "Why is it that one spark can light up a park but it takes a whole box of matches to start the BBQ?"  :-P

SA Firefighter General / Re: Groups self responding to SES jobs
« on: February 28, 2007, 08:00:53 PM »
if it's down then does it need to be felled again?
Ha ha ha!  :-D Love it, true true, there is much skill involved in cutting trees down, especially when you wish to prevent disease and decay in the tree that is still standing and of course ensure that it doesn't drop on someone's head. But cutting a tree up once it is down is another kettle of fish.

Yes I can see you all about to type "but the tree could be hung up" etc etc, and yes it still requires skill, but more in using the chainsaw itself rather than technique  :-)

OFF Topic / Re: Mt Gambier xmas pagent
« on: February 28, 2007, 07:27:15 PM »
There's always the fire parade - we're all in that one! We went through a few red light cameras, so there should be a nice shot of us waving at SAPOL somewhere...

OFF Topic / Re: Volunteer Magazine
« on: February 28, 2007, 07:22:20 PM »
I've subscribed three times for the Volunteer Magazine. I'd get it for a while and then I'd drop off the list. Maybe it will be fourth time lucky  :-)

OFF Topic / Re: LCD Screens
« on: February 28, 2007, 07:12:51 PM »
You been smooching the screen again  :-D

Can't you just use an alcohol based wipe? Or maybe there is something that is essentially the same but bought from electronics stores for ten times the price?

Hypotheticals / Re: Schools
« on: February 28, 2007, 04:37:29 PM »
MFS didn't respond because they were assured that CFS were being paged and the job was confirmed to be well inside CFS area (unless of course the CFS shed was on fire too LOL).

As to why MFS were paged in the first place, who knows, it's a discussion for the Members only section I reckon as some have had their pride dented by miscommunication and a process that was out of all of our (the individual brigades) hands.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Future Strike teams
« on: February 28, 2007, 04:27:07 PM »
The decision of that group didn't ignore the extra benefits as brigades WEREN'T told to NOT go out. Brigades still got out and about into the public and did things. Crews DID do school visits, crews DID go to craft/markets, crews DID do PR exercises. They may not of done anything specific on polling day but that's only one day every 2 years or so; fairly insignificant in the scheme of things PR wise. Maybe they didn't do all the things you wanted them to, maybe you had something else on when they did stuff, maybe you were left out for a good reason I don't know.

I was in that group at the time. And I WAS told NOT to go out and fundraise, which was the topic of discussion (actually it wasn't, we were discussing recompensing vollies  :wink:)  PR, though, has apparently continued unabated. That's good to hear.

We all know pride should be your pay as a vollie, and to those where this is the case, then i say again R-E-S-P-E-C-T  :mrgreen: but after managing volunteers for nine years I know that people volunteer for their reasons, and not all of them are altruistic. If as a service we are struggling for numbers then we can't rely on altruism, we need to think of ways of getting - and keeping - vollies, and if this means various methods of thanking people, compensating them, etc, then bring it on. It may not ring true for those of us who do it for the love so to speak, but it may make another person stick around a little longer.

Women of the Fire Industry / Re: Female Firefighters in the Media
« on: February 28, 2007, 04:11:21 PM »
It therefore should be asked that as a female firefighter in the MFS Blue, do you support the removal of this program meaning that you and other females would (if you wanted to become a fulltime firefighter) have to fight for a place against the many hundreds of males that apply for what is a physically demanding job and therefore, in most cases, would make it extremely difficult for women to join and entirely possible that none would "make the grade".

Very interested in my personal opinions on things aren't you, I should be flattered. Well, the 'equal opportunity people' as you put it are there due to a ground swell of support for equality in our society, and a push for this in government particularly - government, being representative of the people, should be 50/50 gender balanced reflecting our population's statistics, and also involve a reflective percentage of people from other backgrounds, etc. We know this has been difficult to obtain, and the reasons are varied and complex, and sadly a level playing field is not always applied due to personal bias and stereotyping in an application process.

Partly the blame lies with us - it is often a self-imposed glass ceiling, with women believeing they can't do things and generally having less confidence with certain job roles or activities that have been more accepted as masculine endeavours. So not even applying in the first place. The burnt chop syndrome runs riot.

I believe programs such as the one you have brought to our attention are an effort to redress a severe imbalance. I'd say it was based on a directive by government as a whole, and MFS is simply playing its part. The same issues are felt by other specialist employers - look at the airline industry, at a guess I'd say the vast majority of attendants were female, and it has been debated that this is due to height and weight restrictions that simply favour women.

A similar thing could be argued for the MFS - physical capacity is a factor and at the end of the day this may favour males. I would also suggest that the program discussed would still apply the same selection criteria, but perhaps provides extra support in terms of preparation for testing for those minority groups that they would like to see increased in the service. At the end of the day this won't result in a bunch of puny, pudgy or mathematically challenged females and ethnics fighting fires, it simply means that a group of individuals is given a stable platform to work from and hence given the best possible chance of succeeding in an effort to redress the balance.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Future Strike teams
« on: February 27, 2007, 05:09:01 PM »
Cletus, get your gun!   :-P

I think we were talking about volunteers getting a concession. Weren't we? By 'emergency services' I meant including SES and CFS. I doubt that saving a few pennies will bring an influx of new recuits, but so what if it does - we were all complaining about not having crew in another thread. It was just a way that vollies can receive a token thank you for their efforts. If you still want to pay it you do. It's like many other volunteer organisations I'm a part of - my membership fee is waived, but if I'd still like to contribute and pay the membership, I can do so.

My brigade has a 24, and ok the shed isn't all that rusty (though covered in mill dust and spiderwebs), but I don't call 20 - 40 calls a year a huge amount. It's all relative I suppose.

I never said I didn't like the ESL. And I like English as a Second Language too  :lol:

Well thats a bit of an over simplification of the actual case and ignores the complexity involved. I think you will find that to obtain/manage donations and have charity status you need to be registered with the Tax department. Doing so and keeping a paper trace of the funds is very involved. Something that the brigades you are talking about decided they were not willing to do and that it would be more efficiently achieved at group level. The "great incentive" was the fact that the money was collected managed and spent in the most effectve way for the members and the community.

God forbid the complexities involved should ever be discussed with the brigades  :roll: Involve people and they will understand. Be open in your communication and decision making and people will more likely follow (especially important where we are managing voluntees). I think the decision ignored the extra benefits from fund raising that I mentioned peviously, and that was a sad loss that has recently been rectified for polling day.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Future Strike teams
« on: February 26, 2007, 01:56:09 PM »
Surely it wouldn't be too hard to add emergency services vollies to the list of concession receivers for the ESL. Or we could make the whole thing based on how safe your property is, and charge property owners twice as much ESL if they don't clear up their properties coming into fire season  :evil:

Sorry Ath, a bit off topic but still on the cash flow query folowing on from Pip's comment - what happened to fund raising? Does anyone still do it? Or more to the point, is anyone still allowed to do it?

In region 1 there was an issue with fundraising a while back because the ESL was brought in and they though people might be upset at 'paying twice' (which is blah cos not every one owns a house) any cash raised from sausage sizzles, etc would go to the group to be divied up as they see fit rather than given to the brigade that did the hard yards (great incentive) I think we pretty much packed it in for a few years.

For me the value of fundrasing wasn't just about getting cash for the brigade - it was also a meet and greet with the community, creating a presence by getting your trucks and logo out there, and putting fire safety and awareness back on people's agendas. So I'd like to see more of it.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Building bridges CFS/MFS/SES and others
« on: February 24, 2007, 07:38:29 AM »
News just at hand - seems we're moving that way from the top, with the three CO's signing an agreement that essentially says we will respond the nearest appliance to enable efficient service.

Seems all a bit 'well, der' to me. House burning, send nearest appliances, don't care what colour. Person trapped in car, send nearest appliances, don't care what colour.

I've heard that someone in a CFS brigade stated that they wouldn't stop at a house fire in town because it's 'not their area' and they would have to wait to be called  :? Hmm, but here I am proliferating the he-said she-said, which is a huge part of the problem as I know there are miscommunications that only serve to fracture relationships  :oops:

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