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Messages - fireblade

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Incident Operations / Re: 2nd Alarm at LYELL MCEWIN CAMPUS
« on: May 21, 2007, 08:24:06 AM »
True maybe they should have gone but the MFS comm's people only respond what comes up on the screen in front of them!  :-D

It's a bit weird how it works we did not get responded once to a house fire only a few streets away from our station once, but 1/2 an hour later we cruised past two MFS stations responding to an MVA.

One day it might make sense!

Country Fire Service / MFS in Mt Barker
« on: May 21, 2007, 08:17:29 AM »
So whats the go up at Mt. Barker when are MFS building a station there. Will there be a full-time MFS crew there 24/7 or full-time during the day and retained after that?

All Equipment discussion / Re: Ordering of PBI Gold
« on: May 20, 2007, 12:12:45 PM »
Now I've heard it all my helmet is to heavy!

Tell him/her to ask to be put in the radio room or making sandwhiches! :evil:

All this PBI gold stuff is easy i wear mine to structures and MVA's as our RCR gear is on our urban appliance and we have been called to a structure a few times straight after an MVA. Carry my Level 3 nomex with me in a bag just in case during summer and vice versa if going to a rural job. Bit of a pain but hey I'm covered what ever we are going to.

We asked about the level one work shirts a while ago and it fell on deaf ears! Just in case we did get caught out on our urban applaince and had to help out our rural appliances or neighbouring brigades. I'm guessing the cost of more gear?
See how you go with your group CFS_Firey

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: May 19, 2007, 04:28:14 PM »
Hey every time i go to it is a couple of days behind. What the go there have i got the wrong site?
Be good to get it up to date as it makes shifts a work go a bit quicker.

All Equipment discussion / Re: New 34P
« on: May 18, 2007, 04:21:08 AM »
Apparently it is as i was thinking the same. The old girl they had apparently had heaps of rust and was just past the use by date. He said they dont do a huge amount of calls so its ok.

All Equipment discussion / Re: Burnside Pumper
« on: May 18, 2007, 04:10:30 AM »
I think you are missing the point CFS_Firey was not slinging mud at you or Burnside just stating some facts, myself and many others have stated nothing wrong with the new CFS pumpers and a lot of the metro fringe brigades currently do it with 24P's and soon the new 34P's. Everyone should have the same for a standardised fleet which is what the service is trying to achieve. Many reasons for this which i shouldn't need to state.

Plus corporate CFS do speak to brigades about wants and needs of Appliances hence Dalkeiths prototype 34P, Tea Tree Gully's new 14 CAFS prototype plus other brigades with prototypes. CFS has not got an open ended budget and runs a huge fleet compared to other services so you have to keep the appliances realistic, otherwise the cost of a single appliance would be greater and their would be less turn overs of applainces.So brigades would be running with the same appliance longer.

In closing the service has come a long way since i joined 15 years ago when there was appliances of many diffrent builds and rear entry numbers.  :-D

All Equipment discussion / Re: Burnside Pumper
« on: May 17, 2007, 04:55:27 PM »
Imagine if corporate CFS gave into them and let them have some special truck i'm sure other brigades that interface with the metro area and do the same sort of COQ jobs and responding with MFS and are more busier than Burnside would be livered. Just look at Region 2-Saisbury, Dalkeith and Tea Tree Gully all busier than Burnside and not jumping up and down for a special appliance. I imagine brigade south of Burnside are busier to.

All Equipment discussion / Re: K12s
« on: May 17, 2007, 04:37:44 PM »
Oxygen therapy kits should be on a least one appliance at each station as well as having defib machines strategically placed around the state. The only real good thing a disc cutter is good for are roller shutters, got in everywhere else with out them. :-D

Wonder what the reason is for no oxygen therapy kits. Not like it is hugely expensive to train a few guys in the use of.

MFS have them and industrial services like BHP in Roxby and Santos in Moomba have them. :oops:

Incident Operations / Re: SA Severe Storms 15/05/2007-16/05/2007
« on: May 17, 2007, 12:15:27 AM »
Well it shook the living hell out of my house and the dog was hiding under the bed! Not to much rain not fond of helping the SES boys do storm damage and sand bagging they can keep it! Even at those jobs when your the OIC you cant hide from the march of the sand bags!

Country Fire Service / Re: This years call rates
« on: May 17, 2007, 12:05:13 AM »
I've been at a flat out brigade and there is really nothing you can do to manage it really well. Its pretty much the same from a 50+ to a 300+ brigade you get your core guys that show all the time and then those that show fairly regularly to those guys that show up here and there.

To hard to put rosters in place. For example your wife, girlfriend or for those with kids wants to do something. What are you going to say sorry cant I'm on roster pager might go off! for something you don't get paid for.

Generally the Lt's and Seniors talk to let each other know their movements as well as the Fire fighters, so if you know for example if a whole heap have something on the weekend. Those having an easy weekend know to keep an eye on their pagers.

Country Fire Service / Re: This years call rates
« on: May 16, 2007, 01:50:13 AM »
Wow its interesting to hear how many jobs brigades have gone to my station is on about 230. I know brigades like Morphett Vale do dual response for Seaford and Salisbury for Virginia. They hit up around the 400 mark but when does it become to much.

Seriously I'm like you all and love what i do in the service, but you have to ask the question of how much the CFS can bleed out of individuals. Money lost in petrol costs, wages, time away from family it would be staggering if you added it up over the years.

I take my hat off to the guys in those really busy brigades. Must be a huge juggling act for them.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: May 16, 2007, 01:28:37 AM »

What sort of hook and bait do you recommend for this? :-D

All Equipment discussion / Re: New 34P
« on: May 15, 2007, 11:39:27 AM »
I suppose one good thing now is that CFS are refurbishing appliances and sending them to brigades that are not that busy. A mate of mine got one at the station he is at and reckons its better than the old girl that they had.

All Equipment discussion / Re: Burnside Pumper
« on: May 13, 2007, 08:57:09 PM »
I think you just smacked the nail on the head 5271rescue. Plus i do a bit of travel around the country and us CFS lads do well for such a small state in regards to the appliances volunteer fire fighters get. :-D

All Equipment discussion / Re: K12s
« on: May 12, 2007, 08:30:02 PM »
I've just got a fear of some volunteer Fire fighter hurting themselves with one. At some brigades guys struggle to keep up their skills in B.A. etc and thats with not handing them a tool that can take of arms.

As its a tool you would use at minimal incidents, so you have concerns of crews being familiar with them.

They create sparks, petrol engine, heavy and cumbersome. Plus in a lot of occasions you don't know what you could be cutting into.

Fire Stations and SES Units / Re: Biggest Station?
« on: May 12, 2007, 08:04:58 PM »
Hey 24P,

You missed my point a shed looks fine if its new and painted as does a brick building. Plus its fitted out nicely in the inside which i was adding is more important.

Salisbury should have remained a crash repair business as its right in the middle of MFS and costs Para Group/ Region 2 a heap in rent as CFS dont own it.

That should get you fired up!

All Equipment discussion / Re: Burnside Pumper
« on: May 12, 2007, 07:52:40 PM »
I don't think its that drastic tell me one reason why Burnside need a better pumper than anyone else?

Whats wrong with the current Pumpers CFS are bringing out and in what area's are they lacking to what Burnside think that they need?

All Equipment discussion / Re: K12s
« on: May 12, 2007, 07:43:20 PM »
Like i said the majority of incidents my brigade responds to is structure/ RCR incidents and a lot of them are with the MFS who hardly use them.

Hooligan tool, power drill, speed brace, bolt cutters and urban entry tools will get you in anywhere and safer.

Combi tool was just an alternative and would not take up much more room than a disc cutter plus you can buy them as a manual pump or a battery pack option now days.

If the saws are such a great tool why have CFS asked Brigades to remove them off appliances such as Nurioopta and banned Salisbury CFS running training courses in the use of them.

As a USAR tool they have a place, I know MFS have them and i have family in that service that dont rate them.

Incident Operations / Re: Hazmat Incident 10/05/07
« on: May 11, 2007, 10:34:57 AM »
It really makes you think what do these sick unit's get out of doing something like that. Specially to kids as they are the most innocent out of all of us.

I'd like to catch them before handing them over to the police and give them an absolute flogging! Then sorry officer i think he fell over several times! :evil:

Incident Operations / Re: Hazmat Incident 10/05/07
« on: May 11, 2007, 01:45:36 AM »
do you think its malicious? I often spread a bit of that gear on my slide at home as it adds to the experience! :-D

All Equipment discussion / Re: Burnside Pumper
« on: May 11, 2007, 01:42:33 AM »
Kind of makes me laugh when people worry about what Burnside get as a new Pump. If they got extra cash that they can use fine as long as it does not cause the CFS to pay out more in maintenance on the thing down the track.

In saying that though they are by no means the busiest brigade with any extra special risks, so why do they need to be special.

All Equipment discussion / Re: New MFS COMMAND BUS
« on: May 11, 2007, 01:29:26 AM »
Get ready for this i heard 3 million- Bus, electronics the whole lot from an MFS guy in town. Apparently its the goods but wait for it no toilet. :-D :wink:

All Equipment discussion / Re: K12s
« on: May 11, 2007, 01:24:20 AM »
I think that they're an over rated tool. Have made access to sheds without them by using a hooligan tool or as most new sheds are screwed together with a self drilling hex-head screw a good powered cordless drill or speed brace will do the job.

The entry that way is more controlled; you can easily roll back the sheet of tin with obviously another fire fighter close by with a charged line with no fear of the tool being a danger to either operator unlike a disc cutter. Plus I've seen a few videos where the use of a disc cutter has gone wrong, cutting into things that they should not.

As for entries through roller doors, use of a spreader works and I know the reply that not all brigades carry RCR gear. Why not look at a rapid intervention tool (combi-tool) that way you can cut padlocks, open hardened doors, cut window bars etc. Also this does not mean brigades become instant RCR brigades, but in some remote areas where an RCR brigade is a while away. Brigades with a combi-tool could make access for medical teams, whilst awaiting arrival of a Rescue Appliance.

 That's just my opinion, could use the cost of one of them buying some better kit.

Fire Stations and SES Units / Re: Biggest Station?
« on: May 10, 2007, 11:14:33 PM »

Fire Stations and SES Units / Re: Biggest Station?
« on: May 10, 2007, 11:12:47 PM »
I'm not to worry what they look on the outside, can look like a big tin shed but as long as CFS fits out the stations with decent facilities. The CFS has had budget struggles just maintaining what they have taken over since ESAU came along. I don't think the State Government bean counters realised how big the service was with its infrastructure that they would be relieving councils from.

I wonder how some station's that struggled before the change if they are better of now?

I know some stations that belonged to a decent size council and the only brigade in that council zone feel that they are slightly worse of now with the god in the coffers.

Just something to throw in the mix! :wink:

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