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Messages - Ringer

Pages: 1 [2]
I'll follow your advice and go see my brigade captain and maybe the BTO to see if something can be arranged soon  :-)

Its about Training so why hassel ya Captain about it, isn't the training officer supposed to handle training issues.  Sounds like you don't like your training officer. I'm sure he's not as bad as you think.

I'll be looking into that Katrina but the course has to be held in Late Sept or the first weekend in October as our next brigade meeting is on the 08/10/2008 and i'd love to have my certificate presented to me then rather than later     

Well there ya go no Plantation, of course the timber companies aren't going to give ya a job. In fact if you been applying all these years and haven't had it they probably more likely to consider you to be a nusiance and a pain in the neck rather than determined to get a job.

True Ringer but the last few years i have applied for summer crew work with Forestry SA,GTFP,DEH and Auspine i've always noticed that one of the main requirements even though its only a casual 6 month contract is for all applicants to have some sort of chainsaw training or a certification which allows them to do cross cuts or fell trees

With that having been said is probably the reason i've missed out everytime because i wasnt trained in using chainsaws nor had any prior experience in operating a chainsaw  :wink: 
Chainsaws are nice but how about other parts of the job requirements! Do you have Plantation Fire fighting under your belt as well?

Good news i finally got that piece of paper which verify's i undertook and passed(RTC2304A)Operate And Maintain Chainsaws today from TAFE although it was hand delivered by mum cause it some how ended up in my parents letter box rather than mine :roll:

At least now i have the piece of paper to show the forest companies who advertise for summer crews  :-D 

As a casual with a major pine company I can assure you they don't care about casuals having chainsaw ticket they only let the full timers use them on the fireground

Ok Ok i know im getting into that habit of posting this topic around the same time every year  :roll:

Anyways seeing as how the year has already gone past us real fast :-o and with the fire season just 3 months away its time to ask that question of which company everyone is going to try and get a summer crew job with this season... seeing as how im posting the topic let me open the floor  :-P

After narrowly missing out on numerous summer crew jobs last season im back at it again this season coming but now have the addition of my full certificate 2 in Conservation And Land Management of which i have almost completed at TAFE SA Mount Gambier campus

The bonus part about the full cert 2 in CLM (Conservation&Land Management)is that one of the units is operate and maintain chainsaws of which is safe to say i've successfully completed having passed the practical on the 03/08/2008

Heres a list of companies i am going to try and get into for this season

* Integrated Tree Cropping 
* Auspine Forestry
* Hancock Victorian Plantations
* Forestry SA
* Green Triangle Forest Products
* National Parks & Wildlife (DEH)
* DSE Victoria

Now its everyone elses turn  :-)

Oh yeah the chainsaw i had to operate and maintain during the unit was an ECHO and believe me that chainsaw had alot of grunt and i dont mean it grunted like a pig does  :lol:


Depends on your definition of narrow. But 5kms doesn't seem very narrow to me

Country Fire Service / Re: Compton celebrates!!
« on: August 24, 2008, 07:43:17 PM »
Congratulations Captain Cam!

It's great to see a young & enthusiastic person willing & keen to take on the job of captain.

Good luck Cam!

(And good luck to any people taking on new appointments this year!!)

When's Roger Rogers funeral?

Country Fire Service / Re: Kalangadoo's first Private Alarm
« on: August 24, 2008, 07:35:53 PM »
Should have been a two station job...........

Nah its wattle least 4

Gambier group would have needed back up from MFS and port mac would have been calling for strike teams

I wouldnt be worrying about a 2nd truck when you are only responding with 2.5 crew on the first truck.   :lol:

Actually Camo we had a crew of 3 not 2.5  :roll:

Just relaying what i heard on the radio   :lol:

Kalangadoo did roll with only 2.5
 the 0.5 was on the back

That might have been the message as i rocked up before the truck left the station  :-P

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