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Messages - crashndash

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RDO? Big Night Out?

MFS Brooklan Park 451

then suddenly...

MFS Adelaide 206

ahhh, beware the old just another rubbish fire....

Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 26, 2010, 07:27:11 AM »
ok, you wish

Vote 1....Alan for Bad Cop  :evil:

Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 25, 2010, 02:36:39 PM »
bwahahahah.....3 trucks and 12 he was shaking in his But I take it back, obviously the struggle is in well in hand

3 Brigade and Group Officers from right across the state.....errr right

Finally, CFSVA, telling us via your website is fact its good and a pleasant change......but ffs tell the public - they will convince the Government to change...we wont

Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 25, 2010, 12:03:43 PM »
january will pass....and nought will happen....

so with only a few days to go, I'm betting the above will be the status quo

Pitching to the public for computer systems Wendy (and the rest of the CFSVA) isnt going to win public hearts and minds....they dont care. Tell them we'll have to walk to a fire....that might help.

Alan's rebuttal is first class...... if you want to win the media war, then u need to be able to refute the Government spin quickly and accurately. Sadly it appears our paid for CFSVA staff struggle to find the means to do this

My vote....Alan for CFSVA Pres

Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 25, 2010, 07:11:21 AM »
of about $90 per year.

The MFS will take the largest share (45.2 per cent) followed by the CFS (26.7 per cent) and the SES (5.7 per cent) while the SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission, an administrative arm, receives 5.9 per cent, up from about 0.3 per cent in 2002-03.

anyone else noticed the math here? Those percentages add up to 83.5%. So somewhere there is 16.5% (or 61% of the CFS operating budget) going elsewhere. Yes we know the Volunteer Coastguard and Surf Lifesaving get money as well.....but 13.5%?? would hope not.

SASES / Re: Murray bridge SES
« on: January 24, 2010, 09:25:28 PM »
I gather Crash you work in the public sector - say what you like & can't be sac ked :wink: The point I was trying to make is if you want a truly professional service then if rules are broken the there should be repercussions, & a mature attitude to all of the emergency services by all instead of this constant sniping - as some of those who I used to manage found out! And the only reason in the old days some councils went down that path was a)cost & b)special interests - just like an ex - emergency service minister a few years ago :wink:
It was misguided & now other towns have to cover when it all turns to crap! And if you think I'm talking filtered then you haven't been around too long :wink: Theres a lot more to storm & flood than you might think! And then there is disaster management as well, so while some of you will bitchnwhinge until the cows come home - guess what? it won't change SES will be around for a while yet :-D cheers

nope, just interested to see that someone who bangs on constantly about the need to manage volunteers better and how great it is done in other services or over the border would fall back on threatening someone with a bit of paper that frankly isnt worth jack.....if u have to charge someone then the Manager has lost the war, let alone the battle.

That paramilitary approach went out years ago....St John is a good example of how it inappropriate these days....but then much of the SES reminds me of St John.....

SASES / Re: Murray bridge SES
« on: January 24, 2010, 02:34:24 PM »
an official warning for breaches of the code of conduct

oooerr ...shaking in my boots.....

Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 22, 2010, 06:19:44 PM »
country hour....well, theres mass media at its brilliant best

Country Fire Service / Re: New Fire Danger Ratings
« on: January 21, 2010, 10:31:01 AM »
is that for real??

you're kidding....right?

Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 19, 2010, 06:39:04 PM »

This "protest/display" who mooted it? from my brief readings its not the CFSVA, but some disgruntled(most of us are)members! and NO formal talks have taken place other than these discussions on here! Am I wrong?

well this would indicate its a little more than that;

Not yet confirmed.
Depends on the Minister's office.
I understand the meeting has been put back to Wednesday.
I hear that any action will hinge on outcomes of that meeting, and another one with
CFSVA on Thursday.

The funding issue affects all Brigades/Groups/Regions but as usual only the few are prepared to have the balls and stand up and be counted on the issue.

A "United" stand is fine but it needs everybody to have the desired effect...what are they going to do?......SACK US :evil:

A street rally to Parliament House and a set of keys from each brigade appliance to the minister would have a better effect. :evil:

We are being "used" ladies and gentleman :wink:

Stand up!!!
sorry, but stuff like this is pointless diatride. We all know that we wont quit or withdraw services....cos thats not what we do, that IS the difference between US and THEM.....its not just a job for's OUR community.....this sounds very much like the whinging we hear from many in the services....and without anything productive to add. It doesnt further the argument at all - IMHO

At the end of the day, Rainer and the other faceless ones behind this action(at least he has the guts to put his name to it) read this forum every day I'm sure. As has been said, the CFSVA read it all the time we know that, why are they so quiet? why so invisible, are you or are you not supporting this as a legitimate way of sending a message to the Government?......if you want support, then come up with the proper information so that everyone can make a decision to support this or not. Otherwise, I would suggest that the thread is better off closed.

Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 19, 2010, 12:59:51 PM »
Who has got single cab 24s they can spare for a few hours driver training?
Also old FCS750 Isuzus? If needs be, arranging coverage with neighbours...

How about a 27 year old Tanker and a 24 year old 12?

Thanks for the info.

Well that is probably due to those no longer being approved by the CFS....and you guys won't give them up, but that's another story !

Darren is actually quite right. Just as we criticise them for spin and truth we should be very careful about doing the same.....the moral highground is a valuable place....dont filtered it up by trying to salt the picture....its briny enough.

With only a few days to go till "the date"....nothing has  come out to Groups and no discussion forthcoming to Brigades giving them a complete picture of why this action is needed, and therefore allowing the members to decide to take part or otherwise,  indeed nothing has come out on anything at all, could say typical CFSVA organising

Country Fire Service / Re: Time for action
« on: January 18, 2010, 11:45:18 PM »
january will pass....and nought will happen....a few rumblings from one particular Group with a dubious reputation at best isnt going to get the collective off their couch and any display will be token at best

hmm....wonder how many hazmat units closer that Adelaide and St Mary's.....BA bus is fair enough....but 1 Pump and a Rescue Pump?.....SACAD where fore art though

what sort of issues?.....Incident Control issues...or skill issues?

SA Firefighter General / Re: Driving Priorities?
« on: January 11, 2010, 05:27:30 PM »
thats the policy - have you added the memo's that have been circulating??  

you really have a small man syndrome don't you!!

do you you really think SAAS management are going to be that impressed that you're putting Policy Documents on a public forum when anyone who actually does need to see them has the appropriate authorised access via SAASnet?


since you consider it so heinous a crime to have a simple document explaining a procedure up here, I've removed need to run to the teacher. You may care to select the same restraint the next time  you start a discussion on St John and SAAS  interactions.

Maybe it's a good thing to keep the noise going on all the metro cars....the way they are driven at least we'll be able to find the wreckage easily

oh....and as for SAAS management can work that one out I'm sure


SA Firefighter General / Re: Driving Priorities?
« on: January 11, 2010, 01:52:20 PM »
well.. if there is I havent seen the new memo, nor has my station, and it isnt on the SAAS Intranet (that I can see.......although we know how functional and easy to navigate that is)

The Current Operations Procedure for Emergency Driving in the Policys and Procedures section is attached and is quite clear

SA Firefighter General / Re: Driving Priorities?
« on: January 10, 2010, 11:01:48 PM »
i know saas country have been told that they must respond lights and sirens to approriate jobs even if its the middle of the night but common sense prevails and they obviously go lights only when theres no traffic

errr nope, no such edict Al....I suspect you might just have a local "interpretation"

SA Firefighter General / Re: Upcoming weather
« on: January 10, 2010, 05:03:44 PM »
so if everywhere is catastrophic around you?....where do u go?...where do u tell the neighbour to go when they ask?

anyone for the pool at the Grand at the Bay?

now that would just be silly Alex....u would need twice the amount of for the folders and one for the scrunchers....and that would just waste all those little GRN things and someone may need them you know......i mean there might be a heatwave and we might need to do stuff to trees or cats  :evil:

SA Firefighter General / Re: Upcoming weather
« on: January 08, 2010, 09:56:32 PM »
so extreme, severe and very high dangers are ok for us fire heroes  now in the new scale of things? Cool (pun intended) now do i prepare, act or survive....hmmm

Incident Operations / Re: School Fire Burton Primary School
« on: January 06, 2010, 04:54:36 AM » about surround and drown....

SAAS / Re: SAAS PTO intake 2010
« on: December 23, 2009, 11:07:11 PM »
dont be too surprised if there isnt much of an intake at all this year...if ever.

Theres about to be a couple of new players in the Patient transfer game enter the market and SAAS will gracefully (or otherwise) slowly withdraw from most of it. Its one of the reason almost all of the last guys to enter got Casual contracts

Depending on your motivation for joining PTS, you may find life with these new companies is a little more financially rewarding than SAAS (just to put it out there....i have no tie to either of them), but if ur wanting Emerg work longer term, then that may not be where u want to go

Having said all that.....SAAS will probably start recruiting next week, just to prove me wrong......( I can see Ray sitting there going.....HR? BK (big kahuna) here.....recruit a few PTS types will you....just to filtered over that CnD bloke)  :lol:

Country Fire Service / Re: What keeps you coming back?
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:33:04 PM »
cheap beer and loose women

and as soon as i find some....I'm outta here

Country Fire Service / Re: Election Time
« on: December 21, 2009, 10:01:57 PM »

Helicopters can't do everything !!

but for everything else......charge up the Government Mastercard and get some time with the big DC10 and 45,000 the cost of a small country per hour :)

If we stopped buying new PPE and trucks we could afford more helicopter time.....hmm....might send a suggestion to the Chiefs......i mean we're supposed to come up with cost saving suggestions arent we?

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