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Messages - fire fighter kiki

Pages: [1]
Country Fire Service / Re: Delays between MFS calling out CFS
« on: October 10, 2006, 11:03:14 PM »
I dont come from kiki nor do I come from KI sorry to burst your bubble  :-D Like I said where I come from is for me to know and no one else to know hehe  :mrgreen:

Country Fire Service / Re: BA`s
« on: October 04, 2006, 03:31:06 PM »
seriously, can we all agree that if the person looks fit enough and can fit BA set straps around the guts, they're ok for the job?

Yeah mate I agree hit the nail on the head there :-D :lol:

Country Fire Service / Re: Delays between MFS calling out CFS
« on: October 04, 2006, 03:17:49 PM »
Where do you hail from fire fighter kiki

I aint tellin no one nuffin like that its for me to know and every one else to never know put it that way!! sorry  :-D

The Humour Zone / Re: The official SAFF word association thread
« on: October 04, 2006, 03:08:38 PM »

Country Fire Service / Re: Delays between MFS calling out CFS
« on: September 24, 2006, 07:34:56 PM »
Toast it really depends on what group you are from our group is calling them in most of the time always have and always will. Any way MFS ain't allowed off of the bitumen unless they use their 14.

Country Fire Service / Re: Use of Firefighters for non fire activities
« on: September 24, 2006, 07:23:10 PM »

Country Fire Service / Re: Delays between MFS calling out CFS
« on: September 24, 2006, 07:02:26 PM »
I was at a fire the other night we had MFS come out and help us as we needed the water supply, any way some people off of our crew were working on the MFS unit and some of the MFS crew were working off of our unit and now working with them the way we did has changed my mind about the MFS alot. Basically the only difference is they get paid and we don't, theres probably a few more differences but there petty little things.  :-D  :-) But they don't call us out when they should but we will work every thing out one day it wont happen over night but it will happen

Country Fire Service / Re: BA`s
« on: September 22, 2006, 02:04:27 PM »
Ok, first of all, A) Stop posting drunk, B) Get a dictionary or go back to year 6, and C) There needs to be an upper limit on size for BA operators for the safety of not only themselves, but for the other operators that go in with them. I came in at a BMI of 28, under the limit yes, but I know that my buddies would have a hard time pulling my 100kg/6ft self out of a buliding. I dread to think  what it would be like trying to pull out someone who hits 35 or even is over that. I agree that the way the BMI is calculated (Height x Weight) is silly, as has already been said short, muscley people have issues. At the moment, its the easiest and best way of introducing a rough guideline.

Get over your self mate A)I dont drink so im not drunk.... B)Grow up I dont have to learn how to spell or go back to year 6 i can do what I like when I like your not my parents  C) HAHA

Not too sure I know if you don't got to any call outs trainings or meetings in 6 months then the brigade can send you a letter asking what you are going to be doing or if you have a good reason why you haven't been going to them like work not too sure other wise....

I would think they would have some sort of system set out where you would have to turn out to so many call outs training nights and meetings to qualify and set it up some way or how so that people just don't join to gain the benefits if ya know what I mean!! :-D

Country Fire Service / Re: BA`s
« on: September 21, 2006, 11:19:00 AM »
You all need to realise what whinging tools you sound like, and making so many speculations and false statements for really no apparent reason, the BMI rule is a fair rule and it only ever bumps one or two people a year who are not overweight or obese but body builders and the likes. You seem to find the ones that whinge over these matters are the ones that fail the medical. The BMI level has been raised over the years also, and I think you will find that small petite people will be restricted by their doctors (with half a brain) also because carrying 27kg on a small frame can cause serious back problems. slag me if you like but if most of you look deep inside yourselves you know I am right.  

Your the one that needs to get a life mate I passed the BMI and I think its pathetic way of doing things so get your facts straight Mate. so I get to complian as much as i like HEHE. and Toast saftey huh They alow larger fire fighters on the fire ground wich is a great thing but your saying there not capibal to do BA how can thinner people try and save a larger member of the public? youll need heaps of them when if you have larger fire fighters doing BA it helps as you only need two people.....

Country Fire Service / Re: Delays between MFS calling out CFS
« on: September 21, 2006, 11:10:23 AM »
medevac I have the same problem in our group the fire does start in CFS area but MFS do get the call out and not call us in untill 30 mins after first call they get. Plus they dont always call us out either so mate.

Two different people but the same computer is used at the computer shop.

The Humour Zone / Re: The official SAFF word association thread
« on: September 18, 2006, 01:46:14 PM »

Good point there YELLOWS we Volunteer our time cars fuel.... money for rego we should get some sort of deduction off of some thin you mentioned. But then would we have a problem with members of the public abusing the system? I believe we should get things like that a bit cheaper but you must bee in the service for a certain amount of time before it comes in to affect.

The Humour Zone / Re: The official SAFF word association thread
« on: September 18, 2006, 12:44:22 PM »

Country Fire Service / Re: BA`s
« on: September 18, 2006, 12:41:11 PM »
My mother has been in BA for 6 years and now they have brought in these new BMI stuff and she is only 5kg over the BMI and she has been told that she is no longer allowed to do BA, I have seen MFS in our area that are more than 5kg over the BMI how can they justify this? the CFS is a Voluntary service.

The Humour Zone / Re: The official SAFF word association thread
« on: September 17, 2006, 12:42:14 PM »
Snail :-D :-D

Country Fire Service / Re: Turnout times
« on: September 17, 2006, 12:24:45 PM »
We had a call a few nights ago from the time of call to arriving on scene was 2.5 to 3mins fully crewd with other members arriving in there own cars at the same time, some memebers live 10mins away too (Not bad to arrive with the truck). But I know a brigade that responds some times 10mins after call with only the driver no other personell. but during havest we struggle a lill bit with truck drivers only.

Country Fire Service / Re: BA`s
« on: September 17, 2006, 12:06:21 PM »
I agree with you there YELLOWS_2. It don't matter if your Black white pink or purple, Skinny Fat Short or Tall if you can do the job well go for it we are not here for a fashion statement hasn't any one heard of discrimination at all I personally know a lot of over weight people and they are fitter than average to under weight people any one is prone to hear attacks and heat exhaustion. next yous will be saying that different races colour and all that cant do BA or fire fighting shame on you. Larger people have an advantage over skinny people same with short peeps. some members in my brigade that are of what you call over weight I can trust with my life not with the skinny peeps.


SA Firefighter General / Re: CFS vs MFS, the gloves are off
« on: September 12, 2006, 05:31:44 PM »
I find that the full time MFS personell are better towards the CFS personell than the retained MFS fire fighters.. Like I had a retained fire fighter come up to me and say they are better at fighting house fires than the CFS but the CFS are better at fighting bush and scrub fires than what the MFS are but I personally believe we are all the same as we do the same CABA course, not only that we are all fire fighters and we all do things a little different but it gets the job done well.. :-D

The Humour Zone / Re: The official SAFF word association thread
« on: September 12, 2006, 04:51:15 PM »

Women of the Fire Industry / Re: women in the service's
« on: July 17, 2006, 05:25:16 PM »
My Mother went to join the fire service in the late 80s but they just turned around and said that being a fire fighter is a mans domain my mum had to wait another 10years before she could join in the late 90s. when she joined she was not allowed to become a fire fighter because the Capitan at the time refused her to be on the appliance so she had to wait another 6 to 18 months before she done her basic level 1 course. Now she is LT3 and happier than ever since these other members have retired. now our fire station has more females than ever and couldn't be any more happier.  :-D and now my mother is looking at becoming brigade Capitan in 2 to 4 years time. :-D

Incident Operations / Re: Grape spills
« on: March 29, 2006, 10:47:04 AM »
Not exactly a CFS responsability - road clean up

Do we not clean up after a MVA.
I would rather go to a grape spill than a MVA, because of a grape spill.
My last grape spill was a strange one, 3 inches thick with grapes about 500 mtrs long around one big bend and up another intersection. We where only allowed to slow the traffic down but still had to do a MVA because a truck slid across the road and a car tryed to miss them but hit a light pole. But still no grape spill clean up.
The other spills happen in town and it smells and the vinegar flies after a day or 2 now the public are complaing. :? :?

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