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Messages - Left foot snap

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SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: December 15, 2016, 05:05:15 PM »
I imagine they are in the process of creating the first squad of 18 by collating medical results and referee checks rather than worrying about those they actually can't give any genuine information to. If you've been interviewed and not received notification your out of the process your in the best position, excusing those who are already ahead in the selection process.

SAMFS / Re: SAMFS Recruitment Personality Profiling and Ability Testing
« on: December 13, 2016, 09:00:15 AM »
Seriously... it's not like people aren't going in with their eyes wide open. The recruitment section of the SAMFS website clearly states the following

"The MFS has introduced a fee to participate in the Firefighter Recruitment and Selection Process. The fee is $100 per applicant. The fee is not refundable and wholly contributes to expenses incurred by the MFS in the administration, testing and processing of applications. The MFS do not retain any part of this fee.

Please be advised that the results of the Personality Profiling and Abilities assessment are the property of SAFESELECT and are not provided to applicants or any other parties. Payment of the application fee does not guarantee employment with the MFS." 

People also sign a consent prior to completi the testing indicating they understand this. If you don't like it, don't apply.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: December 07, 2016, 05:02:10 PM »
Any news how the PAT2 testing has gone the last couple of days? I heard a second  hand rumour there might have been another fail.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:04:48 AM »
How reliable is your information beater? You'd like you're chances if you were in the PAT2 testing group and 2 of the 22 being tested had failed on day 1.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: December 05, 2016, 05:39:59 PM »
On which task/s?

SAMFS / Re: SAMFS Recruitment Personality Profiling and Ability Testing
« on: December 01, 2016, 03:18:51 PM »
I wish I had an answer beater but unfortunately I don't. I maintain that it would be unlikely that you would get feedback on the personality profiling as you could alter your responses in future tests to fit the desired profile, not show your own profile which is not what the SAMFS are after.

I don't profess to be an expert on the process. However my tip would be to have a chat with people who have been successful at progressing in previous intake for insight and perhaps compare responses for the commonly occurring questions that are asked multiple times in the profiling.

I do empathise with paying the $100 for the application though and flights to Adelaide for testing . But that's a personal choice you make and no guarantees are made at any point. The only thing I can think of mojo is that there were other applicants with a similar profile who fit into target groups which may have bumped you out.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 30, 2016, 08:14:32 AM »
I don't have a huge issue if that's how the panels have been made up. One member of the panel (HR REP) act  as a scribe and notes the applicants responses while the other asks the questions and asks for further clarification if needed.

This is not an uncommon practice where there are multiple interview panels. The chair of each panel then meet, review responses and rank applicants accordingly. It  is the responsibility of the applicant to be prepared and provide responses that clearly outline their suitability for the role so when all panes meet they can can accurately rank people.

Plenty of people sit on interview panels for positions they have not held themselves.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 29, 2016, 06:08:40 PM »
Went out early  this afternoon to those who have been successful at progressing to PAT2.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 28, 2016, 11:40:23 AM »
Interviews were scheduled for Monday-Friday of last week. Collating  the results and forming the cab rank from there before notifying successful applicants??

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 23, 2016, 10:32:00 AM »
That's definitly a possibility. I guess it depends on how much value is placed on the personality profiling. You would think it is likely that if the first group interviewed are of a high quality after the interview they will make up the first squad and the second (if there is one) and any left over may be top of the pile for a third squad (if there is one) unless the second group interviewed are stronger candidates.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 23, 2016, 07:32:26 AM »
It would be rare that a high volume of people would crash and burn in the interview process but last intake I'm told a very small number of people were notified they were not progressing from the interview stage. The cab ranking is a combination of the profiling, interview, CV and references. Last time they had 40 do the PAT 2 which allowed for 2 squads plus change if people failed it or the medical.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 21, 2016, 12:14:19 PM »
Unless someone bombs out of the interview process completely you all applicants would be cab ranked. Performance in the personality profiling also contributes to your ranking.

I've heard they are anticipating two  squads this financial year and at least one in the first half on the next financial year.

Most shifts at the moment are on recall and doing overtime as there are not enough relievers available so you'd imagine three squads is a possibility.

SAMFS / Re: SAMFS Recruitment Personality Profiling and Ability Testing
« on: November 20, 2016, 08:04:58 PM »
So you like the ASA process as its cuts the number of applicants down to a manageable number to allow for face to face contact with applicants after the personality profiling and ability tests but are unhappy with the SAMFS for doing the same thing?? You just come across as bitter that you haven't progressed.

You obviously have no first hand experience in interviewing in the SAMFS yourself, but there is significant opportunity for applicants to interact with the panel throughout the process from the interview to the offer of employment.

As for applicants not shining in the drill squad, welcome to the real world... everyone brings with them their own strengths and weaknesses at the start of the squad and learn at a different rate but ultimately all graduate. Plus all undertake further learning throughout their careers. I've not heard of anyone not passing their probationary period from the recent drill squads so they must be competent in their positions on shift.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 19, 2016, 07:54:03 AM »
Every person that applied could lay claim to the fact that they are "intelligent, keen to learn, has a fantastic work ethic, and is a valued, respected and respectful member of his team. He is also very fit and capable, trustworthy, reliable and brilliant at the job. As candidates go, he is as good as it gets"

And claiming that the SAMFS is not filtering out the best applicants and it's unacceptable based on the anecdotal evidence that  you and your mate didn't progress is a broad and sweeping statement and probably an unfair comment to those on this forum who have progressed through to the next stage.

Feedback is not an obligation from employers to all people who are unsuccessful in winning  a position. Often the most you will get is a "there were a number of high quality candidates who were more suitable" and you need to accept that and move on and throw your hat in the ring next intake.

Obviously they will not release the results from SAFESELECT. If they do that, the process is null and void as people alter their results to fit into a certain personality type and muppets slip through the net. I would advise against stamping your feet and talk HR to town because you are disappointed you haven't progressed. The process is clearly outlined on the website prior to application so none of this process should have surprised you.

I can understand your frustration but your post seems like sour grapes more than anything else. If you were being interviewed I'm sure you'd think the process was great.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 18, 2016, 05:43:14 PM »
At least HR are consistent. Stuffed up last time too

Care to expand?

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 18, 2016, 03:54:23 PM »
So if they interview every day next week and conduct a max of 8 one hour interviews that would mean there are 40 getting interviewed? Or 80 if there are two interview panels?

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 17, 2016, 05:38:05 PM »
What days are they actually interviewing? Tuesday - Friday? There were two interview panels last intake. I wonder if they will stick with that or have one panel for more consistency.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 16, 2016, 03:24:51 PM »
Interview emails went out this afternoon.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 16, 2016, 02:26:49 PM »
There were five 90 minute time slots yesterday, each allowing 32 to be tested (four groups of eight ). I heard somewhere around 20-25 either no showed or failed. Not sure how accurate that number is. I imagine invitations to interview will be out in the next 24 hours or so. It's not uncommon for most workplaces to ask for an interview with only a  few days notice. I'm sure everyone that progresses will find the time to getting their interview. They probably already know who the interview pool is they just need to pass the PAT1

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 15, 2016, 01:23:18 PM »
I don't think they've necessarily taken the "first" 150 but the most "highly suitable" applicants to the PAT 1 testing. Of the group that's gone through to the PAT1 there is likely an additional ranking system again from the profiling. Therefore not all those who do the PAT 1 will necessarily get interviewed. It's entirely a number/ranking game after the profiling takes place. Like most employment processes everyone's results are considered equally but not everyone's results are highly suitable. Unfortunately, wanting the career desperately doesn't always make you the best person for the position

By the sounds of it the MFS have been fairly transparent in the communication. You recieve an email if you progress, an email if you are set loose and an email to keep fit if a high percentage of people fail subsequent testing. It seems more like people are not willing to accept the outcome than being kept in limbo.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 14, 2016, 09:12:38 AM »
My mail is 150 to do the PAT1 who will then be interviewed and the remainder who do the PAT 1 will sit in a pool for consideration if a large number of people bomb out on the interview or fail the PAT 2. I can't guarantee this is correct or exact but I imagine it would be around the mark. The reason the profiling was first was to cut down on beep testing a massive number of people. And a lot of weight is given to the profiling.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 12, 2016, 07:56:41 AM »
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if people haven't been invited to do the PAT 1 as yet it would appear unlikely it will happen for you this intake. 200-300 have been notified of their PAT 1 times and an interview pool will be drawn from this. There's only 18 each drill squad which runs for 14 weeks and historically they've only ever taken 4 squads from an intake. Even if you've not been given a direct no, I'd say your chances are slim given the volume of highly suitable applicants who have already progressed.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:47:40 PM »
Flexibility for staffing changes, set up and pack up, accomodating for those with medical certificate, factoring in unforeseen events. Probably on a needs to know basis.

SAMFS / Re: Recruitment 2016
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:20:46 PM »
I tend to agree with Ferret. The most suitable 180ish applicants from the personality profiling/ability test have been notified and they are now possibly sorting through the remainder to create a pool of another 200 or so to call on if required as they did in the previous intake.

They could probably run all the PAT 1 testing  on the Tuesday. In previous intakes they have tested 6 groups of 6 people in a 90 minute period. That's 36 per sessions. 5 sessions over the course of a working day would test all 180ish applicants.

This recruitment drive seems to be more streamlined than previous ones so I doubt they would be dicking around and have it string out any longer than it has to.

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