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Topics - jaff

Pages: 1 [2]
All Equipment discussion / Oxygen & AED stowage
« on: August 15, 2008, 09:37:54 PM »
One skill drill I would like to see everyone do as a requirement, like the burnover drill is, CPR.
As the average age of our firefighters increases and with no fitness tests/challenges in place, we are probably more likely to have a firey go down with a heart attack or something of that levity.
So I think every person that is on the fireground should be annualy drilled in CPR ,so hopefully we can at least we can keep that person alive until they are taken out for further attention.
This skill might also be used in the home to save the life of a loved one and the more we practice it, the more it becomes second nature.

SAMFS / Handcuffs, Hydrants and Hernias....triple H
« on: August 14, 2008, 11:06:42 PM »
Do the mets still have these nights?, used to be some real blinders back in the good old days! :wink:

SA Fire Fighter Events / AFAC SA 2008
« on: August 14, 2008, 07:54:21 PM »
AFAC SA 2008 anyone from on here going

OFF Topic / Favorite movie line of all time!
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:08:44 AM »
So whats your favorite line from a movie?

On any Saturday night in a pub somewhere one of the classic lines from the Blues Brothers gets played out as someone who's round of drinks it is to buy, looks from mate to mate and says "orange whip, orange whip, orange whip ,3 orange whips" :-D

Terrorism / Is it or isn't it????
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:56:34 AM »

So we have all been clued up on the likely terrorist attack methods, but what about if someone during a particuarly dry warm spell that we suffer through each year, set large numbers of fires in vunerable areas at exactly the same time.
Now imagine if it happened in WA, SA, VIC, ACT, NSW simaltaneously.
Imagine that scenario, the devastation that it could potentially cause over great areas affecting a massive amount of the Australian population!
When you look at the challenges just SA would face its scary.
Even the Salvo's would have trouble supplying that much Spam, pineapple,beetroot and potato salad to all the hungry firey's! :-D
What are your thoughts?

SA Firefighter General / When do you do it?
« on: July 29, 2008, 12:38:42 AM »
When do brigades or groups train? Would we open ourselves up to new members if we changed our nights? Do we only do it at that particular time because of tradition? Is there something else we could try? Will you still respect me in the morning? :-D

SAAS / Things that make you go huuuuummmm!
« on: July 29, 2008, 12:18:13 AM »
Bordey or some of you other blood bus drivers, what are some of the more unusual callouts you have attended,? you often hear of patients presenting to emergency with "difficulties" some self inflicted :-o 

SASES / Do you ever?
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:12:35 PM »
The pager website shows SES called out to a lot of, on the info on the pagers trivial events that should perhaps be taken care of by Mr and Mrs Joe public,the gutters flooding in particular comes to mind. "HELLO" clean em out, if your fit and able no excuse, if your old or infirm ,call a relative or contractor, not the emergency services at the worst possible moment!
Small tree down,get out of your slippers and "HELLO" bow saw!
Is this apparent phenomenon a suburban issue, as the rural areas seem to take care of themselves!
I know if I was called away from my employment to attend a job that the resident could have with a little effort relatively easily taken care of themselves, it wouldnt amuse me, it would probably only be the comraderie of my vollie mates, that make it worthwhile.
So do you ever feel used by a lazy uncaring public???

SAAS / Violence on scene
« on: April 27, 2008, 01:11:11 AM »
You often see on the paging network, response for ambo,s with the warning possible violence on scene,is this a a common occurence at the scene ?
What safety measures do you have in place ?
Your job would be stressfull enough as it is, without this distraction!!

Cheers Jaff

Women of the Fire Industry / Evolutution, Revolution or Lip Service
« on: March 26, 2008, 10:22:25 PM »
Are the services evolving towards equality ,fast enough?
As our sevices evolve, as the "old school" way of thinking fades,are we as emergency services thinking of "best or breast" is it any better?

SA Firefighter General / Baseball caps - rank markings
« on: February 19, 2008, 09:23:37 PM »
Would rank markings on baseball caps be appropriate or usefull ,like when on strike teams or would it be usefull to have strike team leader velcro style patches to put on your cap ,when on deployments so your easily identifiable without wearing a tabbard ,not in place of them but to make it easier for when your on a break.
Just a thought and a question.

Cheers Jaff

SA Firefighter General / elected officers maximum terms
« on: February 08, 2008, 09:50:48 PM »
One of the things you see posted regularly is the reference to Captains/DGOs/GOs being cemented in a dynasty in those positions.
Does this give our services the scope for change ? Would a maximum term of office be beneficial or would stability of long term dynasty leadership be better.
Brigades and organisations that have fairly regular change at the top either through succession planned change or other means, do they fair better than dynasty style organisations? I realise they are fairly open ended questions as it will very much depend on the individual leaders and suitable replacements.

Your thoughts?

Cheers Jaff

Forum Suggestions / show your hand
« on: February 05, 2008, 09:44:34 AM »
Hi everyone,as I read members posts it would be great to have an indication as to their service affiliation eg Jaff CFS or Chook SES, whether that is achieveable or maybe just a letter after the name C for CFS ,M for Mets and so on this might help get a quicker understanding of where their views are coming from or possibly coloured.

Cheers Jaff (if this has already been discussed and discounted  forgive me)

All Equipment discussion / GPS need a new one whats good
« on: January 25, 2008, 04:30:17 PM »
Looking for some feedback and advice on GPS units,what do brigades run ? whats good? whats bad???

Cheers Jaff

SA Firefighter General / Inspirational Adverts-Why Not Us??
« on: January 23, 2008, 09:52:55 PM »
Has anyone seen the surf lifesaving adverts on the TV there filtered sensational, almost makes me want to pull on the budgie smugglers and join em!!
So the question begs to be asked why isn't the government or our own emergency organisations using adverts/media to promote us like the surf lifesaving does.
Finance they will say,we dont have the finance, well given the ever increasing age of the CFS and SES volunteers,they wont have a volunteer emergency service in the not to distant future ,if they dont start to promote us sooner rather than later and draw in younger members and reinvigorate the older members, it would be cheaper in the long run .

SA Firefighter General / volunteers our own sports team theory!!
« on: December 31, 2007, 11:50:13 AM »
A theory that I've had for many years,is that most emergency service volunteers are not generally sporting types, and that our voluntary organisations fill the sensation of that camaraderie that is generally associated with sporting clubs.

I know that in some of our remoter locations this will generally not be the case with an entire community fulfilling all of the sporting and volunteering roles ,but in the closer rural/urban and urban brigades ,I'm just wondering if my "non sporting camaraderie " theory holds water .....awaiting all of your learned responses.

Cheers JAFF

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