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Topics - bittenyakka

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Hypotheticals / car vs truck
« on: November 18, 2008, 08:14:58 PM »
You are the OIC of a Nuff nuff  (urban rural 24 with 2 BA no RCR gear )24, 5 crew including yourself, 4 one of which is you are BA. No other specialized skills are on board. You are responding to a MVA reported car vs truck. And along with SOP the nearest rescue resource has been responded.
At the time you arrive the Rescue truck has not come up on the incident TG. You come over a crest (bottom of pic) of a hill and on the down ward side of the hill the road continues and curves off to the right. On the left hand side of the road there is an enclosed semi trailer that has rolled onto it’s side and then hit many trees and Is very mangled, it has pulled the cab onto it’s side as well.  Under the cab it appears a car is squashed up to about the fire wall.   
You see no people anywhere around the scene at all, and all the sides of the truck are bent that you can’t make out what brand of transport company this is.

The Initial rescue resource station is 10 min away
The 2nd is 20 min and 3rd 25min plus getting to station times
The next closest non rcr brigade is 5 min and would arrive from the top of the pic by default.

What do you do? What are your first plans? What do you initiate for the longer term of this incident?
There are some details I have left out and expect to be asked for them.

edit: added the pic whoops :oops: :oops:

All Equipment discussion / Branch choice
« on: November 18, 2008, 05:59:27 PM »
the main question i have is what is the differences between TFTs and Akron's, proteks and what are the supposed advantages of them?

I believe Protek is the Akron's cheapo range?

OFF Topic / tv cards
« on: November 10, 2008, 12:47:42 PM »
i am considering getting one. Does any one have any experiance with these etc?

Country Fire Service / Alerts
« on: October 26, 2008, 06:25:27 PM »
I was at the CFSVA AGM last week and this Alerts was discussed. I haven't had any issues with it and was just wondering for a wider perspective of how people are finding it?

Place test posts here / Just testing
« on: October 26, 2008, 06:20:47 PM »
my tun to test

OFF Topic / Carbon tax
« on: July 16, 2008, 08:10:32 PM »
As our galiant, or not federal government gets closer to introducing a carbon tax on our lives what do you all think about it?

Personally i fully support it as long as the income is spent in appropriate areas to support what the tax is trying to gain.

The Humour Zone / Forklift license
« on: May 20, 2008, 01:24:27 PM »
I got my forklift license today and was told to check this out  :-D

All Equipment discussion / PBi at MVAs
« on: April 08, 2008, 10:15:22 PM »
This came up on Ozfire and as that isn't really the right plaec to discuss it i thought i would ask opinions here.

It was directly related to a MVA on the freeway on Monday arvo where I did where PBi gold. Now I have always been told to wear PBi to MVAs what are your thoughts?

The Humour Zone / this is just embarrising
« on: March 29, 2008, 03:41:48 PM »

Country Fire Service / regional airstrips
« on: March 17, 2008, 11:45:18 AM »
I know the bombers are based at woodside but I was just wondering what facilities are there and at other strips around the state. For example CFS: 582 RELOCATE TO MT CRAWFORD AIRTSRIP BY 1200HRS - SARC STONE < 17/03/2008 11:44:22 AM does this mean that now 582 pilot gets to sit in a hot paddock or is it slightly better conditions than that?

Country Fire Service / SA's Fixed wing firefighting aircraft
« on: March 16, 2008, 06:38:16 PM »
I was talking to a mate of mine not CFS who claimed that he saw some firefighting aircraft the were not helicopters picking up water with out landing, like skimming across the water. I didn't think we had any aircraft that could do this do we?

All Equipment discussion / Sabre Centurion Company?
« on: March 11, 2008, 05:28:34 PM »
as are BA sets are of Sabre Centurion type who are they made buy? and does this company exist anymore? as Google has failed me completely.

Hypotheticals / Adelaide airport
« on: March 09, 2008, 11:26:42 AM »
Let's say that at fully laden 737-800 crashed on landing at AL. now that is ~160 people. the reality is that most of those people would probably die if there was any fire (i have heard that there is about 2.5 min to get out of a burning plane).

now if there was a fire would the Airservices Australia crews be able to handle it? or would  there be a huge drain on MFS resources? and what are the "Mutual aid" agreements in place?

not really a hypothetical i know but seems to fit here

Country Fire Service / CFS COQ to CFS
« on: January 18, 2008, 05:10:37 PM »
I have noticed more and more that CFS are doing COQ into other brigades stations is there any reason for this or is it only hen there are large incidents eg brown hill creek and hence lots of appliance stripped from an area.

also what warrants a COQ is there an average no of calls that the station must do because it could be very boring doing a COQ in some stations.

All Equipment discussion / dummies
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:42:37 PM »
can anyone tell me where they have purchased and dummies for training from some of ours are getting a bit worn out. thanks

Fire Fighter Training / Trapped FF
« on: January 14, 2008, 04:36:50 PM »
In the thread Rescuing the rescuers there was much discussion about the lack of training and equipment for rescuing trapped FF from specifically buildings that are still a fire environment.

Now i want people to post methods and ways of training crews to rescue FF who are specifically Trapped so more is required than going to the sounding DSU?

any ideas at all and making use of basic tools that all brigades should have.

SA Firefighter General / state of emergency
« on: December 18, 2007, 07:28:30 AM »
With the recent KI fires almost becoming a state of emergency I was wondering what exactly does it change like what powers are gained etc.

i also heard that it would enable the army to be called in to help but why can't we ask for the army without calling a state of emergency?

Hypotheticals / You hear a DSU
« on: October 29, 2007, 02:32:18 PM »
You are on a hose line right at the front of the fire aggressively attacking and you are successfully slowing the spread.  your BA set has 170 bar left and you hear a DSU quite loudly but you are unable to see more than about 1m if that.

the structure is a large open plan shop similar to a supermarket so the shelves act like walls to you but not the fire.

What do you do? and why?

Fire Fighter Training / firefighter down
« on: October 03, 2007, 10:21:23 PM »
I am trying to come up with a way to get firefighter down training to work well and give the rescuers or emergency BA team the shock so they didn't know it was coming? any suggestions on how?

OFF Topic / Horse Flu
« on: September 02, 2007, 06:24:57 PM »
Can some one tell me what this equine influenza actauly does to a horse? like does it ruin it's racing  life?, kill it and  any thing else.

i personally have found out a lot about an industry that I don't see as a hugely important industry yet the media are loving it. (when i say hugely important i mean it seems contained to the horse industry and isn't really going to effect the general population like say bird flu would or foot and mouth)

Country Fire Service / Number of trucks to jobs
« on: August 31, 2007, 07:42:40 PM »
In other threads there seems to be some debate on how many trucks to sent to call outs. what are your brigade's/ groups policy's on this?

my brigade it is as many trucks as we get crew for.

OFF Topic / please don't do this
« on: August 21, 2007, 05:34:28 PM »

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