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Messages - 5271rescue

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I could open a can of worms on this one???? should I ?????

Found out today there is a new letter out from H/Q that says only CFS members at allowed on the fire appliances. Now it does not say if its being driven or standing still so what is the harm of the kids looking over the appliances and would this new rule also stop those looking at joining from looking over the whole appliances...

Country Fire Service / Re: Lightning Strikes 17.10.06
« on: October 22, 2006, 10:25:49 AM »
GEE i better turn the boat around and head to the shed via the pub :roll:

All Equipment discussion / Re: 'Type 2' Pumpers
« on: October 22, 2006, 10:24:04 AM »
There is no need for a type two pumper to be 4wd as its a urban appliances and not a rural / urban appliances ifyou want a 4wd pumper stick to your 24/34p(part time) pumpers.....

All Equipment discussion / Re: 'Type 2' Pumpers
« on: October 22, 2006, 07:46:53 AM »
After spending a week down around GOOLWA I feel its time that the brigade's down that way had a urgent review of their SFEC. Port elliot/Middleton/Goolwa are all fast growing areas with new homes/shopping centres/large industrail estate.large age care homes and not too mention the hugh marina that is being built on hindmarsh isladnd along with all those town houses. I and I am sure a number of people who are members of those brigade would like to see the following take place.

1) Goolwa to have : Type two pumper
                    2x 34 appliances
                    The 24p that is at goolwa be sent to Port elliot

2) middleton to have a new BWC and to get a new 34p

3) Port elliot  :   have a 24p or a 34p
                    a new 34

I was some what shocked to see that Goolwa has such a large urban area that had to use its 24p to do urban work such as boosting to a large shopping complex. Now I can hear people saying get back in your box bill but dont you think brigade and groups should have some input into what they need for their own risk area???? Nice to see that CFs are doing a review of all SFEC all over teh state one would hope that brigades and groups will have input....

All Equipment discussion / Re: Fire bombers
« on: October 22, 2006, 07:35:20 AM »
With all the media coverage this week about Elvis/sky crane what do people think should we or should we not???? Look I think it would be great but in some part's of the state where would it refill and if you had to truck in water for it where would you get the water from?????.

Don't get me wrong people air support is great but it is still the job of ground crews to put the fire out and in doing so to make sure its blacked out all the way. Its a shame that the public don't have a good understanding of bombers may be its time the CFS did a public campaign about the role of bombers and ground crews....

All Equipment discussion / Re: 'New inventors' warning device
« on: October 22, 2006, 07:28:58 AM »
the warning device was designed by two CFA staff members who are /where attached to dandenong CFA fire station,it works well from what a few people have said and it was aired some 18 months ago in Victoria and that is why its being aired around austraila now as its on the market. Sounds good and hope it takes of for them both......

Cam,try doing a school visit and when you ask for hand outs they say sorry we dont have any or the staff member who is in charge of all the hand out stuff is away on for kids going over the trucks what a load of crap if they are being supervised by CFS members what is the problem...OHS has alot to answer for and I can tell you there is one rule for one lot and one rule for others....

Country Fire Service / Re: Future Appliances
« on: October 22, 2006, 07:20:42 AM »
I was asked not to take any pictures due to the media still floating around.....

Must be one of those make up rules as you go along????

Country Fire Service / Re: Future Appliances
« on: October 21, 2006, 08:04:12 PM »
There is a truck that is about 1/3 complete was in the yard the other day when i was there..

SA Firefighter General / Re: Food supplies
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:45:07 AM »
There are a number of cfa/nswrfs/qldfs brigades that have their own catering appliances that are decked out with all the food that one would need at a large scale job.....

SA Firefighter General / Re: Fire Video on You Tube
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:42:22 AM »
Nice to see the bombers where there and not what was reported on the radio....

Country Fire Service / Re: Delays between MFS calling out CFS
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:27:52 AM »
I did hear of a 19 min delay the other day where SAAS/SAPOL where on scene and a person was well and truly trapped before CFS rescue was paged... i would like to know what would have happended if that person was to die and his family found out about the delay who would be taken to court????

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,so where has the money gone that was put aside for volunteer recruitment???   I know its in all those filtered baseball hats that get printed after every large fire or summit that people go to...

Country Fire Service / Re: Fire season starts early
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:18:34 AM »
KI,why is it that we still can not get it right when we send crews to the ISLAND?? I have spoken to a number of people who went over and they are not happy about how they where treated and the way in which they where informed of things and that what one person said say not true or that was never said....Now if you want people to go on this yearly trip then its about time that CFS got it right,from those in IMT to the person giving the briefing to food to shift times to go home let get it right...this comes up each year and it would be nice if we could get it all right once and for all......

I would hope that when groups have a debrief about the KI tour that members will speak up and that this time something is done..No I did not go but if I was home and they page went out I would have put my hand up as its been a while since I was over there.....

Country Fire Service / Re: Lightning Strikes 17.10.06
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:09:19 AM »
Nice to see that while i was away on holidays that robert has been busy looking for lightning strike's around the DOO...I must have slept through that lighting as I was up at mount lofty....

Country Fire Service / Re: Confidentiality
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:05:30 AM »
Sounds good to me but how would you  enforce it??? and if we where to sign one we would not be able to chat in this forum :roll:

Country Fire Service / Re: Future Appliances
« on: October 21, 2006, 07:03:40 AM »
Had a look at the new hino's that are up at moore's the other day they are not as high as the current 34twin cab and there is not as much room in the cab for members.

CFS Cadet Corner / Re: Competitions
« on: October 21, 2006, 06:59:47 AM »
Well we had (my family) had a great time at goolwa/port elliot and thanks to mundcfs for the tour of goolwa fire station and of its two appliances.I now know why the comps where canned and can fully understand why it was..However CFS will need to do some damage control with the local business down there that had ordered in stock(food,grog) and accommodation that was all cancelled. I did hear a few people who run local business that they would like to know why it was canned. Now would that be asking CFS too much if they put a story in the local paper and said sorry but due to?????????????????????????????  the comps where canned.....

All in all its a great place for a holiday and there is so much to do so for those that still went down I know you would have all had fun and enjoyed the local food and wines....Thanks allan for your help see you next year when we come back....

Country Fire Service / Re: Fire season starts early
« on: October 13, 2006, 07:10:42 AM »
Must be that time of the year agao free holiday,great sea views and as for the food :roll: can only hope its better tha last time...But no thanks as I am on holidays till the 31st.....

CFS Cadet Corner / Re: Competitions
« on: October 13, 2006, 07:05:04 AM »
Sure there may be a fire that is on a ISLAND that is the concern,but was it really necessary to Can the whole comps??? I can tell you that all the cadets who have trained hard will be disappointed. Would loved to know why it was canned at such a short time on what grounds and with what consultation with VOLUNTEERS.....What about the area that was booked with members for a whole weekend and a township that was geared up for the influx of members and their family's... sad to say that the comps will have to be more spectacular next year if you want people to travel....MY VIEW ONLY NOT MY BRIGADE"S.....

SAMFS / Re: Pumper Tankers
« on: October 10, 2006, 08:56:13 PM »
That is a MFB tanker pumper they run a crew of 2 on it and it was built by SKILLED in dont SAMFS have 4wd pumpers??? I am sure there is one in the bridge???that would be a pumper/tanker...

All Equipment discussion / Re: NEW 34
« on: October 10, 2006, 08:20:38 PM »
So what is going to happen to the other appliances that came out of that run of 11??? is anyone going to check them or is it going to be a brigade/group problem??? And what about the on going rust problem?????

Country Fire Service / Re: TRIPLE MMM
« on: October 10, 2006, 08:12:49 PM »
So the big rumour was about the on going problems with appliances???

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