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Messages - BunnyBuster

Pages: [1]
SAAS / Re: anyone hear this one on the radio?
« on: September 15, 2009, 06:25:09 AM »
Its about time the Show management put on HealthCare Professionals at these events. Whether SAAS actually put a number of Paramedics there, or private companies get to tender with properly qualified personell.

SAAS are pricing themselves out of event work - from what I hear their prices have almost doubled recently. Certainly leaves it open for the private companies - IMO as long as they have decent clinical standards and training (unlike some of the services that up until recently used to have ambulance licenses) then why shouldn't they pick up the event stuff.

Let's just hope whoever replaces the Johnnies at the show have enough brains not to stick their finger in an open stab wound 'to see how deep it is'. :roll:

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