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Messages - Pipster

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 48 [49] 50
50 % of calls is some brigades could be .5 calls per year or nearly 200 calls

And therein lies the problem.

Lets say you a criteria of attendance at 50% of calls, and 50% of meetings, to qualify for cheaper rego / ESL.

More than 50% of brigades statewide do less than 20 calls a year.

Lets say a member of one of those brigades attended 50% of calls, attending a total of 10 calls in a year.  A member of a busy brigade with 200 calls a year, only manages to make it to 40% of the calls - but attends 80 calls.   

If you apply the criteria of attending 50% of calls, using this example, the person who attends 10 calls a year gets a discount, as they attend 50% of their brigade call outs, but the person who attends 80 calls, but only 40% of their brigades's call outs doesn't get a discount....

Is a system like that fair?    :?

SA Firefighter General / Re: Closing Down Sale
« on: September 22, 2006, 01:59:40 PM »
Have a look at your pager sites.....anyone can page anything with the right gear, and the right know how.     :-)

And just because something went out on a pager doesn't make it true, correct or have to look at when it was sent, and who it was sent to.......and often it helps if you know the in joke......

We have a whole topic on this forum dedicated to amusing pager we really take all of them seriously?


SA Firefighter General / Re: Closing Down Sale
« on: September 22, 2006, 01:48:34 PM »
I wonder why the CFS want to shut this site down  :cry: then again it might be cost factor of running the site  :?

Ahmm... the page was a joke.......


I would think they would have some sort of system set out where you would have to turn out to so many call outs training nights and meetings to qualify and set it up some way or how so that people just don't join to gain the benefits if ya know what I mean!! :-D

So perhaps, to qualify for the benefit, you need to attend, say 50% of the calls your brigade responds to, and 50% of the brigades meetings....could it be something like that?

So, if CFS Volunteers were given cheaper registration (or a discount on your ESL) what sort of criteria would be applied?

Would people simply have to be a registered member of the CFS to gain a discount, or would some other criteria apply?  If so, what?


Country Fire Service / Re: Train Fire - Photos Wanted
« on: September 18, 2006, 02:58:52 PM »
Have you tried the Promotions Unit photo page yet?   :roll:

Country Fire Service / Re: CFS Star
« on: September 15, 2006, 10:12:10 PM »
nah IM not really into that kind of thing and IM not going to the comp or field day this year, Bathurst 1000 is on that same day! :-o

Since when did they change the date for Bathurst? I thought Bathurst was 8th October.......

Region 2 Field Day clashes with Bathurst, but the comps don't!!

SA Firefighter General / Re: Lessons learnt while filming bushfires
« on: September 13, 2006, 06:00:35 PM »
It is amazing how helpful media can be, if you just help them a little.....

I often deal with the media in my job (usually cos they are trying to film / take pics of what I am doing) - much of the time, they are there because their boss wants something from the job - I usually assist them - they obviously have a line that they don't go past, and I facilitate them getting their vision / pics - and then they go, having got what they came for.

And as someone else mentioned, they have great spot lights - very useful ....I have invited them a number of times to go to a particular point, illuminate the area, so they can get their film, and I can see what I am doing.....we both end up having what we want!

Other threads currently being discussed, in relation to reportings in various papers...perhaps having a positive relationship with your local media can assist greatly in how information about CFS is portrayed....

Several people in various forums whinge & complain about poor publicity for CFS... facilitating good media relations can mean we have good publicity - and have CFS portrayed in the way we want to see it.

While you do come across some unethical people in the media, having a "You scratch my back & I'll scratch yours" mentality means the ones who play the game the right way get the vision / photos / info, with a positive CFS spin, while the unethical ones miss out....    :evil:


All Equipment discussion / Re: Murray Bridge's new Pumper
« on: September 13, 2006, 05:36:59 PM »
It isn't a third is a replacement for the temporary one they have now, which replaced the one that they will end up with two appliances.....

All Equipment discussion / Re: Appliance size and height
« on: September 12, 2006, 05:45:09 PM »
Ahhmmmm  TTG14 & Basket Range 14 are around about the same size.  Upper Sturt 12 is not really a lot smaller than either of TTG14 or BR14.........

Perhaps the fact that the Picture of BR14 is twice the size of TTG14 & US14 might be a little deceiving....    :evil:

And perhaps a credit to the photographer (s) ?   :wink:

SA Firefighter General / Re: drying off fast
« on: August 31, 2006, 11:12:31 AM »
One of the telling indicators, re how dry things are, is looking at the soil dryness indicators - that is a measure of how much rain (in mm) is required to saturate the top layer of soil.  The higher the number, the drier things are.

Taking the figures from Met Bureau site, for this year, and the previous two years, at the same time, at the following sites are:

Naracoorte  150, 100, 0
Mt Gambier 50, 48, 0
Mt Barker 35, 0, 25
Mt Crawford 35, 0 ,20
Clare 70, 30, 20

So, in all sites listed, it is drier this year, than at the same time in the previous two years.  There is nothing listed for other areas, but I would imagine that they are very dry too....


SA Firefighter General / Re: SAAS Responding Other Services..
« on: August 30, 2006, 11:38:43 PM »
It would have to be in the 5 digit range.. Its very hard to find info on the internet though, unless you just want the death toll... :|

How many is it, Pipster?

I had a look at some of the the metro area, there is in the vicinity of 25,000 crashes per year....haven't had a chance to get the Country ones, although I would expect them to be lower than 25,000.


SA Firefighter General / Re: SAAS Responding Other Services..
« on: August 27, 2006, 05:28:06 PM »
With all the discussion re this topic, and some thoughts etc that all services should be responded to all reported crashes, does anyone know how many reported road crashes there are in a year?

Anyone want to have a guess?

SA Firefighter General / Re: SAAS Responding Other Services..
« on: August 27, 2006, 05:11:55 PM »
Pip, I had a whinge about this in another thread and was told, regardless of what the caller says to police/fire/ambulance they still HAVE to respond Rescue, Fire, Police and Ambulance immediately to ANY job, so there is no excuse for not doing it.

That definitely isn't happening....have you seen it in writing?

Would have thought with your background you would have been familiar with the RCR directory. It makes for an interesting read when you consider what happens in reality...
There is no excuse for failing to resopond the appropriate fire & rescue resources, and really there are a lot of emergency services dispatchers that should be getting bashed across the head and penalised in some for m or other...

I know of the RCR directory...but working where I do, I am at the pointy end, not the dispatch end, hence don't get to see it....haven't had  the opportunity to look at it for some time....I reckon last time I was able to see a copy, the only bits I saw set out which was the nearest fire service / nearest rescue service / unit / police station / ambulance service to specific locations....... nothing that I can remember reading about saying when the various services were to be called.   It may have been there, but I don't remember it.....although I suspect things have been updated a lot since then.....perhaps an MOU was signed( I figure it must exist, but I haven't seen it!  )

The other issue is the time taken to page each of the fire / rescue services.  As I read this one, it is less of Comms Centres paging the wrong people, or the wrong people being called, or services not calling other services, and more of a default for the first responded service, who either didn't respond quickly enough, or didn't tell their Comms they had responded, and the next closest resource was dispatched, and the same thing happened, so the next closest resource was dispatched and so on

im not 100% sure what you are getting at with this comment.... im still half asleep, but from reading this response it seems to me that SOCC have responded the appropriate fire cover, and phone MFS for SES response.... they then defaulted the brigade after no acknowledgement..... no issue there. As i said though, not 100% on what ya mean...

That is basically what I typed....    :-)

Forum Suggestions / Re: SAFF BBQ
« on: August 26, 2006, 05:34:44 PM »
And one for home too!!!   :-)

Forum Suggestions / Re: SAFF BBQ
« on: August 25, 2006, 10:03:45 AM »
Go team red!!!  :lol:

Introductions / Re: Evening
« on: August 24, 2006, 11:42:59 PM »
Seen as there is a section for introductions I thought I shall waste some time!

I like to take photos at incidents but seem to always forget the camera when leaving home. I have a website for my general photography

You'd better start remembering your camera, and start sending your good pics to the CFS Promotions Unit website, for display on the photo gallery etc..... :-)

I am always looking for suitable pics to display......  :-D


Forum Suggestions / Re: SAFF BBQ
« on: August 24, 2006, 11:38:03 PM »
Have they changed the date of the Region 2 Field Day?  I thought is was meant to be on the 8th October...the same day as Bathurst


SA Firefighter General / Re: SAAS Responding Other Services..
« on: August 24, 2006, 01:21:00 PM »
Pip, I had a whinge about this in another thread and was told, regardless of what the caller says to police/fire/ambulance they still HAVE to respond Rescue, Fire, Police and Ambulance immediately to ANY job, so there is no excuse for not doing it.

That definitely isn't happening....have you seen it in writing?

SA Firefighter General / Re: SAAS Responding Other Services..
« on: August 24, 2006, 01:28:54 AM »
This really is out of control............

10:35:12 23-08-06 SB81 Cat2 Woorong St, Calca POLICE REQUIRED

10:35:41 23-08-06 NW5 Cat3 Woorong St, Calca POLICE REQUIRED

10:40:37 23-08-06 EL81 Cat2 Woorong St, Calca POLICE REQUIRED

And from initial call......32 minutes later


And SES......37 minutes later



There are perhaps two issues here.  One is the time taken for the relevent service to call the fire service.  The thing we don't know from the page, is what information the Ambulance and / or Police were given, in relation to this crash. It may well be that the occupants have called the police, and advised they had been in a minor crash, and there were no injuries.  As a matter of course, the Ambos are advised - even though the info given to Police says no injuries, everyone out of the vehicle etc.

The call for CFS might well have been to come and clean up the small oil spill after the tow truck had moved the vehicle.....we don't know, because that info was not on the pager message.

The other issue is the time taken to page each of the fire / rescue services.  As I read this one, it is less of Comms Centres paging the wrong people, or the wrong people being called, or services not calling other services, and more of a default for the first responded service, who either didn't respond quickly enough, or didn't tell their Comms they had responded, and the next closest resource was dispatched, and the same thing happened, so the next closest resource was dispatched and so on.

Reading through these posts, people are making assumptions on what has occurred at some of these scenes, without knowing the facts.

There are obviously times when particular services were not responded perhaps as they should have been.

But, I am sure people would get very sick of being responded to crashes, and always been stopped called, because the people have got back into their vehicles after exchange details, and driven off...

Country Fire Service / Re: possible recruiting angle?
« on: August 24, 2006, 01:04:08 AM »
Spoken from a women who just can't stay away from male dominated Uniformed Emergency Services.   :-D

On the other hand, if you do get to know the blokes, you might actually like what you see under the uniform.   :evil:

It worked for me!! :-D

Country Fire Service / Re: possible recruiting angle?
« on: August 24, 2006, 12:51:43 AM »
Although many of the women don't go for a man in uniform...especially when the women are in the same service, or a similar service, and working with the blokes - and then they know exactly what they are like, and definitely don't have fantasies about the blokes (more like throwing up at the thought of some of them..)   :evil:

Forum Suggestions / Re: SAFF BBQ
« on: August 24, 2006, 12:41:38 AM »
But Tip Top shape for what?   I doubt it will be for competitions, after a good BBQ...  :evil:

Forum Suggestions / Re: SAFF BBQ
« on: August 23, 2006, 12:41:20 AM »
Maybe have it at the CFS comps, and combine it with the yahoogroups BBQ, and probably throw in some of the ozfire guys as well........ (and I don't mean ozfirey - I mean  ) :-)


The first rehearsal is on the 26th August at the Show Grounds - so people who are prepared to come along for several (or all) nights of the Show, can come along....

For more info about it all, contact Brenton Ragless at CFS HQ


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