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Messages - boredmatrix

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SA Firefighter General / Re: Lazy SAPOL
« on: November 21, 2010, 07:23:00 AM »
fair call. 

At least SAAS is being consistent by only being a reactive service......

...and will only fix it when they get told by the coroner!!

SAAS / Re: The use of Paramedic by unqualified groups
« on: November 20, 2010, 11:21:56 PM »

. The other point of note is that in SA the guidelines and therefore treatment options for Paramedics (not ICP/ECPs of course, just your bog standard Paramedic) are way below that of Nurses with a recognised ALS course. A sad state of affairs really.

Care to Enlighten us?


SA Firefighter General / Re: Lazy SAPOL
« on: November 20, 2010, 10:02:36 AM »
But do fireys really need to come out to clean up a bit of broken glass on the road??

This always amuses me....two different discussions on threads that relate to
A) units defaulting consistently because they don't have enough crew....


B) SAAS not calling fireys for prangs that don't need it.

If I was a manager I would label it efficient resource management!!

As mentioned jn another thread.....SAAS EOC aren't allowed to generally it's hit and miss(co-ordinator dependent) and only happens when the crew arrives and confirms (AKA reminds them) that fireys are required.

SA Firefighter General / Re: Lazy SAPOL
« on: November 19, 2010, 10:37:55 PM »
nah we have the complete opposite problem!

fender bender = SAAS.  Patrol will get there sometime in the next hour - ambo's can move the cars off the road and tell the punters to go to the nearest cop-shop themselves and report it!

Country Fire Service / Re: Short 1.8 million in training?
« on: November 19, 2010, 10:36:28 PM »

As the problem usually occurs in the SAAS EOC, then I think its fair to call it a "Generally SAAS based problem" no?

It would be great to employ someone solely responsible for Rescue resourcing (god knows other states do it) but if it existed in SAAS EOC, they would simply get lumped with other duties.

SACAD and its alleged automated notification to all services of a given job is probably the best way to fix the issue, not just grabbing a work experience kid to call the fire brigade!

herein lies the problem.

the SAAS EOC has a culture of "compliance and discipline".  Ie: Don't maintain compliance with all the strictly written rules, get your fingers smacked.

the compliance relates purely to ensuring that AMPDS is adhered to, and that the calls are answered, triaged and terminated in the shortest possible time, whilst still maintaining compliance with the system. now we have a bunch of scared little people, being telephonists and data entry staff, who are too scared to think for fear of getting a strike against their name.

Couple this with a chronic shortage of senior, experienced staff (all the good ones get smart and bugger off!!) - this is where the system falls over.

I wouldn't hold my breath that SACAD will fix the problem!!  If anyone can get the managers in the SAAS EOC off their Golden Pedastals and their heads out of their proverbials long enough to listen to another agency outside of their ivory tower - then this may well be a start to fixing a problem....but not before!

Country Fire Service / Re: Short 1.8 million in training?
« on: November 19, 2010, 03:04:13 PM »

Firstly, you should realise that the Rescue resource problem is generally SAAS based and is almost impossible to fix until the implementation of SACAD.

And SAAS is a Department to use as an example of how to run things in this state now is it?   FAAAAAARK!!      :roll: :roll:

Money can't fix idiots.

Quote of the year - can be applied to pretty much every level of Government in this "great" (sic) Country!!

Country Fire Service / Re: Short 1.8 million in training?
« on: November 18, 2010, 10:01:25 PM »
Wait until an "untrained" driver writes one off....then watch the scramble for a high level compulsory driver training programme.  

Anyone wanna take a fall for the greater good??

** edited typo.**

ALL Rescue / Re: Holden VE Commodore battery
« on: November 18, 2010, 12:56:14 AM »
Dear GMH

As part of my plan to purify the world - I would like to see less of your product on the road.

PLease move the battery back to the front of the car.  As per the above - no Holdens are burning after crashing. 

That is all


SAAS / Re: What Callsign is this?
« on: November 17, 2010, 06:05:46 PM »
DR2 CatB Seppeltsfield Rd, Nuriootpa - SAAS Road Crash Research

He is currently enroute to a 3 car RCR at Seppeltsfield Rd, Nuriootpa with multiple patients and entrapment.

What is this?.....where's wally??

SAAS / Re: What Callsign is this?
« on: November 15, 2010, 06:59:19 AM »
They offered him the job of The Stig of the medical world...but he promptly refused the job- citing a distinct lack of media coverage in the contract.........

SAAS / Re: What Callsign is this?
« on: November 14, 2010, 09:57:00 AM »
If anything they are more likely to give way if they think it's a police car for fear of being fined :P

I wouldn't bet on it....this is Adelaide driver country......shithouse drivers all round

SAAS / Re: What Callsign is this?
« on: November 13, 2010, 08:10:55 PM »
..thereby completely defeating the purpose as to why these cars are unmarked. 

[ie: can't take the car to the shops on the weekend]

it's not as though they're pretending to be cops either.....

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: November 11, 2010, 01:21:44 PM »
i'm sure the Mets don't mind...a short trip across the square once a days keeps the stats looking good....

and probably justifies at least a couple of $ million in ESL funding every year too!

ALL Rescue / Re: Dash Roll with B pillar removed.
« on: November 10, 2010, 08:04:27 PM »
Then there was the arrogant A-hole of an ambo who refused to listen to ANY suggestions and ripped the guy out the window...damn martians in their green uniforms...

Everyone has their A Holes....

true true...every circus has it's clowns!

I guess I forget that when I work with a group of people who don't have that much attitude....

but this tends to happen when you get old and cranky and just start ignoring all the Gen Y's in the job!

ALL Rescue / Re: Dash Roll with B pillar removed.
« on: November 09, 2010, 05:30:46 PM »
hooray - there are firies out there who use the practical application of theories in a relative yet appropriate contextual thought pattern of problem-solving!

can someone please turn it into a virus??....there's about 20 000 more of you who may or may not need it (yes...mets included!!)

last time I made a suggestion, the guy with the cutters looked at me blankly for about half a minute....and then called over the senior who had to explain it to him in small sentences....

« on: November 09, 2010, 04:41:40 PM »
if it's opposite KFC - you only have 2 choices...and Greenhill road isn't it!

SA Firefighter General / Re: Ammusing pager message.
« on: November 09, 2010, 07:53:21 AM »

you know whats gotta suck now....DEH now being "DENR"....  Whats for DENR tonight?? Burnoff out of control ;)

 :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Acronym for "Deny Responsibility" ??      :evil:

« on: November 09, 2010, 07:50:17 AM »
which one down south?    ECP's are only located centrally, but go anywhere between gawler and Aldinga as required.

ECP's have a temporary home at Norwood while the new Parkside Station is being built on the site that has been mentioned (yes...across from KFC)

The last I heard - the intent is to move the City crews out of Wakefield Street to the new Parkside Station, along with the ECP's.

All Equipment discussion / Re: New CFS Village Pumper
« on: November 08, 2010, 04:39:11 PM »
Off topic slightly, has anyone heard of a 'village pumper'. 

YMCA 14??

« on: November 08, 2010, 04:34:04 PM »
er...close boys and gir

Hotel cars are SPRINT cars - based out of Mitcham and Port Adelaide.  they use Subaru Foresters.

Echo Charlie cars are ECP's.  They use Vito's fitted out with extra space for all the catheters and stool sample pots they need to carry!

SA Firefighter General / Re: Attitude adjustment?
« on: November 04, 2010, 05:18:08 PM »
...or tread that fine line between familiarity and empowerment. 

If everyone takes responsibility for running everything, with the leader just ensuring it all gets done - then this works well ...BUT...

- it only takes one person to make it all fall over - and then we're back to square one.  Everyone being on the same page with the common goal is a good start, but as soon as someone wants to do it slightly diffrerent and it's not a 100% consenses - you start struggling!

 A good solid leader however, will ensure that they are all in a position that has enough mutual respect and authority that any one of the empowered team members can raise issues in any forum. 

easy for a small group - more difficult the larger you get!

OFF Topic / Yr 12 Muck up day
« on: November 04, 2010, 05:12:27 PM »
year 12 muck up day! 

Gone are the good old days of dusting your teachers with flour and hosing them off with warm water.....

having said that...the big smilie face with roundup on the oval is still my favourite.....

SAAS / Re: Graduate paramedics
« on: November 02, 2010, 11:40:28 AM »
...the last one of them I met was about 16.   

For some reason he didn't have all his teeth either....

SAAS / Re: Other emergency ambulance service?
« on: October 31, 2010, 01:09:42 PM »

Are they allowed to have red lights since that is an emergency vehicle colour?

oh and the red-lights are because it's NSW registered car....

SA Firefighter General / Re: Bush master SHOTS (Foam)
« on: October 31, 2010, 01:08:30 PM »
it's nice to hear something positive about them Bill. 

My own experience has been VERY ordinary - but usually revolved around promising and not delivering items that weren't standard off-the-shelf items.

....or it could just be my perception and expectations - but as the article in the Advertiser indicated a couple of weeks ago - we Aussies tend to be pretty hot on demanding good customer service  - and unforgiving if it's not delivered!

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